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Camp Bold Eagle


Army.ca Fixture
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For those that don't know, this is a program developed to get Native Canadians interested in pursuing a career in the CF. My question is, does it work. Do many of the participants of Bold Eagle sign up?
This program has been in WX for years, I know a few of the soldiers that have signed up afterwords.
Well we established it is in Wainwright...but the questions I asked still have not been addressed.
I just finished teaching on the 18th course, we had about a dozen or so interested in joining, and about 95% on average join either Reg or Res after the course, they have there BMQ written off (Both reg and res).  Apparently there is a Navy equivalent named Raven.  This year was, as the elders mentioned, one of the worst, of the 78 that started only 55 passed and of those only maybe a dozen would have passed had it been a regular Reg or Res BMQ.  There should be a special on the Bold Eagle Program on W5 and APTN sometime in Sept (all footage was shot on the 06 serial)
Ex-Dragoon said:
Well we established it is in Wainwright...but the questions I asked still have not been addressed.

I think the source Ex is to track down either the O/C or W/O for your region. I do no think they the CF have complete overall stats out yet. I know from the W/O that did the schools I taught in overall in her region it was somewhere around 35-40%. But then my school was bating 100%. Every student that went ended up in the CF. One of the biggest hold backs to CF enlistment, actually two, are education level and prior history. Because of the education requirements some may have to take up to a year and a half after "Bold Eagle" before they can successfully apply. Some have to finish terms of probation which also delays a successful application. As to the success of the program there are a few other ways of coming up with a quantitative measurement.

is not the Raven program a shorter version of Bold Eagle. Here again it was an option mentioned to the students that did not want the full blown "Bold Eagle".
3rd Herd said:
is not the Raven program a shorter version of Bold Eagle. Here again it was an option mentioned to the students that did not want the full blown "Bold Eagle".

I am not to sure, I just found out about it the day before grad at the same time that I found out that there is another one out there is BC somewhere where they enroll as reg on an indefinite contract and then after 3 or 4 weeks have the option to stay on the course and stay in the regs, or leave. 
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
The end product wasn't very good on this end.

Just a comment out of the blue:

Sometimes that reflects not on the "Student's abilities to Learn" but on the "Instructor's inability to Teach". 
OR the fact the instructors were hamstrung because they were told hands off by the brass that wanted to look good.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
OR the fact the instructors were hamstrung because they were told hands off by the brass that wanted to look good.

And the end result, no one looks good; the Students, the Instructors, Standards, the School, the political decision that was made, and down the line.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
The end product wasn't very good on this end.

Saw them around Wainwright did ya?  And it had nothing to do with our abilities to teach and everything to do with them not doing anything unless it "was fun" and dumb crap like that....
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
OR the fact the instructors were hamstrung because they were told hands off by the brass that wanted to look good.

MY point was that it wasn't the instructors ability to teach BUT the fact they were hamstrung by higher ups who tied the instructors hands.  IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU.  Talk about not paying attention to detail.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
MY point was that it wasn't the instructors ability to teach BUT the fact they were hamstrung by higher ups who tied the instructors hands.  IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU.  Talk about not paying attention to detail.

I guess I worded that wrong, the first part was directed at you the second one was directed at another comment... Hows that??
well I was in the building with the bold eagle course, that was fun!
I'm not going to get into specifics but going out to the smoking pit and being accosted to buy someone a 26 wasn't cool.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:

Alright then.

Future Unknown said:
well I was in the building with the bold eagle course, that was fun!
I'm not going to get into specifics but going out to the smoking pit and being accosted to buy someone a 26 wasn't cool.

Well 2 questions then: 1 Did you do it? & 2 Why didn't you say ok, get there name, so you could "get it to them" and then inform the chain of command if you where "accosted"?
241 said:
Alright then.

Well 2 questions then: 1 Did you do it? & 2 Why didn't you say ok, get there name, so you could "get it to them" and then inform the chain of command if you where "accosted"?

Of course not, and it was near the end of my course, with all the shit that had already taken place I didn't want to be a part of it anymore, we were made to feel that anything we said or did could be taken against us and I wasn't willing to go tit-for-tat with the bold eagles, I knew no one from our trp was going to do it anyways.
Future Unknown said:
Of course not, and it was near the end of my course, with all the crap that had already taken place I didn't want to be a part of it anymore, we were made to feel that anything we said or did could be taken against us and I wasn't willing to go tit-for-tat with the bold eagles, I knew no one from our trp was going to do it anyways.

Well I can think of a few of them that would probably have been the culprits, not that it matters, and trust it would have been taken care of.  As for everything taken against you your staff must have told you that after the incident on that one weekend in the smoking pit, not EVERYTHING would have been held against you it just required common sense in the choice of words etc.  Oh well done and over with now.....