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Canada Day...how will you be celebrating?


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So, it's Canada Day soon, got any big plans?   :cdn:

I mean, besides the obvious....partaking in a few alcoholic beverages, eating, some fireworks and our great Canadian pasttime, swatting a mosquitoes :P

Living in Toronto my family and I will going over to Downsview Park to enjoy the days festivities. We will be partaking of food and drink.  I hope we have good weather. So, if you are in the neighborhood drop by for a beer. 

And I will be thinking of all our Canadian Forces deployed through out the world.  I am very thankful to them, keeping us safe, so I can sit around on my a$$, hanging out with my family and friends without fear, enjoying my life and our great country!!! :cdn: 

Man....it is GREAT to be Canadian!!!!!!! :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:

Very great to be Canadian!

I unfortunately am a party pooper and I'm not doing anything exciting at all.  Every year (in my adult life) my father buys cheap fun fireworks and we set them off in an attempt to blow things up (we attach things hahaha) But for the most part, I will be just spending the time with my wonderful family (And WHAT is better than that? obviously nothing :))

Happy Canada day to all (though I'm very premature in my wishes!)
I had originally planned to spend it with friends on vacation in our great capital, but that's not happening anymore, now I'll either be sleeping early for start of BMQ the next day, or probably sitting on my butt at home depressed after not getting my BMQ date, and also as a result of the waiting losing my ottawa trip plans.
Parade practice for me!!! hip hip boooo

Like Hillier but couldn't he pick a better day for his change of command parade??  Long weekend shot for the family.
I'll be in Cape Breton with my daughter and we have a few options re: locations for Canada Day activities. I can't believe July is almost here already...2008 is going by very quickly!

Well, I am tasked with organizing the reserve military presence in Montreal so I will be parading on the 1st, along with others.

I hope the weather cooperates and is cool enough not to die in DEU and warm enough to have everyone happy.

Get out and celebrate this wonderful country we live in!!!!
Bzzliteyr said:
I hope the weather cooperates and is cool enough not to die in DEU and warm enough to have everyone happy.

You guys are parading in DEU and not combats? THANK YOU!!!  I think we don't dress 'up' enough these days, but that's just my opinion.

As for Canada Day, gonna fire up the bbq, throw on some burgers, crack a few beers, spend the day with the family, but at the same time give some pause to think about all my boys over on TF 1-08 right now.
Canada Day Parade in Cambridge, On...  Always a good parade.

Hopefully, the boys from my unit on TF3-08 will be on pre-deployment leave, and will be in town to tie one on.

Either way, it'll be a good day...
Sitting at the cottage, cooking dead cow on the BBQ, drinking beer and watching the boats go up and down the bay.
Canada Day for me and my family will involve some gardening, a few beverages(actually quite a few), a BBQ, and heading down to the waterfront to enjoy the fireworks.

:cdn:   Happy Canada Day, everyone!!   :cdn:
I will be at home, building a deck, being irritated I still don't have a BMQ date.  Then, I'll go inside and crack the Stella open and call it a night.  Maybe stroll down to the old "downtown" area and watch my little hick towns pathetic attempt at a fireworks display.    Thats my prediction. 
On Parade! The Canada Day Parade is a great parade.  As 19 Wing Guard WO I have done them here since 2005 and the response from the crowd is always very positive.  In addition,  the Buffalo will do a Fly-Past in Courtenay during the Parade and SAR Techs will do a demo in Vancouver, later throw out more SAR Techs in Campbell River.  These crews plus the techs involved to support the flying will be on SAR Standby as well. Weekends and holidays are normal working days for most of the Sqn Techs and Aircrew as it is usually when the boaters are out.

442 Sqn, your Lost and Found Department, open 24/7.
Chances are, head to the pub for something to drink and probably BBQ for supper.  I'm off to Ottawa and hubby has to work the next day.

But is is great to be Canadian!!!!!  :cdn:
watching Toronto FC play Vancouver Whipecaps in the Canada Cup qualifier.
Finally managed some tickets with the supporters sections. pretty stoked that I can drink, scream, and wave my flag and no one will get annoyed.
I'm getting sworn in on Canada day, along with 27 other bright eyed soon to be O/Cdts from mainland BC, aboard HMCS Winnipeg. She'll be at anchor in Vancouver Harbour.

After that it will probably be a BBQ, and trying my best to avoid the massive crowds of people down town by sticking around my place, maybe have some friends over, have some good times, have them make fun of me a bit for joining the military. Always the best stuff! :D
We are celebrating for the first time in Ottawa on Parliment Hill.  I am so excited I can't stand myself!  The weather sounds like it will be fabulous and we will be seeing some of our favorite people and very close friends.  I can't imagine a better way to celebrate our country and being Canadian!
I just received this link.
Happy Canada Day all!
