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Canada Post Woes (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pea
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I had a package on it's way to me from a friend for Christmas. My friend contacted me to see if I had recieved it yet, which I haven't. So we decide to use Canada Post's online tracking system. It shows that a parcel card was dropped off at my place on Dec 27th, and then the package was picked up and signed for at the local post office on January 2nd. Well first of all I never got the parcel card, and we check the mail every day, and second of all I sure didn't sign for it! You can even click to see the scanned signature online and someone forged my name.

Has anyone ever had their mail stolen like this? Isn't Canada Post supposed to ask for ID with correct name and mailing address before releasing a parcel? I know everytime I have gone to pick mine up they have required this. I am going to be stopping by my post office after work today to see what they say, should I also be contacing the police about this?

Thanks for any insight.
Looks like a Police matter.  Your friend has the Tracking Number and sent you notice it was mailed.  There is now a record at the Post Office of someone, not you, picking it up.  Whether or not they actually are able to catch the person who impersonated you, is another question, but it will assist you and your friend if there is an 'Insurance Question'.  Was the Pacel insured?
Yes the parcel was insured for $100.00. I'll contact the police this afternoon, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to sound like some annoying crazy lady when I called.
I have recently gone through a similar episode with Canada Post only to come away shocked at how inept our postal service is.  Do not rely on their scanning/tracking system because through their own admission, it is not even remotely accurate.  Google 'canada post sucks' and you will find that your problem is only too common.
I once went to pick up a parcel with my parcel card and driver's licence in hand.  Since I had recently moved and hadn't yet changed my address on my licence, I also brought a post-marked utility bill showing both my name and new address as proof of residency at the new address.

I was informed that I didn't need either the driver's license or the utility bill - possession of the parcel card was proof of residency.  I didn't bother to point out it was also tentatively proof of a Criminal Code offense, theft of the Queen's mail.

I know at the postal outlet by my place they have asked for picture ID every time I have gone to pick up a parcel.  Even when I present the Postal Card. 
Every time I have had a parcel card before they have asked for ID too. When I first moved into my current place my ID had my previous address, so they requested either a work pay stub or utility bill with the new address. I was glad to show it, as at least I felt my mail was being protected. I guess that wasn't the case this time!  :threat:
As I told Pea last night in chat, I have yet to be asked to show identification when picking up a parcel from Canada Post. Guess it depends on who happens to be working the kiosk when you (or obviously...someone pretending to be you) walks up for service.

Hello?? Canada Post??? A mandatory id check the enforcement of that mandatory ID check would go an extremely long way to preventing the occurance of this federal offense!!
Ever since I've moved to Pet I have never had to show ID to pick up a package.
At my local postal outlet I am always asked for ID.  You should get Canada Post's official regulation on this, because if they are required to ask for ID, it is the fault of the Postal Outlet.

I called Canada Post and was told the policy is to ask for ID with name and address matching that of the parcel. I also contacted the police and they asked me to go by the post office it was supposedly picked up at, and explain to them my situation. I'm to see if they have any information about the person that signed for my parcel, and then contact them again. Then they said they will determine if they need to do an investigation or not.
I've always been asked for ID, and ID with the address, or a utility bill.
Hey...I have returned home from work, only to find packages sitting on my front step, and I have never been asked for ID when picking something up at the post office. So, none of these stories really surprise me. I have been at work in street clothes, and been handed packages in the parking lot, without being asked for ID.
I'm not sure if they still have it anymore, but Canada Post used to have an investigation division that had full police powers of arrest and detention for just situations such as this (a friend of my parents used to be a Postal Inspector - he even carried a firearm).  Might want to check it out.

I mailed a birthday card last year to my nephew once back home on the rock..'never got there'....mailed another...same thing. Few  months later my brother told me that one of the maintenance / cleaners was got got going through the mail and taking anthing that looked liked birthday cards; Xmas cards etc - looking for the $5.00 some poor old grandmother sends her grandkids I suppose. He was 'fired'. I thought tampering with the mail was a federal offence. Guy should of went to a crowbar hotel even if he was only caught once. wonder if the union had anything to do with his 'punishment (AND that's another topic).
Canada Post is welcomed to steal my bills and pay for them.

Well I went to the post office after work and explained my situation. Unfortunately the lady that works there isn't the brightest star in the sky. She kept saying "could a room mate have picked it up for you?". And for the millionth time I explained we WEREN'T home and that they should NOT have released to anyone that wasn't me  with ID. I think she finally understood that point. So I asked to see the parcel card. Written on it is a different apartment number than mine. So first of all Canada Post put the parcel slip in the wrong box. (I checked with the sender and the parcel did have my correct address) And well then someone else came and picked it up pretending to be me. After basically talking to her in circles for a while I left and headed to the police station.

The police officer was much nicer and much more helpful. He took all the information down and said that he would be going by the post office tomorrow, checking into getting surveillance from them, and then I guess go from there. The one thing we do have is that it shows which apartment mail box they put the card in. (which wasn't mine) So they will be able to stop by that apartment too and question those people. Here's hoping the occupant of that apartment, and whoever is on the surveillance tapes from the postal outlet match. (if they still have the film from that day) Whoever did this needs to be caught.

Well that's my update for now.
Hey Pea... may be they will pay your bills for X-Mas now. Look on the bright side... at less it wasn't your T4.... ouch...    ;D
Canada post annoys me, like most government agencies (Try calling the passport office, I took a shower and had breakfast before i got someone on the line).
    When I was sending packages to the ghan, they argued with me on whether or not I needed a customs form to declare the contents. They just couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that yes the addess on the box was Canadian but it was going overseas. Then the oh so special people at Canada post thought that leaving hubby's kit, that he sent home before he got back from tour, on the front porch all day in the worst neighborhood in Edmonton was a good idea. Let's hope they resolve this issue for ya Wifey!! >:D