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Canada Post Woes (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pea
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I have yet to hear of anyone (including me) getting any satisfaction from this sort of incident.

I also live in a "mixed income neighborhood" and Canada post persists in leaving my parcels on my front step, even when it says *SIGNATURE REQUIRED* on the label above the address.

The Canada Post method of resolution appears to be to pay you the insured amount and wash their hands of the whole issue. They won't tell you the results of any investigation, and once they give you the insurance money, apparently there is no obligation to give you the package back if they do find it.

They won't tell you the results of any investigation, and once they give you the insurance money, apparently there is no obligation to give you the package back if they do find it. What a load of crap! (Not you GO!!!, Canada Post) - any investigation SHOULD be made public and any/all perpetrators should be punished; maybe I'm jaded (of which I am), sounds possibly like a union thing...
Canada Post, as a habit, I try very hard not to use them.

My cousin had requested his military documents for a VA claim.

He returned from seeing his Dr. one day, only to find his complete military life history sitting on his door step.

He never bothered to contact Canada Post but went straight to DND and informed them of this breach of personal security.

Through all the jigs and reels, Canada Post apologized for incident.

GO!!! said:
The Canada Post method of resolution appears to be to pay you the insured amount and wash their hands of the whole issue. They won't tell you the results of any investigation, and once they give you the insurance money, apparently there is no obligation to give you the package back if they do find it.

I don't expect anything further from Canada Post. They already allowed someone to bring MY parcel card into the post office, and gave them my package even though they obviously weren't me. Good job on following policy and asking for ID eh? The sender is putting in her claim to get the money back for the parcel. I'm dealing with the police now over the person who pretended to be me. Canada Post provided an apartment number that they say they "accidentally" dropped the parcel card off at instead of my place, and they have surveillance cameras at the outlet the person picked the package up from. The police may actually be able to catch this idiot. We'll see.
Well, now you definitely know that one of your neighbours is not at all to be trusted.  I am sure you are keeping an eye out for who lives in that apartment.
Pea, did you go to your neighbour and bang on his/her door?  Maybe they'll "man-up" if confronted.  Or are you waiting for the cops to do thier investigation? 
Good Luck.
I'm a pretty small gal, so I generally try not to confront anyone if I don't need to. :)  I'm hoping the police will pay them a visit today.
Well, a bit of surprisingly good news on the Canada Post front from me...

Yesterday, in Saskatoon's "worst blizzard in 60 years", they actually attempted to deliver a parcel to my house, and left the card in the mailbox.  They tried to do it in the afternoon, sometime between noon, and when 9er Domestic got home (1500hrs), the time period when most of the city gave up and made a mad dash for home before they couldn't even try.

Kudos to that Canada Post employee.


You are never going to believe what just happened. My roomie just called to tell me that a man just showed up at our door asking for me. He explained that a parcel was brought to his apartment last month that he signed for. He then realized it was for a different apartment in the building and tried to bring it by but no one was home. (we were out of town that week) He then got sick and ended up in the hospital for the past month. He got home yesterday and remembered he still had this package. So he came by today to attempt to deliver it again. I can't believe my present actually made it's way to me in the end, unopened. What an honest guy for not keeping it!  :)
Well, well, our faith in humanity is refreshed.
That person deserves a batch of cookies or something.
Honesty prevails.
Good for you,Pea..
...oh and, Merry Christmas... :D
Gotta hate that - honesty is still around!!  Always nice to have a late surprise Xmas.

George Wallace said:
Now you have to turn the Police Investigation off.

Thanks George. I've already let the police know.
Was this a "postal counter" aka "Authorized Postal Outlet"  or an actual Post Office?

Only the Post Office has actual Canada Post employees in it...  the rest are just licensed franchisees if you will; usually these employees are paid next to nothing (since there is a middle-man and no big corporate giant to unionize against)... an old friend of mine used to work in the call centre that serviced these centres, and she couldn't believe some of the things these people did.

Pea, you would find it quite surprising how easy it is to misdeliver anything, even when the actual address is right there in front of you, to write down the wrong address. However, the Retail Postal Outlet should NOT have released that package in the first place (please note, I am in no way sticking up for Canada Post here, just saying they didn't have too much fault in this case, just misdelivering the Delivery Notice Card). I deliver mail for a "living" right now, and I could tell you stories about the stupidity of not just some, but MOST people in there. I am only in this job for the money right now, and once I am a bit more financially secure, I will be leaving Canada Post in favour of the Forces. The almighty dollar has won me out with them, as they pay me fairly well, that is the only reason I would consider working there. It disgusts me sometimes how incompetent people are. I like to think I'm one of the few good ones there, others may think otherwise, but I keep to myself when I'm there, as I would not value the friendship of most people there, they are dishonest, and are only looking out for themselves. GO!!!, as for Personal Contact Items (requiring a signature) being left at your doorstep, call your local post office, and inform them of this when it happens. That person, after so many infractions, SHOULD lose their job (we all know how likely THAT is...) The real reason I'm telling you to contact them is to obtain the personal information of the person responsible for this infraction, that you may provide it to me, and I will be more than happy to throatpunch him/her, all the while screaming at him/her to learn how to do their job.
All this from a term employee, having finished training on Novermber 28th, 2006. I can't wait to see what's in store next week.
Sorry for the rant.
Pea said:
I had a package on it's way to me from a friend for Christmas. My friend contacted me to see if I had recieved it yet, which I haven't. So we decide to use Canada Post's online tracking system. It shows that a parcel card was dropped off at my place on Dec 27th, and then the package was picked up and signed for at the local post office on January 2nd. Well first of all I never got the parcel card, and we check the mail every day, and second of all I sure didn't sign for it! You can even click to see the scanned signature online and someone forged my name.

Has anyone ever had their mail stolen like this? Isn't Canada Post supposed to ask for ID with correct name and mailing address before releasing a parcel? I know everytime I have gone to pick mine up they have required this. I am going to be stopping by my post office after work today to see what they say, should I also be contacing the police about this?

Thanks for any insight.

I had a parcel come at just before Christmas and nobody at the post office could tell me where it was. I even wwent to the main post office here and had someone search through the whole place to find it. I phoned the toll free number and they said that it had been dropped off at the post office near my house and that a card had been placed at my house. There was no card so I got the card number from them (the people at the toll free number) and went to the post office. They had the package there. The next day the card was in my mal box. I guess the mailman had filled it out and left it in his truck, then when he found out he'd forgotten it he put it in the mailbox.

The long and short of it is that the online tracking system that Canada Post uses is not very good, the post office only has access to the same tracking system but the people at the toll free number have a much more detailed system. Call them and give them the trackng number. They should be able to give you more information.
Again, the people at the postal outlets are just clerks who work for a franchisee, they aren't actually Canada Post employees.  Thus, you get the same quality of service you'd get at a corner store/pharmacy.

Post Offices (the big ones) and the central call centre should be in a better position.

BTW, interesting tidbit, Purolator is owned by Canada Post....
For those of you that may have missed my update above, I did receive my package yesterday. I also filed a complaint with Canada Post though. They mis-delivered my parcel card, which I know does happen. What annoyed me most was they allowed that individual to bring it into their postal outlet, and then sign for the package. They should have requested ID, and they would have realized he was not me, and my parcel would have stayed at the post office for the rightful owner. Thankfully in my case, the gentlemen that signed for it returned it to me.
Meridian said:
Again, the people at the postal outlets are just clerks who work for a franchisee, they aren't actually Canada Post employees.  Thus, you get the same quality of service you'd get at a corner store/pharmacy.

Post Offices (the big ones) and the central call centre should be in a better position.

BTW, interesting tidbit, Purolator is owned by Canada Post....

In my case the only dealing I had with the people at the postal outlet (7-11 in this case) was to give them the card number and take my package home. It was the main post office that I went to and had no luck finding the package.

If your package was sent priority post it is a guaranteed service. Have the person who sent it contact Canada Post and get a refund on the charges.
A couple days ago I received a letter in my mailbox with the wrong name and address; so I put a large post-it sticky with 'WRONG NAME / WRONG ADDRESS' in bold, large black felt tip letters. About every noon when home, I usually hear my mail box quickly open and close by the mail carrier. Today I hear my mailbox open, a good  seconds pass by and then close. Later, I go open my mailbox , get my mail, and low and behold, there's the same letter with the sticky on it sitting on the side of the mailbox. Will try again tomorrow... ::)