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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Patty, the CFAT is done on a computer. No writing involved.. just the click of a mouse. You‘ll be given headphones so you can listen and watch a CF personnel explain the instructions to each section of the test. I think the test has 50 or 55 questions. I forget now. The math section contains the most questions (30) and you only have 30 min to complete it.
How much do I hafto worry bout when it comes to passing to be Infantry..

This wannabe grunt isn‘t too smart when it comes to my education (9-10-11 and no 12) has been ****. So this is gonna be a little complex to say the least since I missed a lot of school over the past 3 years due to Illness or surgery (2 surgeries just last year).
Jay, look at Alex‘s post above and click on the link... its a practice test and a good example of what to expect on the CFAT. I‘m not sure what percentage range you have to score for the infantry but if you give the CF offices a call they‘ll be able to tell you. All the best.
First of all I did fail the CFAT, and second of all you get 60 mins to do 60 questions which were all done on paper. Also I thought you could re-write the CFAT as many times as you want. I just hope I qualify this time it would be a big load took of my shoulders, any Ideas on how i could brush up on my Vocab? God some of them words looked like another language. I will do better next time. Hopefully
The best way to build vocabulary is to read, read, read; in broad subject areas, and always keep a dictionary handy to check unfamiliar words.

You may also want to check out something like this:

Reader‘s Digest Word Power Quiz Book

(But there‘s no guarantee it will include the words you meet on the CFAT.)

I did mine with pen and paper too and yes, they did say we are not supposed to give out specific information about the test (i.e. the questions that are on there).
Any advice on what to study, I to will be writing it shortly. Im going infantry, is there a certain area I should focus on during the test? lol basically what do I have to do to qualify for Infantry combat arms??
Trust me you don‘t have to do too well if you want Infantry...when i did my test they said i did "Fine"

Heres a link to a site that has a whole bunch of links to Aptitude tests...it even rates em :)


>second column down has got all of em
Yes, that dolt would be me.  I was scheduled for a CFAT this past Tuesday.  Of course, I somehow got the dates mixed up and was a no-show. Ended up getting a call from a very disapointed sounding Cpl late yesterday.  Voice mail so I still have to call her back and confess to being a dolt.  Great start to the application process.  Try not to follow my example everyone.

Dolt out.
I wouldn‘t be too discouraged; it‘s not like you‘re the first one. Keep showing an interest, and don‘t let this happen again, you‘ll be fine.
Look on the brightside,
You will never, ever ever ever be late for anything again throughout your whole career thanks to that one mistake that will stick out in your mind.

Also, try "stick-it" notes,
stick em on the side of your monitor and you won‘t forget stuff as much.
Timings, timings, timings.
The most important thing a troop must learn to meet. :)
hey jay...infantry dont need high math or...well anything..the spacial test (lol like putting together building blocks and stuff) has a bit to do about it...and being bale to count from 1-30 (mag rounds) and stuff like that...i passed it first time...im in grade 11 and got a 62 in math...foundations..and i did it...so you should be fine...but call the recruit offices ne ways..they always know best..bt you might wait a week and a half for a simple anwser..they are alittle...short-handed there..lol.."hurry up and Wait"!
For infantry, I believe you need one of the lowest scores in comparison to all other MOCs. I think it‘s down near Cook, and Steward, but don‘t quote me on that one.

Besides, the minimum education for infantry is grade 10, so therefore the score for infantry has to low enough for someone with a grade 10 education to get.
you can get 100% on your CFAT with a 10th grade and a little logic.
right now im studying my *** off to do the test and i was woundering whats the score to become an armoured crewman? im seriously lookin into this occupation
Don‘t fret Patty...you‘ll do fine. The test is just made to see if you have some skills.

CF MacAulay...I‘m sure they have some room for you in the infantry, you don‘t need grade 12 math to know how to dig a hole ;)

Minimum you need is 18/60 LOL.

I scored 38 I believe. My "available trades" was like 2 pages long. O_o
You will do fine. I qualified for everything with a grade 10 education. Just make sure you answer all the questions. I forgot to answer a few, just skipped over them and forgot to go back. But I still passed everything. Piece of cake.