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X-mo-1979 said:
Why would it?The school tool's are use to living off their pay,as they have been in NB since J-7 was built.The guy's there will not get use to an extra 700 dollars a month,as a sgt getting posted to the school will be losing money.


And, bullshit like that is 1/2 the Army's problems these days.
Ican give you at least 20 names that have been in Gagetown longer than I have been in the army.I have been in the smoking area of J-7 and have listened to the stories of "remember when we use to cut through the bog that was here...etc etc."

Before you call B/S (from someone who worked there) take a walk over and have a chat with the many people who have signed "no career progression papers to remain in gagetown".

(after reading it again do you mean what they are doing is B/S or what I'm saying?)
X-mo-1979 said:
Ican give you at least 20 names that have been in Gagetown longer than I have been in the army.I have been in the smoking area of J-7 and have listened to the stories of "remember when we use to cut through the bog that was here...etc etc."

Before you call B/S (from someone who worked there) take a walk over and have a chat with the many people who have signed "no career progression papers to remain in gagetown".

(after reading it again do you mean what they are doing is B/S or what I'm saying?)

I know lots of guys that have spent their entire careers here in Gagetown, and they could indeed stand behind J7 telling war stories about cutting through the bogs (and when around here isn't one cutting through bogs?) ... at 2 RCR, the Inf School, back to 2RCR, up to LFAA TC, back to 2 RCR ... etc. It's not as if they're stagnant and not being posted. Being with The RCR though (or 4ESR, or 119AD etc) -- that's pretty much bound to happen yes, especially so if their parent is 2nd Bn The RCR.

There ARE some of them though too ... most of whom are PCats and can't deploy overseas -- do you really want them taking up positions in your first line field Unit causing more more work you with less fit staff? Then again ... there's probably some of those at your current location - this rare breed can usually be found manning various range control positions etc.

It's BS that this "myth" is held to the schools ... when it happens EVERYWHERE.

I know a "no career progression" type in Pet too. So?
Your right.I make this stuff up.
Were all not able to go to 2RCR however due to trade qualifications etc.

Now that I think of it I was totally lying just for the fun of it.
X-mo-1979 said:
Your right.I make this stuff up.
Were all not able to go to 2RCR however due to trade qualifications etc.

Now that I think of it I was totally lying just for the fun of it.

Don't be such an ass.

I didn't call you a liar. I'm sure you'll get over it.

I said that it was BS that this the myth saw this ONLY occuring at the schools. That's bullshit (ie these myths about all these things that happen at the school etc that never occur anywhere else -- like posting refusals/PCats/career long in single location). It happens everywhere.
....come on out to Pet....it happens here...Kingston....Ottawa....Edmonton....you get the point.
Jammer said:
....come on out to Pet....it happens here...Kingston....Ottawa....Edmonton....you get the point.

Seems that you're repeating me now ...  ;)
Now, in order to receive my aircrew allowance, i have to be fit to fly , maintain my aircrew category and fly a prescribed minimum number of hours per quarter. If i am unable to fly for 3 months in a row or fail to maintain any of the previously mentioned conditions, my aircrew allowance is discontinued. I wonder if there will be some kind of similar conditions placed on the land duty allowance.
Hope so.  There are many positions in my BN held by 031's that would rarely go into the field let alone for 60 days.
Why is the MP Pl in Gagetown is get it????? I have never seen a MP from that Pl in the training area, and yet they made the LDA list.
They should have just given a blanket raise instead. Just another item to consider when being posted.

As for going to the school for a break....  :o. Is there a school, I don't know about. I'd like to go there
rifleman said:
They should have just given a blanket raise instead. Just another item to consider when being posted.

As for going to the school for a break....  :o. Is there a school, I don't know about. I'd like to go there

Usually your not getting shot at in Gagetown...Geary maybe...
1CDHSR was a different UIC, don't know about 1CSR though.  Some people will want to know about 79 Comm Regt too.  1CDHSR and 79 Comm were the two units that amalgamated into CFJSR.  This could mean a big difference in points for hundereds of guys.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
If the criteria is the unit or individual should be expected to be in the field for 60 days in a year (which I thought was one of the criteria) I don't see how staff at the schools wouldn't qualify.  I have no idea how the MP's operate so I won't comment on their field expectations.

I was with 1 MP PL in the early 90's.  I cannot say how it is today, but in my time we were in Wainwright every month.  Maybe only for a day or two or for the whole month, but we were there pretty well every damn month of the year on Ex or some other reason.  And this was time spent in the training area, I can only remember once that we were in the Quonset Huts.  So, hitting the 60 day mark should be very easy for a MP PL to achieve.
That would be an average of 5 days a month every month.  I have seen the MP's attached to the BN out on ex but the last time that happened was about 2005.  Other then that the last time I saw them was the G 8 summit.
Things have slowed down then by what you are saying.  That would be good for those who are there.  We kept a busy schedule in my time and were usually on the go.  That was 16-18 years ago.  Many divorces and marital problems in the unit back then.  But I am sure that there were many other units who were busy like that too back then. 
hey hows it going, just a couple quick questions for those in the know. I understand the reserve units are not authorized to get this allowance, and rightfully so, we are not in the field that much. What about when a reservist is tasked to a field unit for the purposes of workup training? We were on work up for 11months for 1-08 attached to 3VP the whole time? Just wondering how that works. Also, is this allowance retained while overseas? I see this as a good way to kill two birds with one stone. It seems that a lot of the on the field unit list are also the same ones tht are based outside of KAF for their whole tour. If they retained their field allowance while overseas it would be a good way of compensating those living in field conditions for their tour.