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Chance of AEC ending up in US first post?


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I am looking into joining the air force and am looking into 2 fields one is AEC and I would like weapons but I know I don't control that. My question is if I got AEC what would my chances be of ending up in the US if that was my preferred choice to go. I understand that joining I may be sent where they need me and my wife is ok with that too. The reason I would prefer the US is my wife and daughter are both US citizens and I currently live in Kentucky US. I have 2 cars that I would have to import and bills I still need to make payments on in the US. It may be easier if posted in a US Norad location than in Canada but we would be willing to go anywhere they sent me. Would I be able to request one of those locations as my first choice? Also what are the chances of getting into the weapons if that's where I prefer. This site is awesome and I'm glad I found it. Oh if some are wondering yes I'm a Canadian, born in Gander, NL raised in Toronto but moved to Kentucky 4 years ago. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom. :cdn:
If you want weapons, you just tell the AF TRG O and he'll put you in weapons, keeping in mind that the needs of the forces will always come first (but right now, if you want it, you just request it and its yours).  Chances of getting a OUTCAN posting right away, well, I'm not in weapons, but after you finish up in the training sqn in North Bay, it is possible to get a US posting like Rome, NY.  I know a few courses ago, there were like 3 people went to Rome off the same course.  But maybe a weapons controller can help you out more.
Thanks for the response. I'm going to mail my stuff to the Windor recuiting office to start the process but I would like to wait until April to start because my wife is expecting our second child in March and if I go in before that I will miss the birth of my son. I work for Citi bank and may lose my job if I do that I'm going to try to get in right away and will miss the birth. My wife is very understanding and aware this may happen. I wonder if the CFAT is like the ASVAB in the US? I have taken practise tests and scored high, I just hope they are similar. Where ever I end up I will just be happy being in the CF and follow a long family tradition of service to my country and fellow citizens.  :cdn:
agenteagle said:
I wonder if the CFAT is like the ASVAB in the US? I have taken practise tests and scored high, I just hope they are similar.

Looking at the ASVAB now........

more to fol


The ASVAB seems much longer that CFAT.

The ASVAB contains nine sections:

General Science (GS)
Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)
Word Knowledge (WK)
Paragraph Comprehension (PC)
Mathematics Knowledge (MK)
Electronics Information (EI)
Auto Shop (AS)
Mechanical Comprehension (MC)
Assembling Objects (AO)
Until 2002, "Numerical Operations" was also administered on ASVAB, but has been dropped. "Assembling Objects" is new as of 2002.

Versus the CFAT:

The CFAT is a multiple-choice test that assesses your abilities in three distinct areas:
* Verbal Skills (15 questions, maximum time allowed for completion is 5 minutes)
* Spatial Ability (15 questions, maximum time allowed for completion is 10 minutes)
* Problem Solving (30 questions, maximum time allowed for completion is 30 minutes)
With each multiple-choice question, you will have four answers to choose from. Onlyone answer is correct.
My advice, is send in your application now.  You live in the US so it takes longer to process your file, and from people on here who have been in similar positions, I would suggest you send it in ASAP.  If some miracle happens and they try to put you in soon, you can explain your situation and they'll be accomodating.  But also our Basic Officer Training only has serials (and correct me if I'm wrong) in January, Apr/May, and Aug/Sep.  And the January serials are probably full, so the earliest you could start would be the start of May, but I would say you're more likely to start in the fall, because of timing problems with your security clearances.
Four of the six Wpns graduates from last week are destined to depart North Bay after 51 Sqn OTU. Three of those will be OUTCAN (i.e. the USA). While the odds of a posting to the US after North Bay (51 Sqn OTU) is fairly good these days it is still predicated on having achieved sound control skills and having demonstrated maturity. Your family situation would have little bearing on the decision as to whether you get an OUTAN or not. If you are deterred by that please don't be as there might be other options. Regardless, before you go placing bets on getting Wpns and an OUTCAN I suggest you consult a CF recruiter regarding your move entitlements, as recruits do get a paid move once posted. Things might not be as bad as you think.
sinistersuperspy said:
I know weapons go to north bay, but where do the others go for certification?

I believe they stay in Cornwall.  95% certain, but I'm still waiting to hit BMOQ so someone with an insider view could confirm that.
Stirling Dyer said:
I believe they stay in Cornwall.  95% certain, but I'm still waiting to hit BMOQ so someone with an insider view could confirm that.

I thought certification takes place during our first posting? I'm sure that I read that here somewhere. I'm off to dig.  :P
No luck with the digging. Perhaps one of the AECs here can clear this up for us.
CG - remember that schedule breakdown we got from - early on - outlined the timeline for AEC training - the cert period was about 3 - 4 months - but i thought it was before our first posting.
sinistersuperspy said:
CG - remember that schedule breakdown we got from - early on - outlined the timeline for AEC training - the cert period was about 3 - 4 months - but i thought it was before our first posting.

I swear that I read that the certification period was part of our first posting, but perhaps it was in a PM. It was a while ago, so I don't recall exactly.  :-\
Celticgirl said:
No luck with the digging. Perhaps one of the AECs here can clear this up for us.

It could be argued that AEC's are certifiable before they even enrol  ;D  (OK kidding already!)
After your initial weapons course in Cornwall (2 month or so, I can get you a more concrete answer when I get to work tomorrow),  you get posted to 51 Sqn (which is a training sqn in North Bay), for 3-4 mos.  Kind of similar to an IFR and VFR controller going to an operational unit to get checked out.
05Mountie said:
After your initial weapons course in Cornwall (2 month or so, I can get you a more concrete answer when I get to work tomorrow),  you get posted to 51 Sqn (which is a training sqn in North Bay), for 3-4 mos.  Kind of similar to an IFR and VFR controller going to an operational unit to get checked out.

So IFR and VFR get attach-posted somewhere to get 'checked out' (certified?) prior to being posted? Or is the posting the place where they 'check out'?

Highlander60 said:
It could be argued that AEC's are certifiable before they even enrol  ;D   (OK kidding already!)

This is not a thread about Logistics...run along now!  ;D
sinistersuperspy said:
that was my understanding.

What was your understanding? Our communication skills are going to have to improve before we become AECs, Kyle! lol  :blotto:
"So IFR and VFR get attach-posted somewhere to get 'checked out' (certified?) prior to being posted?

THAT was MY understanding. And don't make no fun of my talk speakin. I's got an post secundry edjucayshin.
Yeah you're going to get posted to a wing where you will be checked out.  You will do your job while being observed by controllers until you're at a point where you're ok to do it on your own (check out).  Now there have been at least 1 guy that I know that was not given a full posting right away (to see if they would check out), but it all changes monthly.  Think of it this way, no matter where you go, you must be checked out.  Everytime you move in your career, you will be checked out at your new wing.  So you're posted somewhere and you will check out and continue on there with your duties.  Hopefully this isn't too confusing, but there are differences you will learn about the different types of postings (or maybe you will never learn the difference, haha, who knows?)