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Christmas is coming, post gift ideas here.


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SO.. I was brainstorming on what to buy the "little lady" and I haven't got a clue. I figure it's early enough that we can all put in some ideas and pull something off by the 25th.

Here we go:

- Nice set of Pyjamas/nightie.
- Gift certificate for clothing (like I would even dare try to buy something for her on my own!).
- Silicone baking sheets, molds, etc...

I am hoping you guys and girls can give me a GREAT idea that will really impress her, the ones I suggested are just the beginning.

As you can see.. I need all the help I can get.

Please oh Please someone buy me a gun so I can shoot myself...... BAH HUMBUG!
CAUTION: Wives/girlfrienbds DO NOT actually want baking hardware, small appliances, power tools or clothing (that they didn't pick out and tell you to buy for them). 

Try jewelry.
A basket with a good wine, chocolate, candles and something nice from the Body Shop. Check her current stock to see what flavours/aromas she prefers (note clothing remark above).
Spa gift certificates.
Flowers (on top of everything else, a few days before, or after, to help relieve the holiday stress (unless the added cost increases that stress).

Ignore any and all suggestions that you should only buy "practical" gifts.  It is a trap.
I love giving CD's, just cause they arent hard to find if you know which specific one would be fitting. How to tell which CD to get? Simply ride in the car with her, and play the radio on low. When she turns it up, make note of that song...

All I want is a Hummer lol probably wont get it but a guy can dream . ;D
Haha, I have learned my lesson with the whole "appliance" thing. DO NOT EVER GO THERE.  

I have the bad luck that her birthday is at the start of Jan, so I have a double-whammy to plan for gifts.  I bought a spa gift certificate last year and it turned out it was for two (bonus!!). I believe she enjoyed that.

Cd's are a good idea (noted).

We are a scent free home, some body shop is a little over the top for us a but a good suggestion nonetheless.

Keep firing!!
Do not buy her baking stuff. Although she may say she wants it, she doesnt really. I suggest you get her to make you a list of things she wants, marking the ones she really wants, and then chose from that. Thats what I do and that way there are no nasty surprises like a tool box or something (although the bf keeps saying I am getting a tackle box and a fish finder for xmas, how convenient since he is buying a boat next year)
Stay away from lingerie and clothes. You will either buy it too small or too big and you will be sleeping on the couch either way.
Jewelry is always a safe bet, but perhaps ask her what kind of things she likes (this will help prevent you from buying her earrings when she doesnt have pierced ears).
For the most part women just want you to show that you put some kind of effort into the gifts. Anyone can buy us socks for xmas, we want something that says I'm thinking of you.  >:D
That's great.. IF she'd only TELL ME WHAT SHE WANTS!!!!

Me - "Honey, what do you want for Christmas?"

Her - "I don't know, you don't have to buy me anything"

Cause that helps a ton!!
This would be great....its thoughtful and sweet....being a girl i know this is what i would want


oo and an ipod....black 60gig  ;D
Does she have any hobbies?  What about a new book?  As for appliances, if it was a kitchen aid mixer (in red!) it wouldn't really count as an appliance! ;D

Good luck!
yeah I'm having similar problems, which have only been compounded by the fact that i think she's looking at getting me leaf tickets for Christmas (I saw that she was checking out many games on ticketmaster and that she had visited some of the online scalpers... in case you're wondering i was looking in her history on IE because I needed to find a website that i had accessed at her place...)... plus we're at the 3 month point.  I think the hardest time buying gifts is in the first few months of a relationship.. but i digress

So I was thinking of doing an abbreviated 12 days of christmas
day one - short bread (she loves short bread)
day two - some stuff from the body shop
day three - wine
and yeah I have no idea where to go from there... its official I'm horrible at buying gifts.

Coal in the stocking always seems to work well. ;D

Take her for a big night out in the city.  Dinner, a show (musical, opera etc.) and then stay at a nice hotel.  That's worked for me in the past.

This sounds real bad but there's a jewelry maker called Tiffany & Co.  Everyone knows it I'm sure.  Well most of their crap is ridiculously expensive but you can get silver stuff from there for pretty decent prices.  Girls love that crap...expecially when its from Tiffany and Co.  You can get a silver necklace with a heart symbol for less then 250 bucks.  There's three ex-girlfriends of mine walking around Toronto and Vancouver with those babies on...unless they flushed them down the toilets :P
I'm looking for a mitre saw in my stocking this year.  Does that help??  ;D
During my unfortunate incarceration, known as "marriage" in some circles, I had the same problem.  I devised a cunning plan: 
  Me-  What do you want for non religious day of extravagant gift giving this year?
  Her- Oh, nothing...
  Me-  Good, I have all kinds of that in my bank account.

Designated Day of Gifting rolls around, nothing under the Stat Holiday Tree for her....

I never got "nothing" for an answer again.
Dear Santa: I would like my very own sniper to take care of some patent trolls down in the US for me.
I got the cold shoulder for a few weeks, but "say what you mean, mean what you say" is something I was raised with.  She learned it too, and so have all my kids.  The Holiday Headgame and Moral Blackmail program never reared it's ugly head again..... >:D
Is there something you could make for her?  Not necessarily a Marths-Stewart type craft, but something that you made just for her.  Mix c.d., wood carving, arrangement of dried flowers, whatever you do for a hobby, etc.  There are lots of books that give instructions on how to make really easy (for the crafty challenged) but really nice, personalized gifts.  It's original, it's something she'd never be able to buy for herself, she'll appreciate the effort you put into actually making it yourself instead of just buying something, and you'll feel all warm and fuzzy when she likes it.

Another idea I've heard around (but don't know that I would like myself) is to buy a really nice picture frame and put a photo of the two of you together in it.  It's supposed to be romantic and personal...you'd have to judge based on her character.

Good luck.
Kat Stevens said:
During my unfortunate incarceration, known as "marriage" in some circles, I had the same problem.

You asked if he survived, and judging from that line.... Im thinking, not entirely  :D
brin11 said:
I'm looking for a mitre saw in my stocking this year.   Does that help??   ;D

Now you're talking my language! Maybe a sliding compound mitre saw?? 10" blade... If more women wanted power tools our lives would be so much easier!  ;D