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Combat arms rivalry


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I'm going to bmq in september for field artillery and was just wondering if there is alot of rivalry between the combat arms?
Do infanteers and arty guys drink together or do they generally stick to there "own kind"? I ask because my friend was 2PPCLI and I met a lot of his friends and got along with them great and it would be a shame if I would be breaking some unwritten rule by hanging out with them.

Not to worry.  You're not going to be breaking some rule by having a few pops with some friends who are not Arty.  I think you'll find that once you get into your unit, you will naturally hang out primarily with other gunners.  It's only natural, what with common interests, and shared experiences.  It's a good thing!
Why are you worrying about this stuff?

Soldiers in different trades will make fun of each other, etc but it's out of fun though, not like they hate each other.  Lol, you can be friends with people outside of your trade and unit..
Just curious because I'm hoping to get posted to shilo where my friend introduced me to his buddies (2PPCLI) and I got along great with them all. I was just a little worried that they wouldn't want to hang out with me when I am an artilleryman. My friend was killed in Afghanistan July 18 2008 and I thought it would be nice to have drinks with his friends and hear and tell stories about him.
Also I'm a memeber of a different group on facebook for everyone heading to bmq in September. And there already seems to be rivalry amongst the different trades.I thought anyone in CADPAT was a friend.
Just curious because I'm hoping to get posted to shilo where my friend introduced me to his buddies (2PPCLI) and I got along great with them all. I was just a little worried that they wouldn't want to hang out with me when I am an artilleryman. My friend was killed in Afghanistan July 18 2008 and I thought it would be nice to have drinks with his friends and hear and tell stories about him.
Also I'm a memeber of a different group on facebook for everyone heading to bmq in September. And there already seems to be rivalry amongst the different trades.I thought anyone in CADPAT was a friend.

I suspect this point alone would be enough for anyone to put aside any kind of simple rivalry between the trades.
Anthony5 said:
I suspect this point alone would be enough for anyone to put aside any kind of simple rivalry between the trades.

You're probably right.Thanks guys.
I'm a memeber of a different group on facebook for everyone heading to bmq in September. And there already seems to be rivalry amongst the different trades.

Those people are dumba** kids, at this point none of you have any association to any Branches/trades, for people to be saying **** before they even goto BMQ is stupid.  Those people are not Soldiers, Sailors or Airman, don't put any thought into it and believe the CF is like that, they are civilians being arrogant.

If you complete all your training and are posted to 1RCHA you won't have any problems, especially if you already know some of the Patricias there. You can be friends and socialize with the guys/girls on the base regardless if they are 1RCHA, 2PPCLI, 731, etc 
I'm going to bmq in september for field artillery and was just wondering if there is alot of rivalry between the combat arms?
Do infanteers and arty guys drink together or do they generally stick to there "own kind"? I ask because my friend was 2PPCLI and I met a lot of his friends and got along with them great and it would be a shame if I would be breaking some unwritten rule by hanging out with them.


Don't look too deep into things, its all water off a ducks back unless you make it otherwise.
Thank you all who replied.
I believe I got the answer to my questions.
I'm new here so you can all look forward to my annoying, stupid civilian questions till September.
But don't worry I will google and exhaust all avenues for my questions before posting things. That seems to be a sore point for some of you "grizzled veterans" (No disrespect intended)

Thanks again,
But don't worry I will google and exhaust all avenues for my questions before posting things. That seems to be a sore point for some of you "grizzled veterans" (No disrespect intended)

Welcome to the forum.  The grizzled veterans will appreciate your efforts.
Make sure you become good friends with Combat Engineers. They can make your life in the field much easier if your nice to them.
Colin P said:
Make sure you become good friends with Combat Engineers. They can make your life in the field much easier if your nice to them.

I agree with this wise person's assessment of Cbt Engrs. In Croatia in 93, Bosnia 97 and other places....they make life much better. I do love to give them the gears, and they take it well! ;D