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Cornwallis Vs. St Jean

US - stress cards - I'm told during the last 18 months they have seen increasing presence at training locations.
safeboy43 said:
My grandfather (now dead) went through paris island during WW2 and cornwallis during the Korean War. He said cornwallis was a walk in the park compared to paris island.....

I rest my case.

Damn, Gunner, are you sure? I just kowtowed to Ricks superior knowledge - better send an email and see if you to can come to an agreement beacuse now I dont know if my buddy was BS'ing me or not!
Whether it was officially sanctioned or not, time outs were given to recruits in St Jean at some time prior to 2004. I base this on an incident I had while instructing an SQ course on C7 drills, which were taught incorrectly previously, and while trying to motivate a young private  ;D he actually asked me for a time-out! :o

Now, people who know me, know that I am seldom found speechless but in this case I was! After a pause of two-three, I proceeded to inform said misguided and screwed up private that there was no time-outs in the army. By now he was a complete dogs breakfast and I dispatched him back to my 2i/c for some extra motivation in C7 weapons handling.

So somewhere in this young privates trip through the basic training system he was afforded the opportunity for a time-out if he felt stressed! My own experience with the "myth" of time-outs.

The young private after being re-motivated actually developed into a fairly decent troop, hard working and never whined again! Damn, I feel like a miracle worker!
scoutfinch said:
Geez... and I am doing a reserve BMQ currently where we are NOT PERMITTED to do PT as part of the course materials!  (I crap you not!) 

I call BS on this. I was the Course O for a Reserve BMQ in 38 CBG last winter / spring, and we certainly DID PT. PT is not in the course TP (Training Plan), but all pers must be able to pass the fitness test prior to or on arrival at an SQ - says so right in the SQ TP. This is what I used to justify my PT plan to Standards, etc. My CO happly approved my PT plan, and it was PT every morning at 0530 for my BMQ troopies. Brigade was happy, the troops'  unit COs were happy, and the course staff at their SQ were happy. Everyone told Standards that the BMQ TP MUST be changed to include PT. The two BMQs running in our armoury right now also do PT as part of the course, based upon our approach last year.

Amazing what proper staff work, planning, and a willingness not to accept 'no' as an answer to a common sense issue can do....
Agreed. I just finished reserve BMQ and beleive me there was PT as part of the course material. :blotto:

careful 2 CDO, I have taught many SQ and DP 1 INF REG, I again brought this up with several instructors and no one can confirm a time out card or an actual time out incident. I have had troops out of St jean try and pull the wool over me eyes. I called his bluff and came out correct.
I never taught at St-jean so i cannot speak with absolute certainty but, not a single student i have had on QL3 at CFSME has ever had "time out" cards on their BMQ ( this was 2001 to 2004)
Geez... and I am doing a reserve BMQ currently where we are NOT PERMITTED to do PT as part of the course materials!  (I crap you not!)

That doesn't make any sense at all....  ::)
I recently finished a 4-year posting at CFLRS, where I have taught IAPs, BOTPs and BMQs.
There are NO "stress cards", and if anyone had tried to pull a "time out" on me, I would have taken good care of them...  >:D
I am an International (Cdn) Student on the US Army Med Corps Capts Career Course (Coy Comds) in Texas and we do PT 5 morning per week.  Fall in at 0520, cannon fires and reveille is played at 0530.  150 officers (including 14 non-US officers) up at the crack of dawn.  Something to be said for the US Army way of life.  Lead by example - US Medical Basic Officer and QL3/5 level courses are out on the same PT fields at the same time.

While on my SLT/French training back in 1995 (during the Great Referendum period), I witnessed a nap time that replaced a recruit PT session.  The recruits did not leave the Mega at all until the Farnham week.  Shortly after I departed from my SLT my course, a very overweight recruit suffered a heart-attack during a physical activity.  The Sch Comdt (who was R22eR) at the time took a lot of heat for pushing recruits, standards began to fall and subsequent courses we put through at RCA BSL began to tell tales of naps and stress "cards"/hand raising requesting a time-out.  The "Urban Legend" and anecdotes go back that far - more than a decade.
Gunner98 said:
While on my SLT/French training back in 1995 (during the Great Referendum period), I witnessed a nap time that replaced a recruit PT session.  The recruits did not leave the Mega at all until the Farnham week.  Shortly after I departed from my SLT my course, a very overweight recruit suffered a heart-attack during a physical activity.  The Sch Comdt (who was R22eR) at the time took a lot of heat for pushing recruits, standards began to fall and subsequent courses we put through at RCA BSL began to tell tales of naps and stress "cards"/hand raising requesting a time-out.  The "Urban Legend" and anecdotes go back that far - more than a decade.

I did basic in St-jean in 1993 and i can attest to the fact that no such practices existed then ( time outs or nap time.......)
Gunner98 said:
... and we do PT 5 morning per week.  Fall in at 0520, cannon fires and reveille is played at 0530.  150 officers (including 14 non-US officers) up at the crack of dawn.  Something to be said for the US Army way of life.  Lead by example - US Medical Basic Officer and QL3/5 level courses are out on the same PT fields at the same time.
There is PT everyday on Basic TRG at CFLRS: on days there is no scheduled PT with the PSP staff, it is done with course Instructors at 0510. So basically, we were running by the time they are sounding your reveille !!  ;)

Gunner98 said:
While on my SLT/French training back in 1995 (during the Great Referendum period), I witnessed a nap time that replaced a recruit PT session.  The recruits did not leave the Mega at all until the Farnham week.  Shortly after I departed from my SLT my course, a very overweight recruit suffered a heart-attack during a physical activity.  The Sch Comdt (who was R22eR) at the time took a lot of heat for pushing recruits, standards began to fall and subsequent courses we put through at RCA BSL began to tell tales of naps and stress "cards"/hand raising requesting a time-out.  The "Urban Legend" and anecdotes go back that far - more than a decade.
All that stuff didn't last long, because I never witnessed any of it after 2000... before going to Farnham ,they do 3km, 5km and 7km ruck marches, and the obstacle course on a few occasions. And no naps !!!
They may have experimented with stuff, but it obviously wasn't adopted.
As I said before in this thread, the Soldiers fighting today's battles have been trained in the "new ways", and they seem to be doing fine...
I guess my point was lost on some - at a school that is putting through 45,000 students per year, the PT standard routine is not applied just to the Basic recruit.  All US students at Fort Sam Houston do an in-routine and out-routine  with Fitness test (2 mile run, push-ups and sit-ups), this includes height and weight measurements. 

Yes many of the CF students trained by the new ways are serving well on missions, more than ever before are left behind when their unit deploys - some for legit reasons and others for questionable ones.
careful 2 CDO, I have taught many SQ and DP 1 INF REG, I again brought this up with several instructors and no one can confirm a time out card or an actual time out incident. I have had troops out of St jean try and pull the wool over me eyes. I called his bluff and came out correct.

No need to be careful, merely relating an incident that happened involving MYSELF and a private. No second hand, a friend of a friend, my brothers friends uncle told me nonsense, a real incident! In no way did I say in my post that it was an officially sanctioned thing, but somewhere this private was, at the very least, given the IMPRESSION that a time-out was allowed! If you don't believe it happened then nothing I post will convince you.

But I would be willing to bet that some instructors HAVE done this in the past and would probably deny doing it when confronted, to avoid being seen as weak!
2 Cdo said:
.....  but somewhere this private was, at the very least, given the IMPRESSION that a time-out was allowed! ...

Perhaps this private believed all the BS that has been passed around in regards to the "time-out" and thought he would "giver a go"!

Perhaps this private believed all the BS that has been passed around in regards to the "time-out" and thought he would "giver a go"!

Perhaps I forgot to mention this private was a "Jimmy"! :o