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DEFENCE BULLYING REPORT - Air Force Worst of the Three Services

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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This just in:

Worst of the Three Services

A recent report by the Auditor General has found that allegations of "a culture of widespread bullying and brutality" within the Canadian Forces are, in the most part, unfounded. The audit team, which traveled to every Defence establishment across Canada and abroad and interviewed staff from all three services, found surprisingly few cases of unfair treatment and bullying within the Army and Navy.

When it came to the Air Force, however, the report told a different story. Complaints to the OAG came from a total of 3,555 Air Force members, compared with three from Navy and just one from Army.

While this statistic is alarming in its own right, it becomes horrific when one considers that each complaint represents a sad story of abuse, mistreatment and neglect. As one senior Air Force officer put it, "Each story is, in itself, a sad indictment on the Canadian Forces. When taken as a whole, however, they demonstrate a reprehensible lack of regard for personnel on the part of managers at all levels."

One young pilot told of having to spend two nights in tented accommodation, despite the fact that there was an empty five-star hotel just 1 kilometer away.

Another said that he had been forced to endure a grueling fitness test every year since he joined in 1997.

One airwoman alleged that she had been overlooked for promotion on numerous occasions, simply because she was fat, lazy and stupid.

An aircraftman stated he had been refused permission to wear civilian attire to work, despite the fact that his uniform clashed with his eye colour.

Another had been forced to wear uncomfortable safety boots for periods of up to eight hours straight.

A clerk could not understand why she had been sent to work in a Joint military headquarters, "I have been forced to work for horrid Army people who just don't understand what the military is all about.  I feel the Air Force has victimized me by forcing me to do this...I will be seeking compensation..."

Shockingly, Air Force senior ranks are also subject to mistreatment.  One SNCO stated, "I was deeply upset when I was addressed as 'Sergeant' by an officer.  He knew my name was Robert.  It was just horrible - I have never been more humiliated in my life."  In response a senior officer stated, "the officer in question has been moved on...".

A number of personnel complained of having to attend courses that were not relevant to their jobs, such as rigorous ground combat courses and drawn-out lectures on occupational health and safety. To add insult to injury, a young corporal was even ordered to pack up chairs in the classroom after one such course.

The huge backlash against treatment of Air Force personnel should provide senior officers with a vital clue with regard to the massive retention problems experienced by the CF in recent times.  Over the past two years, National Defence has spent millions looking into the issue.

Not all of the Air Force's hierarchy, however, were upset by the revelations. Said the outgoing Chief of the Air Staff, "I'm delighted with the result. I am very happy that our retention problems are due, in the most part at least, to something as harmless as bullying. I thought everyone was leaving because of me."

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I should have known something was up when this thread is in Chatter instead of news...

Had me going for the first three para's though..well done. ;)
George Wallace said:
This just in:

One young pilot told of having to spend two nights in tented accommodation, despite the fact that there was an empty five-star hotel just 1 kilometer away.

I agree that this is totaly unaceptable.
This is completely unacceptable behavior in the ranks of the Air Force.  How dare some people act in such manner and are allowed to get away with it.  Were the Military Police notified?  Were any of these allegations brought to the attention of the Harassment Coordinator and investigated?  Obviously, it is time to revisit Flight Plan and SHARP training.  The nerve of some people to put others in such deplorable and terrible situations.  Another example of "a kinder, gentler military". 

...I knew within two lines that George was pulling out legs.  And yes, I think poor old GW is spending too much time in obviously uncharted territory.
Oh, and don't confuse the colour of my beret with the colour of my heart.
I too have been a victim of this brutality.  When I was on my 3's course earlier this year (excuse me for a minute, I'm choking up just remembering the awfulness...), we had an early morning room inspection and..... :crybaby: the maids hadn't started work yet!!  It was just too much for us, we didn't know what to do.  Make our own bed?!?!  We were even expected to have the towels in our personal bathrooms (are you sitting down for this one?)...yep, they had to be folded and hung up!!  The HORROR of it all!  Some of the class are STILL in counseling for the trauma caused by it.
Mich, you forgot the mental trauma that the missing chocolate on the pillow caused the member to become catatonic.  I heard that the person affected has now just started to respond to hearing his name.  Poor, poor guy. 
Chocolate?!?!  I was supposed to have chocolate?!?!  I....I can't go on now.....I'm not going to make it.....this is just too much for me....SOMEONE owes me 3 1/2 months of CHOCOLATE!!  You've destroyed my confidence niner, I'm completely broken up now.  I'm submitting for sick leave for this.
Should have seen the time i refused to fly because i hadnt gotten fresh towels for my room in 2 days........

Or the time they didnt give us enough TD money so that i could have steak & Lobster 3 times a week on exercise

Due to health concerns, sick leave now does NOT include chocolate on the pillow.....
CDN A, how are you still functioning after something like that??  You are my hero for still going on.  Please, send me the name of your support group, they have done a fantastic job of helping you through your situation.

GAP, how can you tell me things like that??  My heart isn't strong enough to take much more.
airmich said:
CDN A, how are you still functioning after something like that??  You are my hero for still going on.  Please, send me the name of your support group, they have done a fantastic job of helping you through your situation.

Why do you want to meet Barney?  :)
airmich said:
Please, send me the name of your support group,helping you through your situation.

Coronado Brewing Company, Hooters, Dick's last resort, Coconut Willie's.........
CDN Aviator said:
Coronado Brewing Company, Hooters, Dick's last resort, Coconut Willie's.........

See....Barney wasn't that much help....he's still getting these wet dream fantasies....
When the going gets tough, the tough go golfing.  Gung fore!  ;)

Just when I was warming up to the whole Trenton thing, I discover that the back 9 (or is it the front 9) of the base golf course will be turned into hangers next year... how...will....I...survive....now....? So in the case of Trenton, the tough need to move it along to Belleville to go golfing...*sob*
niner domestic said:
Just when I was warming up to the whole Trenton thing, I discover that the back 9 (or is it the front 9) of the base golf course will be turned into hangers next year... how...will....I...survive....now....? So in the case of Trenton, the tough need to move it along to Belleville to go golfing...*sob*

We lived off Highway 2, nicely snuggled in between those 2 Belleville courses. It wasn't so bad. The husband was in heaven they were both golfable and walkable; and so was I ... because I'm not a golfer!!  >:D