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Degree Requirements for specific jobs


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For the last couple years, joining the Canadian Forces as an officer is something that I want to do.  I read on another thread that these jobs: Air Combat Systems Officer, Aerospace Control Officer,  Armour Officer,  Artillery Officer, Infantry Officer, Intelligence Officer, Maritime Surface and Sub-Surface Officer, Military Police Officer, and Pilot are jobs that anyone with a degree from an approved Canadian university can apply to.  I am currently a student going into my second year of university going for a specialized honours degree in Information Technology.  I have a few questions that i hope someone here can answer.  Firstly, I was wondering what other jobs would my degree open me up to?  Secondly, i was wondering if the reserve recruiters offices are open for anyone to go in and talk to & get information or is it appointment based (I live close to Toronto btw).  Lastly, after university i would like to go regular forces, would i be able to join the reserves now and once graduate transfer to regular or would i be better off applying for Paid education as regular forces or is that just the same thing?  Im fairly confused about the whole paid education thing in general, do i stay at the university I'm at now and get training during the summer and weekends or do i get transferred to RMC?  Hope this doesn't sound too confusing and thank you in advance for all the help!
In order to determine your eligibility for occupations, you would need to be more specific with regards to the "exact" degree and institution which you are currently attending.  Without that information, your question cannot be answered.

Both the Regular Force and Reserve Force Recruiting Offices are available for walk-in customers and Recruiters are available to provide general information to the public about the career options which are available.

You best option at this time, would be consult with the nearest Recruiting Detachment in your area who would be able to provide more detailed answers to your questions.