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Delta police chief’s wife won’t be charged


Army.ca Dinosaur
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White privileged scandal!  :stirpot:

Delta police chief’s wife won’t be charged

BC Prosecution Service says rather than charges, Lorraine Dubord will face alternative measures

The BC Prosecution Service has announced that rather than charges, Lorraine Dubord will face alternative measures.

“The BC Prosecution Service (BCPS) can confirm that this matter has been referred to BC Corrections for consideration of an “alternative measures” resolution,” said spokesperson Dan McLaughlin. “If the person alleged to have committed an offence in this case enters into and successfully completes an Alternative Measures agreement there will be no prosecution. Under the terms of this policy, subject to certain limitations, Crown Counsel are encouraged to consider alternative measures in every case where the successful completion of an alternative measures program can achieve the most important objectives of a court prosecution.”

The alleged incident took place on June 6 in which Richmond teacher and Surrey resident Kiran Sidhu was making her way back to her parked car after a socially-distanced picnic with friends at Centennial Beach in Boundary Bay.

Unfamiliar with the beach area, and with the tide coming in, Sidhu said she was forced to climb onto rocks, which are on public property, to get to where her car was parked.

As Sidhu walked across the rocks, she said Dubord yelled at her over the fence from her back yard to get down, but with the tide coming in, Sidhu said she was unable to do so.

Both Dubord and Sidhu exchanged words and Dubord left their altercation only to return moments later where she allegedly sprayed Sidhu with a garden hose.

Surrey RCMP investigated the incident and recommended charges against Dubord of one count of uttering threats for allegedly threatening to push Sidhu off the rocks and one count of assault for allegedly spraying her with the hose, Sidhu told the Optimist.

The RCMP investigation was initiated after Sidhu was not happy with how DPD handled her case and after she logged a formal complaint with the department.

Sidhu said she was informed of the case developments Thursday morning.

“I spoke with Crown and they informed me, as well as the Dubords, that they are not pursuing charges but they are recommending the alternative measures process,” she said. Sidhu said Crown explained the process very well, saying that even if they went ahead with charges it would have likely resulted in an absolute or conditional discharge.

“I get some input here potentially, so that is never a bad thing to involve the victim in the process,” she said. “She will be held accountable in some way, but I’m also disappointed even more so with the Delta police. When I first reported it, it went nowhere. The RCMP found two charges that they thought were strong enough for Crown to consider. Delta didn’t even go there, so that is so shady to me.

“I feel validated in that Crown and RCMP kind of validated that this thing that happened to me was assault.”

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner is still investigating misconduct allegations related to how the DPD handled the case.

Sidhu said she has had regular updates with the OPCC, who directed the Vancouver Police Department in late June to conduct an independent investigation.

“I have had two reports – they have to update me every 21 days, which is part of their protocol and that is great,” she said. “They have reviewed all of the pertinent documents and videos and reviewed my statement. I will be meeting with Vancouver Police next week.”

On Friday morning, Surrey RCMP told the Optimist in an emailed statement that they could not comment any further on the case.

“We have been informed that Crown Counsel has come to a decision on this matter after reviewing the charge recommendation report submitted by Surrey RCMP,” said Cpl. Joanie Sidhu. “The Surrey RCMP is not in a position to provide any information about Crown's decision.”

daftandbarmy said:
White privileged scandal!  :stirpot:

This case  speaks loudly for relaxing current hose control laws.

edited to reduce use of bandwidth. 
Healing circle with pumpkin spiced lattes? So spraying someone with a garden hose is assault, no wonder I am so scarred from my childhood
Colin P said:
Two entitled women enter the ring, only one can leave.

I'm not so sure that I'd consider Kiran Sidhu entitled.

Meanwhile, the police chief and his wife just look.....creepy....  :-X

Just imagine how this would have turned out if the roles were reversed.  :dontfeedmods:
Old Sweat said:
Just imagine how this would have turned out if the roles were reversed.  :dontfeedmods:

Good point, but still, this speaks well for our system in which a moderated response has defused the situation very well. Just imagine how this could have turned out in America where the issue would be more than just 'hose' control to deal with! LOL

Donald H said:
Just imagine how this could have turned out in America where the issue would be more than just 'hose' control to deal with! LOL


You're relentless  :deadhorse:
Jarnhamar said:
But they can both be entitled right?

Yes, I suppose they could be.  In this situation, one was clearly acting more entitled than the other.  Just my  :2c:
PMedMoe said:
Yes, I suppose they could be.  In this situation, one was clearly acting more entitled than the other.  Just my  :2c:

Agree 100%.

I'm not defending the cops wife (looks like she got preferential treatment and the force should get investigated IMO), it sounds like her behavior was absolutely reprehensible.

I wonder about the history of the area and if people trespassing is a reoccurring problem.
Jarnhamar said:
Agree 100%.

I'm not defending the cops wife (looks like she got preferential treatment and the force should get investigated IMO), it sounds like her behavior was absolutely reprehensible.

I wonder about the history of the area and if people trespassing is a reoccurring problem.

The recurring problem around these parts, IMHO, is that some people need to get a punch in the face, now and then, to remind them that being a racist isn't a good idea. Like this 'crazy white woman' here, for example: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/coquitlam-women-told-to-go-back-to-where-you-came-from-while-in-b-c-park-1.5005547

daftandbarmy said:
Like this 'crazy white woman' here, for example: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/coquitlam-women-told-to-go-back-to-where-you-came-from-while-in-b-c-park-1.5005547

#karensgonewild  :)
mariomike said:
#karensgonewild  :)

Well ain't that a peach! And did you get the last line from the video?

She said she raised the story to illustrate that racism exists in Canada!

In the 80's me trying to date a East Indian girl, would likely ended up with me beaten to death by the family and worse for her

Go onto a Reserve as white person and you get lot's of racism

Be a "half breed" on a reserve

Listen to Chinese opinion on First Nations

Listen to Hong Kongers describe Mainlanders

Listen to Sikhs talk about Hindu's

Vietnamese opinion on all Chinese

French Canadians on non-white francophones

French on Quebecois

etc, etc. Multiculturalism just mean more and varied version of racism, basically a rainbow of hate from around the world. 
Colin P said:
In the 80's me trying to date a East Indian girl, would likely ended up with me beaten to death by the family and worse for her

Sorry to hear that. I married into a Jewish family.

My mother in law and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met. That's a joke!

Reminds me of the white guy being introduced by his Asian girlfriend to her family,
"Welcome to family!"
