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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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haha yeah well most of my friends just look at them and check them out, i only have one friend dumb enough to break them. He already bought me a couple beers and said he would pay for them because i thought they would cost about 30$ or so to replace but if there not expensive to replace ill just take the hit for them im not that cheap.
hmmm about dumb friends? I usually stay away from that variety  ::) they're really bad juju...
Yeah, but Medtech, he might be an infanteer... in which case he hardly has a choice....  ;D
Not expensive at all, in fact, free.

I ordered a new set when I wanted my religion changed and then a spare set in case I lose mine. So I have 3 sets in total and they cost exactly the square root of jack squat.
Feel free not to answer, but I'm curious, you change from what to what ?
Yrys said:
Feel free not to answer, but I'm curious, you change from what to what ?

Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) to No Religion Expressed (NRE).
? Maybe the padre won't read a piece of the Bible at your obtuary ?
As a "Pinky" with the UN in the Sinia we had ours broken as part of the initiation, never asked for new ones and just looped the chain through both.
Ummm.... so you condone hazing rituals?  (JK :))
Yrys said:
? Maybe the padre won't read a piece of the Bible at your obtuary ?

I was told that the religion was on your ID disks, so that a padre of that religion will be on hand for the NOK.
NL_engineer said:
I was told that the religion was on your ID disks, so that a padre of that religion will be on hand for the NOK.

In my case I'm an NRE; my parents however are not. The ID discs represent the members religious beliefs/non-beliefs, and represent how that member wishes to have any ceremony proceeded with. They are not necessarily indicative of the parents wishs.
ArmyVern said:
In my case I'm an NRE; my parents however are not. The ID discs represent the members religious beliefs/non-beliefs, and represent how that member wishes to have any ceremony proceeded with. They are not necessarily indicative of the parents wishs.

What if you docs said otherwise???
Hey.... it's your instructions - the CF will do what you want them to.
parents will be given chance to have their say BUT, your personal wishes are priority one.

same story with donating vital organs - your parents might not like the idea of your parts going hither and yon
as far as notification foes the PEN fors do ask what religioun your primary and secondary contacts are so when, god forbit, it becomes neccessary they may bring the appropriate padre with them.
Hubby was thinking about getting his tags changed for religion purposes...but though neither of us are practising anything and more Buddhist influenced in philosophy, my Dad is an Anglican priest, so I know it would be a comfort to him to have a padre available...and if he had a preference, it would be IN HOC SIGNO anyway.

Besides, hubby can't be bothered to get himself a new chain (since his broke into three peices) what makes me think he'd have energy enough to order all new tags? ::)

Good to know though...maybe I'll request new tags for him when I go into the OR tomorrow. (I don't like the idea of him using para cord to keep his tags around his neck)
mckee19 said:
so on the weekend i had a buddy come over before we went out and he saw my dog tags on my dresser and decides to snap them apart. I was pissed because it took me close to 4 months to get them.
but the point of this is does anyone know how much its costs to replace them so i know how much he owes me? and also would i just go to the Clerks at the armoury and ask to order new ones or would i go to the kit shop?

i would normally ask someone on a parade night but are armoury has shut down for the summer

The next set you get, bend them length ways just a bit, this re-inforces them, and makes it harder to break them. In those days they were the alloy ones, but the stainless ones should have been a bastard to break.


Actually Wes I just rec'd a new set of stainless ones and they are cut most of the way through and almost came apart in my hands as I was putting them on for the first time.  I put them in my FMP and dug out my old stainless ones to wear on my PLQ.  Beside they have my medic alert on them any way.