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Driver Corner Part 1


Army.ca Veteran
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Well this post is more for anyone that drives. Not just MSE Ops, so everyone input is welcomed. I was aiming this post to be where anyone with a 404's can vent, talk about driving behaviour, problems on the road, safety issues, whatever floats your boat.

So my first point is convoy driving in Canada. Maximum speed for us SMP drivers is 80km. What I find if your the last vehicle you'll have some guy on your tail trying to get around you. And all you can do going up hill is put your 4 ways on, due to the MLVW is front of you. Then when buddy in the car is all pissed at you he"ll make illegal pass on you and then find out he has another truck to pass. So now he is sandwich between the convoy. I just find that the highways along these trailers can be tricky. What I saw in a military book before, I believe it was British Quad truck. But on the back of the truck, had something painted like "Veh Max Speed 80km". I think this is a great idea. But what I would like to see is a sign on the last veh that states "Veh Max Speed 80km  Convoy Ahead" Something that would catch the driver's eye. Nothing flashy of course, but to get the point across. Like the sign may be magnetic or a wooden sign hung in the back. It is *do-able because we use wooden "Stunt Driver" oops meant "Student Driver" signs.

Anywho Rambled on enough for this lovely paid day of our.
I am off with the wife to blow it downtown.
Cheers Folks,
TN2IC        ;D

PS.. is do-able a word?
"PS.. is do-able a word?"

Only if used in the same sentence as "Scarlet Johansen is sooooo......"

We always had convoy warning signs on the back and front of first and last vehicles.
Why is it necessary to move from Point A to Point B in a convoy. I think it is against the law for civilian truckers to travel in a convoy.

Depending on number of vehicles, we would break up into three or four vehicles packs which allowed other vehicles to pass safely.

I can remember, many a one finger salute from civvy's expressing their displeasure. Truckers were the worst.

Unless it is for security reasons, moving military vehicles in convoy formation is out dated.
"Veh Max Speed 80km"

This would have to be on flat grade or downhill....there isn't a MLVW in inventory that can even come close to that uphill, especially packed with gear and towing a trailer.
Yes GUNS we have the packet system. And for us to do convoys it is not illegal for us to do so. At less to my understanding.  And for us, in our boat, convoy formation is not out dated. As for a Res. Svc Bn, it is great to do a road move from one point to another to get experience and to get KM's on the veh. Basically training for the troops and get the veh km's in.

I like the idea of signs showing the start and end of a convoy.

I remember driving in packets from Toronto to Ft. Knox. NOBODY would get in between vehicles in the states. I later heard someone down there say it was illegal for civillians to get in between military vehicles in a packet. Don't know if it's true or not, but makes sense.

I do hate that when you have a packet, don't put the slowest vehicle at the rear. That's right, a packet of MLs, and then you put the LSVW loaded with an entire CP and trailer at the end, that might not be a good idea.
You just need to by one of the fuel filter on that LSVW. I'll be set then. I forget the name of it. But it is near the starter. ;D

I didn't tell you this.
TN2IC said:
You just need to by one of the fuel filter on that LSVW. I'll be set then. I forget the name of it. But it is near the starter. ;D

I didn't tell you this.

Hmm...you know, whenever I get assigned a new LSVW, the first thing that falls off is the Gen II Secondary fuel filter. It's uncanny, happens everytime! And lo and behold, the trucks seem to go faster. Imagine that?  ;)

"Of course it just fell off, Sgt. I'm a Sig Op, I play with radios, I don't know anything about engines!"  ;D
Sig_Des said:
I remember driving in packets from Toronto to Ft. Knox.

Stupid Ft. Knox  >:( just a real bad experience.

I've got my own gripes:

1. People who ground guide from the rear.
I can't see you most of the time and when I do see you in the mirror I have to make the guess whether you are pointing to the left or the right. And when you ground guide from the rear, you are only on the left hand side and therefore not aware of what's going on the other side of the vehicle. As soon as you leave to go check I can't see you anymore.  Unless you are ground guiding into a trailer, for the love of Pete do a walk around and then come up to the Front where I can see you and you can see both sides of the vehicle.

2. People who don't use the cross-arms sign to tell the driver to stop.
I know that the official hand signal is to put both arms up with palms facing the driver. But tell me, what is the difference between that and the hand signal indicating to 'back up'?

3. People not knowing how to properly change lanes while in packet formation on the hwy.
(Provided the packet is in tight enough formation as it should be) If the packet needs to change lanes the proper procedure is for the lead vehicle to make a left or right turn signal, the packet drivers will see this and do the same, then it is the LAST vehicle who changes first, slows down and holds back traffic for the rest of the packet to change lanes. Sling shot Baby! Shack-n' bake!!!

4. No coffee cup holders.
Where is the humanity?

5. The fact that our convoys don't have signs on them indicating max speed.
Who ever suggested it, + 1.
1. People who ground guide from the rear.

I think this is a personal prefference and depends on what your driving. I know in the case of the LS with its horredous side mirror, Id preffer to have someone behind. Same with the HL series other then the SHLVW (it has a back window). Just incase somebody decides to grab something from behind me, but like I said, personal prefference, right? I usually ask the GG to stand on my right, as I can look out the drivers window and see whats going on.

2. Agreed... I hate it when people just walk away or give you the hands up palms out thing. Its hard to tell. The cross arms thing is more distinct.

3. Depending on situation, this isnt a bad idea. Pisses off civvies to no end.

4. No kidding. Who thought of taking them out in the first place!!

5. Agreed.. The Ml's and Lsvw should have a Max Speed sign on them, and in smaller writing "on a good day". lol.

6. My gripe: People who become ground guides, when you are backing a trailer and point to the direction they want the truck to go. Tell me which way the trailer needs to go, and Ill make the trailer go there.

Howie said:
6. My gripe: People who become ground guides, when you are backing a trailer and point to the direction they want the truck to go. Tell me which way the trailer needs to go, and Ill make the trailer go there.

I don't know, I think it's a personal preference. I prefer to just be told where to turn the wheels, and when ground-guiding, I'll do the same. Make sure to communicate verbally with the driver before you guide the vehicle so you're both on the same page.

Usually, I'll tell the driver, "where I'm pointing is where you're turning the truck, I'll do the rest"
As for ground guilding from the rear... remember if you are ground guilding... if you can't see the driver, he can't see you. Stand in a clear spot and move with the truck. Just remember saftey. ie.. pot holes..traffic from behind, cats...whatever.
I was always the last in the convoy or the last packet, in the Recovery vehicle usually hauling something broken down.
Well as long as you have you yellow winky dinks on your fine..
I always go with 2 ground guides if possible, other wise I prefer the guide behind me can see what is behind me a lot better than one in front of me (I thought thats what thier purpose anyways to make sure you don't back up into anything, makes sense having the person in the rear, no?).  Also I was told by our transport NCO that the max speed limit for SMP has be raised to 100km (for those that can actually travel those speeds ie MILCOTS) when travelling on controlled access highways like the Ontario 400 series, for safety reasons. 
My gripe: Ground Guiding >:(

I have always hated ground guides. I find often times they just end up putting me in some weird posn that was not even close to where I wanted to be, especially when trailers are involved, it is very annoying! I have mirrors and I can see out of them, let me back my damn self up, it's faster, easier, and less frustrating!!!

All I want is a holler if I'm about to hit something back there guide!

Yup that has been fixed now. Only catch is not for convoys... if my memory reminds me.
I have to agree with the no ground guides rule. If I have mirrors, I stop, get out, look around and get to where I need to be by myself faster.

Now, 2 points. First, As a now civilian truck driver, if whomever that may be GGing you ends up having you hit something. Whose fault is it?  In my opinion, it's my foot on the pedal, I'm responsible. The only time I want a GG is if I happen behind the 'wheel' of a tracked vehicle with no mirrors such as an m-109, or an m-113.

Second question. Are SMP vehicles still governed by local laws for height, weight, and hours of service regulations?
have to agree with the no ground guides rule. If I have mirrors, I stop, get out, look around and get to where I need to be by myself faster.

If you dont have a ground guide YOU probably would have to do it yourself. Might not want to do it faster. But I agree sometime ground guides do get you in a crappy postion, going forward and backward like some Austin Powers move.

For all you sloppy ground guides why not give some proper drill like movements! :tsktsk:

Cup Holders +1
New Signs + 1

Pet Peeve... drivers that slow down BEFORE the off ramp.

Or people that ride their brakes in the rain. Hints why we got a gear selector.

Or people that pass you then slow down afterwards below the speed limit.

Just venting...
