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Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

MamaBear said:
I guess the only hope now is the rule that Eye in the Sky mentioned in his post -


I did some digging and wasn't able to find the specific policy I was speaking about after a goodly amount of time, and I just found out why.  Reference the DCBA 3 POLICY MSGS CANCELLATION - 2007, Para 1(d), the "CLARIFICATION OF SEPARATION EXPENSE (SE) AND RATIONS AND QUARTERS (R AND Q) AT PUBLIC EXPENSE - ENTITLEMENTS FOR RECRUITS" is now cancelled.

Question...is your daughter *posted* to Borden or *attached posted*?  It is possible she is attach posted, depending on her MOC.  I had a friend who was posted to Kingston and attached posted to PRETC in Borden while he waited for his courses at CFSCE.

If the answer is attached posted, go back to the DCBA Aide Memoire and read Chapter 3...if Chapter 2 (TR) doesn't apply, perhaps Chapter 3 - Attached Postings might if she is even APd.
I see that Common Law has been brought up.  My daughter and her hubby were NOT common law before her enrollment, so that information has no bearing upon her situation.  Sorry for not catching that in the conversation sooner, but I just got back into the house.  They only became common law in July (which is less than the required year, I believe ) while she was attach posted or TD'd to her hometown base. 

I will still have her look into all the avenues you have all suggested.  But, as Eye in the Sky said she may just have to wait until her course is done.  Ah well, a year won't kill her I guess. 

I suppose I should stop "mothering" her, now that she is all married and stuff.  Nah....never going to happen  ;D

Thanks again everyone!
Eye In The Sky said:
Question...is your daughter *posted* to Borden or *attached posted*?  It is possible she is attach posted, depending on her MOC.  I had a friend who was posted to Kingston and attached posted to PRETC in Borden while he waited for his courses at CFSCE (he was an ATIS Tech).

If the answer is attached posted, go back to the DCBA Aide Memoire and read Chapter 3...if Chapter 2 (TR) doesn't apply, perhaps Chapter 3 - Attached Postings might if she is even APd.


Just wanted to make sure you saw that part...

MamaBear said:
I suppose I should stop "mothering" her, now that she is all married and stuff.   Nah....never going to happen  ;D

While i understand fully ( i'm a father of 2) , she needs to learn to fix her own problems, in her own way.

Edit : I dont have the time or the energy to have 20 kids.......well, 20 kids that i know of  :blotto:
CDN Aviator said:
While i understand fully ( i'm a father of 20 , she needs to learn to fix her own problems, in her own way.

WOW!  Their poor mother!
:o  I guess we all know what he's doing when he is not flying, or on Army.ca   :o

(Great, now I can't get that Monty Python skit out of my head... "we wouldn't be in the mess were in now....")
Before anyone faints, he means a 20 year old...........aww, Strike beat me to it by mere seconds.
I meant "father of 2" but i did have the first one at 20.........

Although i could have 20 kids for all i know  :-\
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Before anyone faints, he means a 20 year old...........aww, Strike beat me to it by mere seconds.

If i was a father of a 20 year old.......i was having kids when i was 13
Eye In The Sky said:
NO NCO worth the air they breathe should turn away an untrained Pte asking for assistance.  I said ask for the reference because on PRETC, it is safe to assume that this person doesn't have a Forces account and access to the DIN, or even a lick of a clue where to start...hence why I gave a link to the DCBA site and the Aide Memoire.   ;)

I know normally in the case of young Officers, they are expected to be able to do this on their own and it is something they should be able to do for themselves (and their subordinates), which is where I think the message in your post comes from, but life as a Junior Officer and a Pte(R) are very different and the expectations of both are equally different.

Junior Officers have the abililty to pull in their Snr NCOs/WOs expertise, that of peers, and that of more experienced Officers...a young Pte(R) does not have those tools in his/her belt as readily. 

I was raised with my parents telling me "You can't be better served than by yourself" (In French, Tu ne seras jamais servi mieux que par toi même).  Showing initiative and a little research before hand never hurts.  By all mean, request assistance if you need some, but don't expect ALL the work to be done for your.  That's what I would expect from ANYONE requesting something from me.
SupersonicMax said:
I was raised with my parents telling me "You can't be better served than by yourself" (In French, Tu ne seras jamais servi mieux que par toi même).  Showing initiative and a little research before hand never hurts.  By all mean, request assistance if you need some, but don't expect ALL the work to be done for your.  That's what I would expect from ANYONE requesting something from me.

Sure but...as a Plt, your subordinates, in your environment, are likely to be subordinate Junior Officers.  You'd expect them to be able to find the info themselves, get it from the OR, etc.  Pte's don't have the same doors open to them as Junior Officers, normally.

Take into consideration, an untrained Pte, with little to no access to the DIN...this isn't a lazy Cpl or MCpl.   

Chances are as well, you'll never likely be required to look at things such as this, as Pte's go to their Jnr NCOs, who go to to the Snr NCOs/Orderly Room/look at the regulations online, etc etc, like they are supposed to do.  Now, when I was a Tp WO, if one of my Crew Cmdr's came to me asking me about something, I'd point them in the right direction but let them do the leg work, thats how they learned to look up reg's and policies, doing the work themselves.

Simply put, that policy just doesn't work 100% of the time, and we are both creatures of our experience...so, I guess, depending on the circumstances, we are both *right*?

CDN Aviator said:
While i understand fully ( i'm a father of 2) , she needs to learn to fix her own problems, in her own way.

Edit : I dont have the time or the energy to have 20 kids.......well, 20 kids that i know of  :blotto:

I agree CDN Aviator.  But I am a little guilty of subterfuge on occasion.  :-[
