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Elite troops train for terror from sea


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Elite troops train for terror from sea
JTF2 has used oil rigs and ports on both coasts for counter-terrorism exercises

a journalist
The Ottawa Citizen

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Canada‘s special forces say they are prepared for maritime terrorism as defence analysts warn that al-Qaeda could shift its tactics from bombings on land to attacks from the sea.

Joint Task Force 2 has been using Victoria, B.C., and Halifax, N.S., as well as offshore oil rigs, as areas for honing its skills to defend the country against a maritime assault. The Ottawa-based unit conducted a number of classified training operations in the two port cities last year, according to newly released documents obtained by the Citizen. But almost all of the details of the missions were censored for national security reasons.

Defence analysts say it appears that JTF2 has been putting emphasis on how to deal with hijacked ships and oil rigs as concerns grow about what new targets terrorists might strike. Some security experts had been predicting that with increased vigilance over the world‘s air transportation system after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., groups such as al-Qaeda would shift their attention to ground and maritime transportation.

Al-Qaeda is alleged to have been behind the recent attack on the Spanish rail system that killed more than 200 people.

The Senate has warned in several reports over the years that Canadian waterways and ports are vulnerable to attack as various government agencies, such as the RCMP, coast guard and navy, do not have the funding or, in some cases, the needed equipment and personnel to keep watch on the country‘s coasts.

Navy Lieut. Kent Penney, spokesman for the military‘s Counter-terrorism and Special Operations branch, said that JTF2 had already developed capabilities in dealing with maritime incidents well before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

He noted that the unit has not placed emphasis on one type of threat but is instead preparing to deal with a range of potential incidents. "That said, MCT (maritime counter-terrorism) is an important capability for the unit," said Lt. Penney.

JTF2 is using some of the $119 million it has been given by the government for its expansion to further develop skills in the area of maritime counter-terrorism, he added. "It‘s allowed us to speed up the evolution process that was already under way and move on to the next stage of development much quicker," said Lieut. Penney.

Included in that is more interaction with other government agencies as well as units in the Canadian military and allied forces, he noted

The missions in Victoria and Halifax last year were not the first time the commandos have been in those port cities. In July 2002, JTF2 was in Halifax conducting joint training with other government departments.

It has also established links with allied special forces, namely Britain‘s Special Boat Service and the U.S. Navy SEALs. In August 1999, members from JTF2‘s dive team joined forces with the Special Boat Service to practise raids on a Hibernia oil rig for an eight-day period. In November 2000, the unit again teamed up with the British for Exercise Hydra, a maritime counter-terrorism training mission.

JTF2 officers have acknowledged the unit must further develop such skills if it‘s to deal with a nightmare scenario involving terrorists seizing a ship or outfitting a vessel with a weapon of mass destruction and detonating such a device on Canadian territory.

In such a case, the unit would be used to wrest control of the vessel from terrorists while another specialized military team would deal with the weapon.

Concerns about the maritime terrorism threat increased last month in England after a warning was issued that al-Qaeda was planning to sail a ship, packed with either chemicals or radioactive material, into a harbour and blow up the vessel.

Intelligence analysts have also been alarmed about a flurry of temporary ship hijackings in the Pacific. Some have suggested the incidents could be training exercises for terrorists. In one case intruders took over a chemical tanker and practiced operating the vessel before leaving the ship an hour later.

Although casualties from such a floating bomb might not be extensive, the ripple effect such an attack would have on a country‘s economy could be devastating.

A war game conducted in 2003 by Pentagon contractor Booz Allen Hamilton involved the discovery of radiological "dirty" bombs in shipping containers at U.S. ports and on board trucks.

The exercise determined that such an incident would partially paralyse the U.S. transportation system for weeks. The loss to the economy was estimated to be around $60 billion U.S.

Slipping a nuclear weapon or radiological "dirty bomb" into a sea container on a freighter is the likeliest way terrorists would try to get such devices into North America, according to a May 2002 report prepared by the Defence Science Advisory Board.

Such a scenario involving the delivery of the weapon "directly to port, but intended for use prior to any inspection is perhaps the highest probability," concludes the study, obtained by the Citizen. "This makes ports the highest probability targets in North America for certain types of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) should they be acquired by terrorists," it notes.

Originally formed in 1993 to deal with terrorism, JTF2 is being slowly expanded by the Canadian military into a special forces unit. JTF2 soldiers are currently serving in Afghanistan and Haiti. Unit members have also become a fixture on most peacekeeping operations.

Based at the Dwyer Hill Training Centre, JTF2‘s ranks stood at around 300 in 2001. But the government has ordered a doubling in size of the unit‘s capacity.

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On the Web for seven-day subscribers: Joint Task Force 2 is the sharp edge of Canada‘s military. Read an excerpt from a journalist‘s book on "Canada‘s Men in Black."


© The Ottawa Citizen 2004
I refuse to believe that our Anti terrorist team would use training aids such as airliners, oil platforms etc. to train themselves on, incase a terrorist would take take them over.
It just doesn‘t make sense.
Hahahahahahahaa ... (it‘s difficult to imitate Ricky Ricardo via typed posts on the Internet, but ...)
"Ah, Ghost778 - you‘re SO funny ...!!!"
I refuse to believe that our Anti terrorist team would use training aids such as airliners, oil platforms etc. to train themselves on, incase a terrorist would take take them over.
(I really hope you‘re kidding - ever heard of the SBS? USN Seals? GTS Katie?)
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] I refuse to believe that our Anti terrorist team would use training aids such as airliners, oil platforms etc. to train themselves on, incase a terrorist would take take them over.
It just doesn‘t make sense. [/qb]
:rolleyes: Yeah, it makes no sense for the JTF-2 to train for possible terror attacks. Instead would you rather them enter into a critical missions with absolutely no relivant training? It makes complete sense for the JTF-2 to recieve training to be able to confront any threats to our security.
steady now nick....

Paul Is after all a student... therefore he is obviously very knowlageble about canada‘s JTF-2 and its various operations, and training...
Hijacking of aircraft can be a terrorist act dependant on the perpetrators and motive. As a rule, responsibiity for dealing with such an event is the responsibility of the nation in which the plane touches down. It is, therefore a potential role of JTF-2 to deal with situation involving aircraft.

The taking over of a platform such as an oil rig (perhaps to initiate an ecological disaster, to use it as a weapons platform for anti-ship missiles, or other purposes) is a possible event. When such situations can be envisioned, their solutions may also be developed, even if only to explore combinations of approaches and security solutions which may be applicable in other situations.

The use of a vessel as an attack platform, such as the explosion of a load of volatile material is a possible threat. The devastation caused on Dec 6, 1917, is an example of potential effects of the kind of threats our port cities must consider.

As we saw with the attacks on 9-11, we can expect the unexpected from the world‘s terorist organizations. It is unlikely that every CT operation will be on a known embassy building and I‘m happy to see them building a wide repetoire of situational skills.

I‘m glad the government has recognized canada‘s lax security when it comes to our waterways. But JTF2 is a good start. I think having a well equipped coast guard is just as valuable. Having people out their on a day to day basis would make just as much sense. They spot something fishy throw it up the chain of command and use the JtF2 to defuse the situation. Eyes and Ears on the water is just as important as defusing the problem.
Originally posted by Paul F:
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] I refuse to believe that our Anti terrorist team would use training aids such as airliners, oil platforms etc. to train themselves on, incase a terrorist would take take them over.
It just doesn‘t make sense. [/qb]
:rolleyes: Yeah, it makes no sense for the JTF-2 to train for possible terror attacks. Instead would you rather them enter into a critical missions with absolutely no relivant training? It makes complete sense for the JTF-2 to recieve training to be able to confront any threats to our security. [/qb]
Why...Oh why does NO ONE Get Humour?!!! Paul F...he was KIDDING!!!
...Surely you understand that! :confused:
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] I refuse to believe that our Anti terrorist team would use training aids such as airliners, oil platforms etc. to train themselves on, incase a terrorist would take take them over.
It just doesn‘t make sense. [/qb]
I think it was two years ago when the Boy‘s in Black along with Queen‘s Cowboy‘s and Navy had an Ex. on a B.C. Ferry.
I was kidding, of course.
Headline; Anti terrorist team trains to fight terrorists. News at eleven. That doesn‘t really seme like news to me. More like common sense. Half the reason theres so much hype about the jtf is stupid media coverage.
Its like saying " News flash, soldiers learn how to use assault rifles and train for war" Well thats kinda strange. Soldiers learning how to fight and anti terrorist teams using likely terrorist targets as training areas.

Having the JTF, a beefed up coast guard, NBC platoons ready to deploy etc.. is great but those units are not often going to stop an attack from taking place. They are going to react to an attack. Didnt the US government have some kind of heads up that an atack would take place but for a number of reasons the information was ignored? We need to put as much time and effort into high level security as we do with the grunts.
we need to ensure we put a good amount of money into Intelligence as well..

a rather obvious statement i know. but one that i think needs to be said. most people tend to forget about military, and Police Int. as well as CSIS. they may not do alot of glamorous work, but its these guys who are usually the first to know about something since theyve always got their ear to the ground. keep their funding up, allowing them to continue doing their job, and hopefully, it will be a good start to ensuring that a catastrophic terror attack will not occur on canadian soil.