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EOD Courses


Army.ca Veteran
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I am looking for some information on becoming EOD qualified.

1) Are there any upcoming courses for EOD?
2) What is the location/length of this course? I am assuming it is one long course. Or is it a series of courses over time?
3) What is the typical rank of pers. getting loaded on a EOD course?
Pieman said:
1) Are there any upcoming courses for EOD?

Pieman said:
2) What is the location/length of this course? I am assuming it is one long course. Or is it a series of courses over time?
It depends on the course.  There are different courses for quals to do different types of EOD task.

This may help a little bit, it is a story we did in Borden on the EOD and Ammo guys.


To become EOD qualified, you must be one of a very few trades in the CF. Depending on which trade you are will pretty much determine what your chances are of becoming qualified. Operational units deploying will generally, but not always, get priority loading on a course. DAOD 8000-1 lays out pretty much all that is EOD related in the CF.
Thanks for the responses. The DAOD 8000-1 can be found online here:


Lots of good info there. The IEDD courses looks interesting...guess I would have to get EOD Basic done first.  ;)

Naaah, just tell the CO you think your experience would be best utilized disarming dud nukes, no need to waste time on that boring old conventional basic crap.
Naaah, just tell the CO you think your experience would be best utilized disarming dud nukes, no need to waste time on that boring old conventional basic crap.

Tall order for a lowly sprog like me...think they would let me keep the Plutonium core? I always wanted one of those....  ;D

Pieman said:
Tall order for a lowly sprog like me...think they would let me keep the Plutonium core? I always wanted one of those....  ;D

Why not just keep the whole thing for later on in life as a centre piece for the livingroom...... Great conversation starter, and wouldn't be any stranger than some of the things kept in the barracks or elsewherefor that matter.....  ;D
I am sure that wouldn't be proper, especially after one has given a Range Declaration.    ;D
If you want to get some EOD quals, start with CMD on your Sect 2 IC Crse, get your DANGEROUS GOODS qual up to date, and you can attend any of the following;

-EOD HB - Conventional ordnance disposal in sunny Niceville Fla,
-IEDD Operator Asst, 3 weeks in Borden,
-IEDD Operator HC , 6 weeks in Borden,

Good Luck
There is also a new one coming up in the new year, CIED I think its called, they are looking for a non-military service provider to teach this one, looks like it is reserved for Afghnaistan bound or deployed personnel only. 
C-IED is not an EOD activity.  If one were to put it in a Venn diagram, EOD and C-IED would overlap at IEDD, but C-IED is not EOD.
Would any of you happen to know what the prerequisites are for the C-IED course?
Pieman said:
Would any of you happen to know what the prerequisites are for the C-IED course?
Deploy.  It is a standard pre-deployment training (and has been for a while).

Things have sure changed in what used to be the 041 trade. I have been retired nine years and have noticed all the changes in MOC's and trade qualifications on the various posts. Never would of thought of the 041 trade going to the wayside!!!!!!

Hey Jeff, it appears the days of being an EOD operator are a plenty now a days!!!! C-IED, IED Assitant Operator, CMD and Dangerous Goods, times have changed...
MCG said:
C-IED is not an EOD activity.  If one were to put it in a Venn diagram, EOD and C-IED would overlap at IEDD, but C-IED is not EOD.

My mistake, I thought it was - can you explain the difference, and why it is not?
Think of IEDD being specialists focused on the device (and one device at a time). C-IED is everything from technical to tactical & everyone from specialists to all-arms.  Pre-deployment C-IED training is effectively MAT for the IED environment. 

To give you a feel for how broad the term is, I recall in the summer there was a news article about one of the fleet maintenance facilities cutting armour for vehicles deploying to Afghanistan.  If the purpose of that armour was to provide protection against IEDs, then the whole activity would have been C-IED.
lovinlife said:
Hey Jeff, it appears the days of being an EOD operator are a plenty now a days!!!! C-IED, IED Assitant Operator, CMD and Dangerous Goods, times have changed...

They've been on the pendulum from hell.  ;)
