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Facebook - the new haven for posers!


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So today, I was searching for a Regimental Group on Facebook - so I search by "Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment" - and I turn up the first Facebook poser I've ever seen.  One "Glen Adam" who claims to be a deployed Master Corporal in B Coy Hast & PER.  Just by skimming his Facebook wall it looks like he's been telling a lot of tall tales to his friends too - and all his "Army pics" appear to be Combat Camera pics off of the DND site or taken from various Regiments' pages.  Interestingly enough, any that are pics of him are ones where it's kind of hard to tell who the subject is.

He claims this pic is him: http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/netpub/server.np?original=67304&site=combatcamera&catalog=photos&download but it was taken before he claims to have gone off on his "nine month tour".

What's wrong with these people?!
I guess either I inadvertently blocked him or he acted quick to hide, because he's just disappeared now.  I remembered seeing his profile picture quite a while ago because I remember trying to figure out what kind of gloves that guy was wearing in the picture.
Best bet is to post something in the group he belonged to.  He may have hidden his profile so that only people on his friends list can see.  Either that or someone else has called him on it.
Redeye said:
I guess either I inadvertently blocked him or he acted quick to hide, because he's just disappeared now.  I remembered seeing his profile picture quite a while ago because I remember trying to figure out what kind of gloves that guy was wearing in the picture.

Maybe he is browsing this site also?
Strike said:
Best bet is to post something in the group he belonged to.  He may have hidden his profile so that only people on his friends list can see.  Either that or someone else has called him on it.

The only military group he belonged to I emailed the maintainer of as well, so we'll see what happens.  Nothing gets my goat like fakes.
Happy days to all,

Personally, people who actually take the time to make others beleive they are Veterans must have some type of inferiority complex. How/why anyone can lie, saying they've been 'overseas' doing it hard, and all the rest of it, well I think its really sick.

All those that have been killed and wounded, and for those who carry the most traumatic memories now, those that are imposters and posers should truly be ashamed of themselves.

My enjoyment comes when they are BUSTED and get publically humialated, and their family, friends and those that know them find out the truth.

We should start a thread "'POSER BUSTERS", posting pics and real names of those imposters who pretend and BS their way through the cost of others . I don't see anything wrong with starting such a thread, do you?

WRT those gloves, I seen nothing in that pic which looks like it was taken O/S, its a wall, and that could be airsoft eqpt for all I know.

The person in question should be notified that he is busted, and lets watch him run/hide, and cower like the spineless being he is. Oh, and I have not a clue about those gloves either  ;D

Again, happy days to all,


Perhaps you should start your own Facebook group entitled "Glen Adam is a Hasty P Poser"
Strike said:
Perhaps you should start your own Facebook group entitled "Glen Adam is a Hasty P Poser"

That would be good! Try to link it to the group he signed onto.

These guys are really foolish if they want to join some Military website or other group.  It really doesn't take long to expose them.  How many have shown up on this site alone?  Everyone knows what nice guys we have been.
Overwatch Downunder said:
We should start a thread "'POSER BUSTERS", posting pics and real names of those imposters who pretend and BS their way through the cost of others . I don't see anything wrong with starting such a thread, do you?

Already done, Wes.  You ought to know that we are ahead of our times on this site and have answers for you before you even think of the questions:

Wanna-be‘s / Posers
Excellent George!!!

Going to have a sticky beek now...


EDIT, ya had a squizz, and I had even put my 2 cents in back in Oct 06 when I was in Iraq, ha!

What we need is a thread which is strictly for the  BUSTED pers on it with pic and name, and their story which they were passing as their truth. Don't know about the legal ramifications on that, but I would say it would have to be 110% accurate on those exposed.

Can we do such a thing??

Discuss please.

Happy days,

Once you start stepping into the Legal Realms, it would be best to have the advice of the Legal Eagles.  In today's Political Climate, it is often the perpetrator of a crime who turns the law around to sue the victim of a crime.  Look at the examples in the Courts today.  "Thief gets caught in garage while family away on week long vacation - Sues family for his 'hardships' while trapped in garage".  "Lady sues McDonalds when she spills hot coffee on her lap while driving."  There is a whole site dedicated to these 'miscarriages' of Justice.  What is our Poser/Charlaton going to do should we expose him/her and publish their photo?
This site goes all the way.


Do have a squizz.


It is less the problems that might arise from a discredited poser that I would worry about, than the loss of credibility we would face if a presented "poser" turned out to be legitimate.  Once the online sharks start circling, it's hard to undo the damage.  Whether it be someone taking inaccurate but honestly believed remembrances out of context, or hammering a veteran over medals remounted out of order by mistake, it's too easy to be wrong over an unintentional error, and then create an embarrassing fiasco for all involved.  Those who would post anonymously in such a thread further contribute to the dilemma, for they would seldom, if ever, own up to their remarks and openly apologize for them.  There are official venues for reporting those who would represent themselves dishonestly for person gain, whether that be monetary gain or recognition and privilege.  We would do better by gathering and presenting information to help others investigate the suspect details and to properly report the miscreants if they be proven as such.
Overwatch Downunder said:
WRT those gloves, I seen nothing in that pic which looks like it was taken O/S, its a wall, and that could be airsoft eqpt for all I know.


The pic is legit - it's a Vandoo MCpl if I remember right from seeing it the first time when it had a caption - the individual on Facebook is misrepresenting it as himself.
Redeye said:

The pic is legit - it's a Vandoo MCpl if I remember right from seeing it the first time when it had a caption - the individual on Facebook is misrepresenting it as himself.

If you right click on the pic and hit "properties" you'll see the tag from Combat Camera.
Fair enough Mr O'Leary.

WRT the Australian site, see blelow, and posers beware at least if you live in Australia or New Zealand..

If anyone was to be exposed here, it would be for the obvious, and would have to reflect like I said 110% accuracy.


The Australasian Military Fraud

Often called by the derogatory term "wannabe" these are men and women who may or may not have served in the armed forces, but who fraudulently misrepresent themselves as having served; often in a theatre of war by their words and actions, and by wearing of medals and other accoutrements to military service to which they have no entitlement.

In recent years there has been uncertainty about who is entitled to wear US and Vietnamese decorations. The Australian government has instituted an application and verification method for all those who believe that they are entitled to foreign awards. Those without government notification or approval must be classified as a fraud, a "wannabe."

The impostor or fraud will push the line saying that they were "given" decorations in the field. This does not legitimise the wearing of the award. Official recognition was and still is supported with documentation and the written citation. It is known that some Vietnamese Commanders "awarded" American and Australian servicemen decorations for being nice, or for a favour, not for gallantry or service rendered.

Under the Defence Act, 1903 as amended, it is a federal offence to claim to be a returned soldier, sailor or airman, subject to six months' imprisonment and a fine of up to $3300. Further it is an offence to wear a service decoration to which you are not entitled, attracting additional penalties.

Worse though, is the cost to Australia's taxpayers who are picking up the tabs to the tune of perhaps million of dollars in payments and pensions to 'veterans' who have no legitimate claim to the title.

Worse still is the insult to genuine veterans of any conflict, who find their courage, honour and valour stolen by imposters both from within and outside their ranks. We will continue to ferret out those who misrepresent their service. More here.

There is no grey. Only black or white.
