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Family coming to visit you while on Tour

  • Thread starter Thread starter neuromancer
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I was just wondering, if Im accepted and then sent on a tour to
some far-off place will my family (particularly my wife) be able to come
visit me if I pay for her plane ticket and accomedations?

I know it doesn't sound very practical, but I'm just mostly curious
if such a thing is possible.

What are the rules about visitors during operations?

This is asuming that Im not posted to a dangerous situation, for example, lets
say Im sent to florida for training or something nice like that..
If you're sent somewhere for a year or so, maybe they'll be moved with you. Other than that, get used to saying "Goodbye" a lot.
Don't think that was the question he was asking?

If you go on an operational tour you could be entitled to Home Travel Leave Assistance (HTLA).  Through HTLA, you can either return to Canada for a couple of weeks or do what I did in 1998 and have you wife meet in a very nice vacation spot (Greece in my case) and the CF will pay for up to the equivalent of the return ticket to Canada from the nearest civilian departure point to your duty location.  In some cases this assistance can greatly offset the travel costs to go somewhere nice.  I am sure others that have been on tour more recently than I have can add more.  Cheers.  :salute: :cdn:
kincanucks said:
Don't think that was the question he was asking?
no, I didn't or I wouldn't have given that answer. It looks to me like he's asking if he can have family visit a theatre while he's on tour. The answer is "no", correct?
Then he asks if family can visit wjile he's training. Again, the answer is "no". Now a year-long posting is something entirely different. As I pointed out.

Then again, if he decides he wants his family to come see him in Afghanistan, I suppose he can certainly have them buy tickets and book rooms. Maybe he swing by on a patrol, or something.

Then again, if he decides he wants his family to come see him in Afghanistan, I suppose he can certainly have them buy tickets and book rooms. Maybe he swing by on a patrol, or something.

Hmm, was this allows on your tour?
No I meant duty tours, but obviously not Afganistan or some place dangerous.

Are Canadian troups not sent anywhere safe? I know this is the military but I thought
that some of the postings would be to relatively safe areas. Dont we get sent down
to the US sometimes? I thought there was a lot of troop shuffling going on.

The idea of going on vacation is great one, thanks!
To clear things up for you, Canadians typically train on bases throughout Canada. There are occasional training opportunities in other countries but obviously if the CF is sending you to Florida for an exercise, they wont be giving you enough time off to have visitors. As for actual postings outside of Canada, they may be attatched or unattatched which means in one case your immediate familly will be moving there with you or in the case of unattatched, you will be entitled to the afore mentioned HLTA.

Dont be misled though that we are similar to the USA, in that they have military bases throughout the world. Sadly since Germany closed out, Canada is struggling to keep bases open in Canada.
Strugling to keep bases open in Canada? That sounds really bad.
What exactly happened in Germany to change things this way?
i didnt know they were having trouble keeping our bases open.
If it weren't for the Patricias this place would have been closed a while ago
Just to name a few closures: Calgary,Chilliwak,Summerside,Portage La Prairie,Penhold,Griesbach,Ipperwash,Downsview,Chatam.......the list goes on.
are all these bases closing due to lack of funding? thats bullsh!t :threat:
Jaxson said:
are all these bases closing due to lack of funding? thats bullsh!t :threat:

That's the Liberal gov't for you.

Jaxson said:
are all these bases closing due to lack of funding? thats bullsh!t :threat:

Not closing but are closed and have been for some time now.
Jaxson said:
are all these bases closing due to lack of funding? thats bullsh!t :threat:

That's NOT "bullshit".  That's fiscal reality.

Although I may have disagreed with various specific closures, the need for "down sizing" our real estate holdings was obvious.  Bases don't exist free of charge - it takes MONEY and PEOPLE to keep buildings heated and maintained - not to mention groundskeeping, etcetera, etcetera.

The facilities we were left with at the end of the Cold War were designed to house a much larger military than we now have - it was a waste of resources to keep them all.

Although we may not have saved all the money we SHOULD have when the bases closed (that's a different subject), the closures were a necessary, if painful, exercise in fiscal prudence.
There are a couple postings outside of Canada but they are only open to specific trades. Whidbey Island, Washington is one and it is only open to SonarOp's(NacOps and OceanOps for the old schoolers). There is also Washington, DC, Colorado Springs CO, Norfolk, VA,  and I am sure there are more, but all of them are trade specific.

HLTA is a great thing. By what I remember from a pre deployment meeting at the MFRC a few years back, the CF will pay for you to fly out one family member to where ever you are going to meet up with them. My friends husband pulled into Australia and the CF flew her down to meet him, but all accomodation and food was the responsibility of the member.
Hmm...AFGHANISTAN doesn't seem too appealing to me for a summer getaway... hehehe

However if we invaded a tropic or Carribean nation..well then...it's a different story......
