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Farewell to Canadian Armour

Actually not much is working on the MGS. They have the auto loader to work on. The fact that it doesn't fit in a Herc. Is top heavy and thus firing on the extreme angle is not suggested, nor driving over terrain that is angled to much. Etc...

I believe there is a thread around here that speaks of it in detail...

Here ya go.

Zipper said:
Actually not much is working on the MGS. They have the auto loader to work on. The fact that it doesn't fit in a Herc. Is top heavy and thus firing on the extreme angle is not suggested, nor driving over terrain that is angled to much. Etc...

I believe there is a thread around here that speaks of it in detail...

Here ya go.


You forgot that It can't employ its main gun, without the crew commander losing his/her eye brows (if they're lucky)
This is one vehicle where the crew will have no choice but to fight with their hatches locked.  The blast from the gun does too much damage for a CC to fight in an open hatch.
I've also heard that while it can fire on the move, it has to stop to have its reloader work without jamming. Is this true?

It most likely is true.

Canada dropped the "Critical" requirement that stated it be capable of firing on the move.

It is now a "desirable" instead of a "critical".
why do you want to go back to the old tanks? the best thing is to have tanks with REAL battle experience and not what the goverment thinks they should have or not have.
i think if you want the Canadian Armour to be one of the best in the wrold you should just get the Israeli Merkava 4, because the Israelis know exactly what you need in today's battle field.
Ah Yani, Yani, Yani.

If you take the time to read all of the posts and other threads on this topic, you will quickly learn that our government has taken us out of the Tank bunisness a long time ago. Regardless of the fact that we have had Tanks until just recently, we have not been in the "game" for a long while. You must understand first, which will be hard for you since you come from a place that looks upon its military as vital, that our government does not look at their military as anything other then a means to carry out Aide missions as part of their foreign policy.

We are a heavily armed constbulary in their eyes. With only a few exceptions.

Sad? But true.
yanivb86 said:
why do you want to go back to the old tanks? the best thing is to have tanks with REAL battle experience and not what the goverment thinks they should have or not have.
i think if you want the Canadian Armour to be one of the best in the wrold you should just get the Israeli Merkava 4, because the Israelis know exactly what you need in today's battle field.

Merkava variants are not for export out of Israel. Do some research.

Just because the Leo is old, does not mean it cannot be upgrade with the 120, new MP, electric turret drive!. NO tank can survive now a days. Tow out to 4000m, can cut through an tank. Get real people. OOOO the M1, OOOOO the Leo2, OOOOO Challenger 2, OOOO etc,etc. The LeoC2 is not a bad tank, it could be deployed where the bigger tanks cannot.
I'm a Recce fello by heart, but I did enjoy my lil bit of tank time.
OOOO the MGS cannot be loaded in a Herc, well a Leo is bigger dumb dumbs. Heavy tanks are not needed in todays worlds, a good urban fight veh is. Just because they used tanks in the Iraqi desert, does not mean you can use them in down town Kabul.

:evil: :tank:
When the heck did fire on the run become an option? Did I miss something? Was it in the papers?

Kat Stevens said:
When the heck did fire on the run become an option? Did I miss something? Was it in the papers?

It was always in the requirements. At least at first. If you cannot fire on the move, then you may as well go back to WWII tech. Its a rather important feature for any mobile gun system (tanks and otherwise), so that you do not become a stationary target yourself.

Recce41 said:
NO tank can survive now a days. Tow out to 4000m, can cut through an tank. Get real people. OOOO the M1, OOOOO the Leo2, OOOOO Challenger 2, OOOO etc,etc. The LeoC2 is not a bad tank, it could be deployed where the bigger tanks cannot.

We all know this. However they are more survivable with the weapons being used today then a glorified IFV tin can. And yes, the C2 is still a fine vehicle.

OOOO the MGS cannot be loaded in a Herc, well a Leo is bigger dumb dumbs. Heavy tanks are not needed in todays worlds, a good urban fight veh is. Just because they used tanks in the Iraqi desert, does not mean you can use them in down town Kabul.

We all know that the Leo is bigger. It is rather obvious. And your comments that big tanks are not needed shows your ignorance. They are being used quite successfully as mobile pill boxes in cities and towns by the US forces. As well, you are following far to many people (top brass included) into thinking that there will NEVER be a conflict where massed armies come together.

Yes, the cold war is over and that type of conflict is of lower priority. But to think it is never going to happen is naive and dangerous.

Are we able to support such a formation? No. Which is why we no longer have the MBT and are looking for other means with which to fit.

Is it going to take time and money to develop a "urban" Armoured vehicle? Yes, and we won't be doing it because of the same reason we do not have MBT's. Money. We'll help develop, and then buy off the shelf (I hope). But this will take time. Considering it took 10-15 years to develop other said vehicles.

So keep finding targets for the rest of us to engage and remember...            ...keep you head down. :fifty:
I think you mis-read me... Shooting on the fly IS a NECESSITY, not an option. If you can't hit him first round, you may not get a second if you're not on the fly..

Follow the Top Brass, ME? well Reservist. When have you been in a tank? If you haven't seen the M1 taken out by RPGs. I'll gather up the ones from work. IT DOES NOT MATTER, IF YOUR IN A M1 OR A LEO. It can be disabled or distroyed.
Just because the your in an M1 wearing your Black Beret. Does not make you superman. If the US had gone against a real Army, thing would have been different.
:evil: :tank:
If only we could get a bunch of the AT-AT and AT-ST the empire used to invade hoth in The Empire Strikes Back. Now that was shock action.

Seriously, maybe if we could spring for at least something like the updated M8 (wich has 120mm auto-loader, can travel 80 KM/H and fits into the herc, no problem) would be great for the Canadian Army IMO.

It is NOT a MBT but its light, fast and carries a big mean gun   >:D
This would fit Hilliers expitionary ideas.