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Fifteen years young. Planning life out.


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So I am fifteen years old and am planning on joining the reserve once I'm sixteen (like my older brother). Obviously my first choice is infantry :p . Then once I graduate and am old enough, try and get into regular for infantry as well.
But I just have a few questions.

1. I know the minimum requirements to join says you have to have your grade 10. (I'm in Ontario.) Can I put in my application before I have completed grade ten but once I'm sixteen?
2. Am i better off waiting until I'm old enough to join regular instead of joining reserve then doing a CT?

Thanks in advance,
1. No.

2. There are too many factors to offer a simple answer to this question.  You have plenty of time to find and read all the relevant threads to form your own choice before you will be eligible to join the CF.

...but the mere fact that you can frame a coherent question (using correct punctuation and everything) is well worth the 300 MilPoints! You are already well ahead of many of your contemporaries we see here.
If you plan on completing high school (which you should do) I suggest you find out if your local reserve units offer a 'co-op' program, since you're in Ontario. That way, you can do your BMQ while earning high school credits. Also, you can probably go straight to your trades courses full time during the summer

Just my  :2c:

Actually you can APPLY before your 16th birthday and before you have completed grade 10. However, you can not be enrolled until you meet ALL requirements of service. We had this dilemma with CO-OP applicants. Many of them applied in grade 9 and at age 15. CO-OP IS Reserves. So we took in applications and processed at age 15. HOWEVER, we had to wait until they were 16 and had 15 OSSD credits before we could enrol.
Okay, floor's open!!
Thank you all for your kind words and helpful answers!  Really appreciate everyones opinions.

@Retired FDO That just made my day! I will keep everyone up to date on how everything goes.

JohnTBay said:
If you plan on completing high school (which you should do) I suggest you find out if your local reserve units offer a 'co-op' program, since you're in Ontario. That way, you can do your BMQ while earning high school credits. Also, you can probably go straight to your trades courses full time during the summer

Just my  :2c:

I would second this coop option.  It gives you a taste of what to expect and you get paid a bit of cash.  Thats a step up from any other high school placement in Ontario.

I did the Co-op option back in '99...

12 years and a Tour of the 'ghan later, I have no regrets. I love being in the CF.
The only reason I don't want to take the co-op is beacuse I need the two credits for either some more science's or maths. Trying to get all four sciences and the good math's :p

@Brihard. North eastern Ontario. More specificly North Bay.
mycocobean said:
The only reason I don't want to take the co-op is beacuse I need the two credits for either some more science's or maths. Trying to get all four sciences and the good math's :p

Good call. At no time should you give up school for the CF. Get your High School. If you do well enough you could look at ROTP or NCMSEP. Even if you don't want either of those programs finish high school at the absolute minimum!!

Good luck.
mycocobean said:
The only reason I don't want to take the co-op is beacuse I need the two credits for either some more science's or maths. Trying to get all four sciences and the good math's :p

@Brihard. North eastern Ontario. More specificly North Bay.

What is your rationale behind taking all the sciences?
Chilme said:
What is your rationale behind taking all the sciences?

I can't quite say I have much reason for taking all of them. The main reason really would be to broaden my choices if my plans to join the military fall through, and if I choose to go to post secondary. Next semester when I choose my courses I will think about doing the co-op though. Seems like a lot more fun and interesting then school work!
Received some "tough to chew" information today. I went into the recruiting office all set to get my application and be on my way with the process, as the recruiting officer is pulling out the forms telling me about how there are a few weapons tech and vehicle tech positions open, I ask her the questions I asked here.

Sad to say that ,I have to wait nine months until I finish grade ten and then can start the process. Overall it was still a good experience and the officer was really nice.

I'm just going to look at this as nine more months to prepare myself mentally and physically for what I'm getting myself into!

Thanks for everyones help!
