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Fighting at St-Jean

Ah decisions, decisions, when and when not to use violence! I have a dilemma now that I didn't have in my youth and that's conscience. I'm a big guy (5'11" 290lbs) and I'm also a trained martial artist (Judo, TKD) on top of that I fought all through my hockey career, still do. So for me, it comes down to knowing that I could really hurt someone bad maybe even a death, and would I want that on my mind? In this grown up world, we all have jobs, wives, kids and we would look ridiculous if we showed up at work like we just came from fight club. I believe what we need is controlled agression, my sensei always says be assertive until you need to be aggresive, so state your problems to the person, make it clear that it is bothering you and then if talking like normal human beings doesn't help, well have at er' and show them what an armbar or choke feels like from the ground, they may just come around to your way of thinking :P
dc445 said:
So no fighting, what happens if this certain individual is threat to the safety of yourself and the others around you (through certain 'soldiering' incidents)? Can't deal with it yourself then?

If an individual is a threat to your safety they will find themselves on a fast plane to the business end of a boot by the instructors. This is one area where the instructors are verrrry proficient. They wont let any safety violations go unpunished.

Island Ryhno said:
I believe what we need is controlled agression, my sensei always says be assertive until you need to be aggresive, so state your problems to the person, make it clear that it is bothering you and then if talking like normal human beings doesn't help, well have at er' and show them what an armbar or choke feels like from the ground, they may just come around to your way of thinking :P

My personal rule of thumb is lett'm come to you. Don't hit first or make physical contact or attacks first. Speak your mind, tell the A-hole he's f*ckin' pissing you off and warn him that you won't put up with him being an idiot. That approach usually works well because it shines a spotlight on them. I ran into trouble with that approach late in highschool, sometimes they won't start a confrontation or hit you, they just keep bothering you or your pals and being stupid. Then you have to use more drastic measures, which is the first time I attacked someone first...

Generally with human nature, a bunch of army guys are like alpha wolves, it's the natural way of determining the "pecking" order. One guy thinks he's quite tough, the other guy thinks so too and doesn't like his attitude... Fight ensures, one person wins, the other one shuts the hell up... It's like sign language, unspoken communication.

Still solved the problem. Violence is the oldest form of dispute resolution, it's brutal, but effective. After you fight someone, it's almost as if you've shared something, you know where they stand, and generally both folks know who is the man. If you give him a good lick'n he really probably won't bother you again. No need to break bones or draw blood, but if you pop someone a few solid shots to the face and ribs, they won't soon forget it.

As others have mentioned, we're still suppose to be professional soldiers though, and while you've got that uniform and the pay comming into your account, your still a Canadian Forces soldier and don't forget that. So is he/she...

Just make them  :'(
R031 Pte Joe said:
My personal rule of thumb is lett'm come to you. Don't hit first or make physical contact or attacks first. Speak your mind, tell the A-hole he's f*ckin' pissing you off and warn him that you won't put up with him being an idiot. That approach usually works well because it shines a spotlight on them. I ran into trouble with that approach late in highschool, sometimes they won't start a confrontation or hit you, they just keep bothering you or your pals and being stupid. Then you have to use more drastic measures, which is the first time I attacked someone first...

most kids in highschool will back down if u confront them..its happend to me, im a pretty kinda small and this taller dude asked me to fight and i said sure lets go after school infront of the door...we walked out he kept walkin and never looked back...
Might I make a slight suggestion:

If you really need to "take it outside"... when you are on course.... recall that you actually do get weekends off...  On such a weekend, the two of you can run off to the nearest boxing gym, and pound the shit out of each other. Dont tell your staff of course, because you'd probably get charged for injuring yourself on purpose or some such craziness, but its just a thought.

No need to step out into the yellow lined hall and have the MP's come a runnin.
I htink if your really having a problem then you should try to confront the person without using violence and tel the guy/girl that "Hey we are here to work as a team you don't like me and I don't like you but we will need each other at the front so just try to be civil" Hopefully he/she would grow up and agree with this method hope that helps :salute: comment if you want on this method :D
armyrules said:
I htink if your really having a problem then you should try to confront the person without using violence and tel the guy/girl that "Hey we are here to work as a team you don't like me and I don't like you but we will need each other at the front so just try to be civil" Hopefully he/she would grow up and agree with this method hope that helps :salute: comment if you want on this method :D

I think you're bang on. Most people aren't idiots - they can be reasoned with. You'd be surprised how reasonable people can be given calm, 2-way discourse with a person they have a problem with. I've had people I hated and who hated me become people I consort with on good terms simply because we spoke with each other about our problem - most of the time you realise that the impression you had of someone was completely off and vice-versa. They were nowhere near as bad, obnoxious, or stupid as you thought they were and you often end up finding out that you have quite a bit you agree on and share in common. You're not going to find that out and find a lasting resolution to your common problem by pounding the crap out of them.

BeadWindow said:
This is an aggressive business. You are either or aggressive or your the other guy- I had a guy on boot camp who didnt want to go to the range because he didnt like violence. Which are you?

There's a difference between aggressive and unnecessarily violent. The kind of lack of self-control that people who start fights demonstrate indicates to me that they shouldn't be given a weapon. I'm not saying don't fight back if someone scraps with you, I'm saying don't start it. 

Infanteer said:
I take it you've never been in a fight?

Sure, plenty, some of which I started myself. Have I been in a fight that *I* started since about grade 7? No. Given my propensity for violence at the time, I wouldn't have given me a weapon then either. I've had fights started with me and intervened in other situations but I don't initiate violence against people pointlessly. If it's the only option (as it would be, for example, if someone's attacking you) then I have absolutely no problem engaging in it, nor do I do so with regret. But to start hitting someone because they annoy me, I don't like them, they don't like me, etc. is just ridiculous. It's the kind of behaviour you would expect to see from school kids, not adults.
I've been in my share of fights, but all have been in grades 3-9. I haven't seen the need to fight anybody in high school, even though alot of people piss me off. Their will always be that person in my class, were I'll think, I wish somebody would kick that guys ass and drop them down a peg or two.

But this is high school, if I got in a fight on school property, a suspension, and the school calling in the RCMP. Even if its a small fight. Thats zero tolerance for ya.
i like the "find a local boxing ring" answer.  People who take "advantage" just love those who dont' have the balls to stand up to them.

I enjoyed the payback of an individual who thought it would be a good idea to spar with me at the factory one day.  He threw some hands, and I swiped 'em away,then,  He stepped in to get a grip on me and I swepped his lead foot (and was nice enuff to wait till he got his balance back) then...he felt it would be a good idea to grab my throat  I was shocked at his blindness in not seeing how I could have squared him away during his first two attempts.  So I invited him to the local club (with a huge smile and every sense of assurance that he would be completely safe, and that there would be no risk to himself.)    Beat him so fuckin  hard he stood in the middle of the ring with bloodshot eyes, swaying from left to right.  At that point I leaned over to him and said "Maybe you should go sit down now."  His response was "yeah, I think you're right".  He went home with blood shot eyes and got shit from his old lady for being out drinking all night. 

  Funny thing happend, he remembered his manners after that and has been the nicest guy ever since.

hoo raaah.