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Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

I don't know about the elbows for sure. But from what I take, I don't think its required. I mean, depending on the size of the arm will ultimately decide where your arms are at your side. i have pretty lanky arms and they are not exactly at my hip so to speak. because if i did my hands are infront of my chest. which means im doing close grip push ups... So I guess It changes?
The PSP staff should demonstrate the proper position.  Basically, you will lay flat on the floor with your hands palm down, fingers forward under your shoulders.  They should be able to see part of your hand if standing directly over you.  You push fully up (up position) and come down until your arms are roughly parallel to the ground (down position).  It doesn’t matter where the elbows are pointing.  The staff will let you know if it counts or not, trust me.  As I've said before, some are not very forgiving.  Don't forget that the push ups are continuous, no pausing.
Ruski said:
But when asked the R/C they declined that. and said just mit the minimum threshold and there is no if ands or buts ur going to WTF instead of Platoon
so im confused..

Confused?? Translate it this way:

Me being a fictional member employed in the recruiting centre saying: "Just TRAIN to ensure that you can meet the minimum threshold (standard) for ALL of the items prior to getting to Saint Jean ... and then there'll be no ifs, ands, or buts about you going to RFT."

Understand now?

(And, anyone who has joined the CF and who does not train to meet the minimum in ALL of these items before reporting [they are well aware of the min standards] ... is an idiot).
??? Many years ago a push-up was a push-up, now it's a science that requires years of schooling to perfect and administer. What ever happened to "give me 50" and you pumped them off with not much worry over form and technique so long as you went all the way up and down and kept your body flat. Perhaps we could make it an Olympic sport and give points for the "perfect technique". And now that I am on a "rant", what ever happened to chinups??
4Feathers said:
??? Many years ago a push-up was a push-up, now it's a science that requires years of schooling to perfect and administer. What ever happened to "give me 50" and you pumped them off with not much worry over form and technique so long as you went all the way up and down and kept your body flat. Perhaps we could make it an Olympic sport and give points for the "perfect technique". And now that I am on a "rant", what ever happened to chinups??

Technique, technique, technique.  How many times have you witness someone doing pushups who looked like a dog humping a football, or whose belly never got off the floor?  You are right about the correct form, but so many can't even do that, let alone the pushups.
I did the Expres Test last week. Next year I'll take it a bit more seriously. Nothing was an issue.
If a 19 year old CAN'T do 19 pushups...... :brickwall:
George Wallace said:
Technique, technique, technique.  How many times have you witness someone doing pushups who looked like a dog humping a football, or whose belly never got off the floor?  You are right about the correct form, but so many can't even do that, let alone the pushups.

True about technique, but technique is in the 'eye of the beholder' (i.e. the PSP staff member counting them). I know many people who did more than the required number, but some of their push-ups didn't get counted and therefore they 'failed' the push-up portion. The same thing can happen with sit-ups. On my first test, PSP staff was concerned with the elbows touching the knees. On the second test, it was going all the way down, shoulders touching the mat, that was the issue. I did way more than I needed both times, but it is frustrating when they don't count push-ups and sit-ups that most non-PSP staff members would surely think are done in perfectly good form/technique.  :P
Celticgirl said:
but it is frustrating when they don't count push-ups and sit-ups that most non-PSP staff members would surely think are done in perfectly good form/technique.  :P


It was no different back in the days where the test was administered by the PERIs.
If PSP didn't have some kind of technique to judge by, people would be doing push ups as described by George Wallace.

How many times have you witness someone doing pushups who looked like a dog humping a football, or whose belly never got off the floor?
PMedMoe said:
If PSP didn't have some kind of technique to judge by, people would be doing push ups as described by George Wallace.

Then there are the ones who look like they are stuck on a bascule bridge, with only their arse moving up and down...  :)


Eye In The Sky said:
Then there are the ones who look like they are stuck on a bascule bridge, with only their arse moving up and down...  :)


Hmmm.....I always thought that was a genetic procreation warmup......shit...how wrong I was.....(helluva time to find out these things after all this time....  ;D )
The best way to go about this is to be prepared to do more than the minimum so if some push ups or sit ups aren't counted you still will meet the standard. When I did my fitness test I had a couple push ups rejected but I still passed. I should probably video myself doing them so I know what I look like. Getting fit as possible is the best plan also because it reduces the chance of injury.
Larkvall said:
The best way to go about this is to be prepared to do more than the minimum so if some push ups or sit ups aren't counted you still will meet the standard.

Thats good, simple advice.

I should probably video myself doing them so I know what I look like.

How about "no"?  :)  Or, if you do, please do NOT post a link here to yourself on Youtube :P

Getting fit as possible is the best plan also because it reduces the chance of injury.

More good simple advice. (it also aids in speeding up your recovery time, too)
kincanucks said:
Didn't you get punted off Basic?

No, I did not get "punted" off basic.  ::) I VR'd for personal reasons. One of which was to join the reserves, which I am doing this week.
Celticgirl said:
No, I did not get "punted" off basic.  ::) I VR'd for personal reasons. One of which was to join the reserves, which I am doing this week.

Ahhh thanks for the clarification.  Good luck with your reserve application.
Celticgirl said:
I VR'd for personal reasons.

I saw the personal reason but you left some out.......

My body started to give out, I got sick (chest cold) along with severe muscle aches, started passing out (once at 7.15k of a 7.2k ruck, lol...so close!), and just plain could not recover enough in between activities with days filled with PT, drill, stairs, rucking, etc., etc. to be strong enough to complete the course.

I just didn't have the muscular strength I needed to do the tasks I needed to do

what I learned at CFLRS will help me in my training for the reserves.

So i'm hoping you did since you decided to join a part of the reserves that requires you to complete basic traning full-time.

You guys are so obvious, you know that?

I VR'd for personal reasons...illness, chronic pain, and two family issues. I have fully recovered, I have dealt with the family issues, and as a bonus, I had time to spend with my father who passed away unexpectedly two weeks ago. I did not fail any part of basic training, including the Expres test (actually, I got exempt on it). I was nowhere near being "punted" at any point of my training.

And yes, I do know I will be going back to do basic training again, as I have mentioned several times in previous posts.

kincanucks said:
Ahhh thanks for the clarification.  Good luck with your reserve application.

Thank you. My application was successful (as my tagline indicates).

Good night, gentlemen. Thanks for the 'fun and games'. You guys throw one hell of a party.  :blotto: