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Food [and a little of everything else] at Stalwart Guardian 04

  • Thread starter Thread starter rormson
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How, by coming into an otherwise intelligent thread and anonymously spouting off  some "bigman" diatribe?

No.  By quitting the complaining and taking it.

It's the army for christ sakes.  I'm really tired of people going ape shit the minute they get the least bit uncomfortable.  It has nothing to do with acting "bigman" and everything to do with the profession you chose.  Remember.  You volunteered for this.  If you don't like it, quit.  My heart is not bleeding for you..
I don't really see anyone asking you to feel sorry for them

I do agree with you in that today soldiers seem to do a lot of whining and complaining.   They can't go to the field because they have something to do.   They can't eat IMPs because it makes them sick or they dont have ones they like. They can't go on marches because they show up for a tasking on day 1 with a no pt sick chit. Their allergic to metal or the sun.

I agree people vvolunteer this and if they don't like it they should hit the road. Though,   because its volunteer that   doesnt mean soldiers should be treated like shit and like it.

As for complaining you kinda just put yourself in a sticky situation because i'm sure the minute you complain about something from now on people are going to turn around and say
Remember.   You volunteered for this.   If you don't like it, quit.    My heart is not bleeding for you..

Though,  because its volenteer that  doesnt mean soldiers should be treated like crap and like it.

Noone ever said they should be treated like crap and like it.  IMP's are an important part of a soldiers kit.  It keeps them alive in the field.  They don't have to love it, but they don't have to complain about it all the time either.    Being given 3 IMP's a day should be considered a treat than being treated like crap.  Most WW2, Nam and Korean soldiers sometimes went days without food or water.

As for complaining you kinda just put yourself in a sticky situation because i'm sure the minute you complain about something from now on people are going to turn around and say

Last time I complained about anything was while I was in Valcartier.  My boots were soaked from 5 days of rain, and I started to get trench foot.  What did I do?  I looked at my watch and saw only 12 hours left in the FTX, I picked up my rifle, doused it in CLP, and soldiered on....
...and if that exercise was 12 more days?....

EDIT. and since you brought up about the guys in WW2 etc....just what do you think the charge would be if you knew you were getting trenchfoot and did nothing to rectify it?

The question would be, were the troops on IMPs because someone was too lazy to have a meal plan. Part of any military planning, whether peace or war is meal planning. It is part of logistics and just as important as water, fuel and ammunition. As much effort must be made to supply a hot meal (haybox/field kitchen) whenever or wherever possible. It is a morale boost. Read the stories in WWII where troops received hot meals. Even haybox meals must be done tactical as that is also part of the training. IMPs should be last resort, not first. Its known as looking after your troops.
I totally agree with you, but, I do believe that those of us wise enough to be Artillery are a bit spoiled as the gun positions are a lot more condensed population-wise and its not like after firing a round or two that noise is a concern.
I remember being in the OP in Norway and the big joke on the gun-line was "what,.. steak,.... again?"
And I was up front eating rations[and occaionally, maybe a restarant or two,also] ;)

I hear you. OPs always carry IMPs. But then again, a good BK/BSM, will at least try and get a hot meal up. Sometimes it can't be done.

Have to admit that it easier for us Gunners, as the field kitchen is part of the Battery.
Now that we're on the topic of IMPs...

Who agrees with me that the ham steak in mustard sauce is the worst meal on the menu?
it's not that bad. i had it four times in a row on BMQ. However, that damn baked cherry dessert should be cut from the team. I havn't figured out what I can use it for yet...
Lasagna is the best I've found.
Regarding Stalwart Guardian;

Does anyone have any input on how it went?  Be it food, training or whatever?

As far as the airborne coy went I heard one platoon was treated like gold while the other platoon was treated like the ugly girl at a dance.
I thought it was junk.  The company size raid turned into a massive circular stroll through the woods.  The live-fire blocking op was fairly good training, but nothing spectecular.  And the FIBUA portion turned into a slaughter due to poor leadership and comms.  The BBQ and pizza was nice though.
How about the meals?
In 2002 i remember they never ordered enough food so we got like half a sassauge and a piece of bread for breakfast. oh and an egg.
Some of the troops took to calling SG 2003 "Camp Aushwitz" due to the fact that for the first 48 hours we had no food at all, but lots of showers.  (and please don't flame me for the politically incorrect joke, I'm just the messenger).  SG 2004 was actually good as far as food went.  IMP's the whole time, except for 2 or 3 haybox breakfasts, but the rations were there on time and in the right quantities, so I don't think you'll hear too many complaints.
Lost_Warrior said:
  Being given 3 IMP's a day should be considered a treat than being treated like crap.   Most WW2, Nam and Korean soldiers sometimes went days without food or water.

No, no, no, not even close.  Even the Germans in Stalingrad at the end had some food and water, ditto the American and Filipino garrison on Bataan. Canadian soldiers, on the other hand, never, ever, went without food or water, this is wildly inaccurate, unless you want to point us to a source for this information that I have missed somewhere along the way.

I agree with your points about sucking it up, however, and yes, people are quick to complain.  I think the IMPs taste like glutinous dogshit, all I taste is the preservatives, and so I eat them as little as possible.  However, I don't complain about it either, and when necessary, I choke it down as required.  Having worked in a field kitchen one weekend, I may never look at another chicken the same way again, but that's neither here nor there... :)
Burrows said:
... and for the records IMP's are not "$30.00 per meal". Its $8.76 for a normal meal and about $10.00 for a vegitarian

Please quote the the source of your information.
Here's some good info:

http://www.cariboucry.com/storefront/product305.html  These guys are selling Beef Chop Suey (Good One) for about 4 bucks, doesn't list if it's the whole big smash that you get in the Forces with all the extras.

http://www.mreinfo.com They say here that you can typically get a case of Freddy Chef's for $40 but they can demand up to $80 on e-bay, I did some searches on e-bay and found lots of US MRE's for sale there. The site is a good place to go for anyone considering purchasing IMP's as it gives you tips and typical prices. Happy Hunting.
Maybe someone could clear this up for me.

One summer i spent 3 months in the field from monday to friday. I brought my own food and ate that instead of rations but i kept the IMPs (unopened). I collected probably 150 +/- IMP meals. I was going to bring them home and either sell them or keep them to use on future ex's. (I'll bring a few of my own IMPs on EXs just to ensure i get the ones i like).  I got told that keeping them was illegal and since i didnt use them i was required to give them back to the CQ (Whom i thought would have already written them off as used).

What do you guys think?
8 days? Thats a week and a day. Come on you guys.Try eating ratpacks for weeks at a time. Occasionally in the field we are 'hayboxed', but it depends on what we are doing. If things are full-tac, or when you are say for example, up in the tropics when its 35C at 0800, fresh rats go off.

Mind you I think Aussie 5 man ratpacks are very well done, and one can have an excellent menu. These rats are usually suplelemted by fresh bread, which does make a difference. Bags of peas, corn potatoes, and meat. All sorts of condiments, even spoons, chocolat bars etc.

Again it depends on what your trade is, but in our vehicle we have a fridge where we keep 'jackrats' (private supplements) such as steak, eggs, and other stuff. everyone brings something. Fresh bread goes along way, and with a jaffle iron, and some imagination, there is no end to making good meals.

Since I am atttached to Artillery, we have the time in RAEME to live quite comfortable in the field, but certain trades such as Infantry, its different. The Australian Salvation Army come out into the field in a Land Rover kittted with fresh cordial (kool-aid), cookies, soups, and chewing gum. Thats about the extent of 'treats' in the field. Also most units have CAPT FANTA truck too, which is the unit's own canteen selling Coke and chips etc, but again depending on the tacticval situation this does not occurr.

I guess what I am saying is 8 days of eating IMPs is no big deal. Just keep in mind for the big ENDEX bbq, and soldier on. There is plenty in those IMPs to feed ya for a few days.

Here is a pic of the Salvos in the field giving support to out troops. Australia is the only country which currently does this, and has since WW1.


In my time I was also able to collect a fair amount of rations. Being that I didn't like sweets back then, I used to trade my desserts for a better entree (Yes I have suffered Ham Steak and the Cabbage Rolls, but not often) the guy trading with me got a heck of a deal, two desserts and he still gets a meal, all he has to do is fork over his lasagna!! I had IMP's kicking around for about 2 years after I left the PRes, they were great for hiking and the sort and, like I said earlier, the outfit I work for just bought a bunch for long deployments, they approached me to ask which entrees are the best and we were able to come to a consensus on what to buy. Result: Happy firefighters. I, for one, have never minded IMP's, actually enjoy them for some odd reason. The only troubling thing about them is the mad dash to the toilet one must make after partaking in your first fresh meal following a week on rations......ZING!!

My favorite meals were:
Lasagna, sausage and hash browns, beef chop suey, sheppard's pie and salisbury steak.

I recall 1998 in Amherst, NS, we were doing FIBUA and UN style patrolling through the town. I was in an OP and desperately trying to heat my lasagna, after the suggested 5 minutes in water I opened the pouch to reveal a frozen lump of pasta. Thankfully the lasagna is inside of a pasta pouch and I just chomped into it as if it were a chocolate bar. Not a pleasant experience.

Ghost, in response to your question, I wouldn't give a fiddler's fu*k if you kept them. I know when I was given IMP's we field stripped them, why would the CQ want field stripped rations back? I never asked if they wanted them back and have never heard of anyone wanting them back.