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Getting stationed in the Navy

S McPhee

Jr. Member
Reaction score

I was wondering if anyone could tell me about being stationed in the Navy.  I know it would either be in Halifax or Esquimalt, and that it will also depend on the needs of the CF.  I guess I was more looking for a CF member point of view and see if anyone can tell me the chances of getting stationed in Halifax if requested and if so, what are the chances of staying in Halifax?

Thanks for any info that can be provided.
Long time no chat..  ^^  The coast you get depends entirely upon your trade, and the requirements of the service.  If you have a spouse who cannot move due to work or what have you, you're more likely to stay in one place, but it's no guarantee.  And really, for the first few years, it won't matter which coast you pick.  You'll be at sea most of the time.  :):)

Yours Aye,

Your coast will depend on the CF's needs but usually they try and make things work for people with families.  Single guys they are less concerned with.  On my QL3 out west the course was pretty much split in two east vs west and we all got the coast we wanted.  Never any guarantees in this outfit though.  The are so desperate for people right now so if you tell them they wont keep you long if they post you where you don't want to go they might try to be more accommodating.  Good luck  :)
Navy_Blue said:
Your coast will depend on the CF's needs but usually they try and make things work for people with families.  Single guys they are less concerned with.  On my QL3 out west the course was pretty much split in two east vs west and we all got the coast we wanted.  Never any guarantees in this outfit though.  The are so desperate for people right now so if you tell them they wont keep you long if they post you where you don't want to go they might try to be more accommodating.   Good luck  :)

Thats right.....start early with the "post me/don't post me and i will get out" attitude  ::)

I love that. Career managers love that too.

If you cannot deal with not lving where you chose ( wife's work, pet's favorite doggy daycare, etc...) , get a job at your local Tim Horton's. 
Any thoughts on if you are divorced and your son will live on the East Coast - will that give you any leverage?
S McPhee said:
Any thoughts on if you are divorced and your son will live on the East Coast - will that give you any leverage?


I was posted to Greenwood NS and my kids lived in Edmonton AB.....
How do the two cities compare with regard to housing costs? Is it true that  BC auto insurance prices are much lower than other provinces?
No, actually, it isn't.  It depends entirely on your situation.  My insurance costs doubled moving to BC from Alberta, so I'm not sure where chopperhead got his info, but there are always mitigating factors that can change any situation.  As well, the Navy WILL take in to consideration where your dependents live.  Note I say "consideration".  They won't guarantee a location, but they will try for you.  Be honest with your staff, and find a friendly clerk.  ^^  Aesop, was it the navy that posted you, or the Air Force?  Just curious.

In BC there is basically only one insurnance company which is government run. there are other private ones but they are oly if you require some type of additional insurnce for whatever.

ICBC does not discriminate against people for age, sex whatever. It is based on your driving record. It's basically like a scale. 0 being the base then up and down depending on your driving record. so 1 16 year old kid would start out at 0. meaning no penalties and no discounts. after a given amount of time with at fault claims free you move down that scale so lets just say next is -1 so now you get a 10% discount etc etc and if you have an at fault claim then you move up one point and it works like that.

ICBC rates do tend to be lower compared to other provinces. I just moved here from ontario and it's substantially lower.
ChopperHead said:
ICBC rates do tend to be lower compared to other provinces. I just moved here from ontario and it's substantially lower.

I just moved from Nova Scotia and ICBC is more expensive.
maybe it's just Ontario then But they were quite a bit cheaper so i figured that they would be lower then other provinces as well.
So if your under 25 then BC will most likely be cheaper as they dont penailze you for it.

Also depends were your coming from as well.
If your cominng from Ontario it is definatly cheaper but everything else out here is more expensive. Thats why they say BC stands for Bring Cash cause you'll need lots of it. even timmies is more expensive out here. costs $1.40 instead of $1.35
ChopperHead said:
So if your under 25 then BC will most likely be cheaper as they dont penailze you for it.

Also depends were your coming from as well.
If your cominng from Ontario it is definatly cheaper but everything else out here is more expensive. Thats why they say BC stands for Bring Cash cause you'll need lots of it. even timmies is more expensive out here. costs $1.40 instead of $1.35

And my 4L of milk that costed $6.53 in Nova Scotia only costs $3.30 here in BC.  Some stuff is more, some is less.  Balances out in the end (except real estate though)  Income taxes here in BC are lower than in Atlantic canada as well and so is the sales tax.
everything costs more out here at least compared to where im from. well just about anyway, I dont think much is cheaper, some stuff is the same.

even noticed that used cars and stuff out here are alot more expenisve as well.

I live in Prince George which is in the Northern Interior.

and I know my parents where shocked at how much grocerys cost out here. we used to get the same amount of grocerys for like 100 bucks less back in Ontario. So I really dont know were you are shopping but we shop at  Save On.

maybe stuff is cheaper cause your down south. I would think that stuff on the island would be more expensive though. Thats kinda wierd actually.
ChopperHead said:
I live in Prince George which is in the Northern Interior.

and I know my parents where shocked at how much grocerys cost out here. we used to get the same amount of grocerys for like 100 bucks less back in Ontario. So I really dont know were you are shopping but we shop at  Save On.

maybe stuff is cheaper cause your down south. I would think that stuff on the island would be more expensive though. Thats kinda wierd actually.

Its cheaper here than anywhere else in Canada i have lived ( almost everywhere except Nfld and sask.)

back on topic now i suppose....
This outfit is short on compitent, intelligent warm bodies willing to sail and deploy (too many cronic sick lame and lazy).  If a career manager can acomidate a sailor (I'm not talking about you green and blue guys) and put him where his family is happy; then the military is one step ahead.  No one should feel guilty.  We are expected to be gone allot more than most elements and trades ashore.  Usually there is an even split on trades courses some people get screwed but it tends to be the single guys.  In four years on a ship I have spent over 20 months away.  I had time off for parental leave (2 months) and a surgury (4 months) in that time aswell.  The ship sailed with out me and there are family men and women with 30+ months in that four years.  The least they can do is try and acomidate us on coasts.  I wouldn't want to be west but the wife was prepared for it if it happened as it turned out I got my coast...East :)  In my career the furthest away from HFX I expect to be posted is Ottawa and that will only be if I get to be CPO1 or 2.  (Note I'm an ET).  Hard sea trades don't tend to move much why not put them where they are happy?