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Good time to run



Hey guys, Ive just started to get back into shape before BMQ and I have been running very early in the morning everyday before work.  I start work at 6 a.m. so I go for my run at about 5 a.m. every day and I was wondering if this was a good time to work out. Even though it is early, it is the best time for me so  I have my entire afternoon open to do what I want.  Any suggestions would be a big help.
Just my opinion, but anytime that works for you is a good time. And first thing in the morning isnt a bad time, considering that from my experience, thats the most common time for PT.
The best time to work out is really a very individual thing. I personally prefer to take a really long lunch break and hit the gym then. Lets me work off some steam so I can get through the day without strangling any coworkers. =)
Kudos for having the drive to go running at 5am, most people wouldn't bother. And yeah it's a good a time as any.
Running late at night, around 11 pm or midnight. Best time, very peaceful, and perfect for going to bed immediately afterwards.
I personally am WAY too lazy to get up at that time of morning to run unless i know that there's a Sgt or WO waiting downstairs to charge my ass if i'm not there  ;D.  I'm also a late evening person unless going to the gym, then i'm a mid-dayer! I don't do mornings unless i absolutely HAVE to!!  :crybaby:
If you're getting used to being up at 5am for PT, then you'll be set for BMQ. I personally prefer running in the mornings, especially in the summer, as it just gets too damn hot in the afternoon or early evening.
I do my PT every morning before going to work - be it jogging, cardio or weights.  Wakes me up for the day, I feel more energetic and better able to handle stress.  This is quite a change from my younger days when you couldn't get me out of bed in the AM for PT unless I was forced to (either on course or had to lead organised PT).  I even prefer to do it in the AM on weekends when we're not training.
Running in the morning is great.  I've read that for people just starting out running regularly, the people who run first thing in the morning are more likely to stick with their routine then someone who does it later in the day.  If you run later in the day it is much easier to make excuses to not run.  For example you are too tired from work or you have plans to go out or you're just too tired.
Running at 5am is definetely a good idea. Thats what you can expect on your BMQ course, it doesnt hurt to be used to it.
Personel thing, but I prefer early morning or late evening. Not many people out and about, and it's usualy nice and cool.