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Grade 11 Course Selection


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I want to be a pilot and attend RMC to get a bachelors in Science or Aviation; and my grade 11 course selections are due in a few days.

So far I have these courses.

All courses are grade 11 university level except phys. ed which is grade 11 open level.

Personal and Fitness Activities
Intro to Computer Studies

I still need one more course, but from what is here, does it look good? Also can someone suggest 1 more course? I also can't take grade 11 french because I didn't take it in grade 10.
I am actually on the EXACT same boat here. I don't want to be a fighter pilot, but I want to get a degree in aerospace eng. I'm taking:

-Advanced Functions (functions, whatever  :P)
-French Immersion French
-French Immersion Sociology, Psychology, etc.
-CF Co Op

My question is, considering my full plate, is co-op really the best choice for me? It's a 4 credit (no academic course included), so I'm going to have to do English in summer school and Chemistry in night school. I can handle the extra work of having 5 courses in Semester 1, but is co-op really worth that extra workload?
My courses look a bit different, but that's because I'm in IB.

My courses are:
-gr12 English
-gr11 Functions
-gr12 Advanced Functions
-gr11 French
-gr11 History
-gr 11 Chemistry
-gr11 Physics
-gr 12 Theory of Knowledge

I was wondering if I should change my two functions courses to a math studies course. This would make my course load easier but I'm wondering if it is important to have those courses to go to RMC ( I want to take Military and Strategic Studies).
daniel12 said:
I still need one more course, but from what is here, does it look good? Also can someone suggest 1 more course? I also can't take grade 11 french because I didn't take it in grade 10.

I don't know how the courses are structured now in HS, but why can't you go back and take Gr 10 French? Being bilingual is a big plus.
Here is a link for the prerequisites for the different degrees that are offered at RMC:


My suggestion (and this is only a suggestion) would be to take the high school courses that are required to be eligible for an engineering degree. This is because a number of occupations in the Forces require an engineering degree, so by taking all these subjects, you won't be closing any doors.
Taras27131 said:
I was wondering if I should change my two functions courses to a math studies course.

The only high school requirements for MSS are grade 12 English (or French) and one grade 12 math credit. Grade 12 Functions would allow you to go to RMC, but as it says on the link I posted earlier, calculus is strongly recomended
SeR said:
The only high school requirements for MSS are grade 12 English (or French) and one grade 12 math credit. Grade 12 Functions would allow you to go to RMC, but as it says on the link I posted earlier, calculus is strongly recomended
Well, I'm taking Calculus and Vectors next year so I guess I will have all the requirements and recomendations!
Would this be selection be better for RMC?


I would take English during summer school.

Also what courses and academic level are included in the CF co-op
daniel12 said:
I would take English during summer school.

Also what courses and academic level are included in the CF co-op

Personally, I would definitely take English instead of co-op. If you're doing the reserves and trying to get a foot in the door or you want it on your resumé, then I'll let you know that it doesn't give you that much of an advantage. A recruiter once told me that being a member of the reserve certainly won't make or break your chances of getting into RMC. The co-op program is geared more towards people that plan on staying with that reserve unit once they are finished their training.
Ok then no co-op.

How about this...

I will take grade 10 french in summer school and take grade 11 and 12 semester french in grade 11 so that way I get all of my french credits within a year. If I do this, which should I take out? Phys. Ed or computer studies?

Semestered French (2 credit)
Personal and Fitness Activities
Intro to Computer Studies
Updated previous post with one more option. Now there is:

Phys. Ed
Intro to Computer Studies

I need an answer on which is best on my RMC application because I honestly don't know. My course selections are also due tomorrow so... I know I'm a procrastinator lol

Do high schools not have "Guidance Counsellors" anymore?  That is who I would be talking to.
You guys are all overthinking this entire thing.

As linked above, the degree requirements are all you need to meet to apply.

Having an extra technology course as opposed to an English course won't matter, it'll come down to your extracurriculars versus another persons.

My best advice to you is to choose something you like and something helpful towards your potential degree.

Ask yourself "Will this be useful for my future degree that I may or may not get from RMC?" rather than "Will this course help me get into RMC?".

As for French courses, they're ALWAYS good. You live in a bilingual country and if you want to be an officer, either through DEO or ROTP, then having that little bit of French under your belt is a great idea.
DAA said:
Do high schools not have "Guidance Counsellors" anymore?  That is who I would be talking to.

When I asked my Guidance Counselor about this, they just referred me to RMC's website, but did not offer much in the way of helpful information.
My guidance counselors didn't have much info either. I guess its because not many people want to join the military from my school.

FirstYear said:
You guys are all overthinking this entire thing.
As linked above, the degree requirements are all you need to meet to apply.
Having an extra technology course as opposed to an English course won't matter, it'll come down to your extracurriculars versus another persons.
My best advice to you is to choose something you like and something helpful towards your potential degree.
Ask yourself "Will this be useful for my future degree that I may or may not get from RMC?" rather than "Will this course help me get into RMC?".
As for French courses, they're ALWAYS good. You live in a bilingual country and if you want to be an officer, either through DEO or ROTP, then having that little bit of French under your belt is a great idea.

Actually, thinking and planning is what gets you to where you want to be in the future.  The degree requirements ONLY get you "academic acceptance" into RMC.  Come interview time, is when it counts.
So if you have a sought after "occupation which includes a career in the CF", choose wisely, and choose something that will help you in the future.

And if a Guidance Counsellor isn't willing to take the time to make a phone to call a CFRC to ask "specific" questions, which they will get "specific" answers to and merely brush you off to a website, then I just don't know.  I can't remember any line-ups at the GC's office when I went to school!  Other than for those who needed to be disciplined.  :-)

Matter of fact, if your GC didn't bother to take the time to look at --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/advisors-210  or wasn't contacted and provided with information from the CF..................
PuckChaser said:
I don't know how the courses are structured now in HS, but why can't you go back and take Gr 10 French? Being bilingual is a big plus.
My reason for being in French Immersion. Does being legally bilingual get you out of second language training at RMC?
As long as you can score BBB on your second language evaluation, then the answer is yes.
JayB said:
My reason for being in French Immersion. Does being legally bilingual get you out of second language training at RMC?

I don't think there is such a thing as "legally bilingual".  You will be subject to a GoC second language evaluation at some point in time and that will decide your level of proficiency in your other official language.
daniel12 said:
Would this be selection be better for RMC?


I would take English during summer school.

Also what courses and academic level are included in the CF co-op
The RHLI offers an english course during the co-op (from 1300 - 1430, right after lunch, I believe). Not sure about my local unit (The Lorne Scots) or any other units.

DAA said:
I don't think there is such a thing as "legally bilingual".  You will be subject to a GoC second language evaluation at some point in time and that will decide your level of proficiency in your other official language.
Oh okay, because we've been told that upon completion of grade 12 french immersion, we'll be legally bilingual. Could that be referring to us being given the chance to write the GoC test?