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Great Britain Offers to help Canada defend its Arctic (CBC)

Britain offers Canadian military help to defend the Arctic

Experts say that concerns about sovereignty have made Ottawa reluctant to let allies operate in the region

Murray Brewster - CBC News

Posted: September 24, 2021
Last Updated: 5 Hours Ago

Britain is signalling its interest in working with the Canadian military in the Arctic by offering to take part in cold-weather exercises and bring in some of its more advanced capabilities — such as nuclear-powered submarines — to help with surveillance and defence in the Far North.

In a recent exclusive interview with CBC News, the United Kingdom's top military commander said his country is "keen to co-operate" and learn more about how to survive and fight in a cold, remote setting.

Gen. Sir Nick Carter said Britain would also like to "cooperate in terms of helping Canada do what Canada needs to do as an Arctic country."

More at link:

I have a very different take on this and it's why I hope the CPC doesn't turf O'Toole.

People seem to be making hay about the fact that they lost some votes in Alberta... who cares? Michelle Rempell went from 70% to 50% and people are acting like this is a catastrophe... Sorry but 50% in our system is a walloping of your opponents.

Meanwhile, in Ontario, the Liberals in 2019 had a ~15% lead in popular vote over the CPC which as has been reduced to 5%.... for the last two years the Liberals have been handing out free money, hogging all the air time, O'Toole has had zero chance to actually become a known quantity, and managed to to reduce the Liberals lead in the popular vote in Ontario by 67%, and positioned them in many many ridings within a hair of the win, could easily translate into a big flip in the next election, in particular after a few more Trudeau et al scandals.... one of which, the Chinese scientists, is looming and the Liberals can't run from it this time.

The fact that he shifted the party to a national party, being considered by all Canadians and not just overwhelmingly supported by the West, is a huge step in the correct direction for a plurality next time around. Sure he didn't gain seats, but they were so far behind in most of the ridings they lost that gaining seats was a tall order. They're positioned to win a bunch more next time... when he's a more well-known quantity and more experienced (getting played by the gun control scare card is an inexcusable rookie error that I doubt he'll make again).
I agree with you on those points. I had a neutral view of O'Toole at the leadership convention but since then have come to consider him a good leader that wants to take the party in the correct direction.

Unfortunately, it's the membership in the party I don't like anymore. The most recent convention had a lot of positions being put forward that were soc-con oriented and when you can't even get a vanilla motion on global warming passed, you have to wonder. Then there was the totally unnecessary back bench nonsense in parliament about medical conscience rights. The whole mismanagement of the vaccine issue during the election is another example of the membership pushing O'Toole where he didn't want to be in order to hold the wings of the party together.

I used to be part of a family that was solid conservative - now I'm the last hold-out. All the rest have jumped ship.

Like it or not, the CPC is divided and basically the right wing of it takes no prisoners and will eat its own (yes, it's a double metaphor). They do not compromise on issues of conscience and will not stop pushing their agenda (hell, they'll hardly shut up when it matters - there's always one back bencher that will bring some fool bill). If we're lucky, they'll all move to the PPC but that won't help win elections unless what's left of the CPC can win over lots of liberals. We've were there in 1993. It didn't work out so well.

Unfortunately, it's the membership in the party I don't like anymore. The most recent convention had a lot of positions being put forward that were soc-con oriented and when you can't even get a vanilla motion on global warming passed, you have to wonder.
I think we are watching the Blue divorce unfold in front of us as the old Canadian Alliance and conservatives split back up into the CPC and PPC. Frankly it likely needs to happen at this point, in order for them to move to being right of center. Some may say that dooms us to liberal government but the NDP is rising in popularity among younger voters.
I think we are watching the Blue divorce unfold in front of us as the old Canadian Alliance and conservatives split back up into the CPC and PPC. Frankly it likely needs to happen at this point, in order for them to move to being right of center. Some may say that dooms us to liberal government but the NDP is rising in popularity among younger voters.

Who don't vote much.
I think we are watching the Blue divorce unfold in front of us as the old Canadian Alliance and conservatives split back up into the CPC and PPC. Frankly it likely needs to happen at this point, in order for them to move to being right of center. Some may say that dooms us to liberal government but the NDP is rising in popularity among younger voters.
It may be enough clearing out the hard right to PPC or others, that Blue Liberals uncomfortable with the current surge of SOCON in the CPC, may ‘return’ to previous Red Tory lives…
It may be enough clearing out the hard right to PPC or others, that Blue Liberals uncomfortable with the current surge of SOCON in the CPC, may ‘return’ to previous Red Tory lives…
The problem in this age of the "Big Lies" is that the soc-con fear factor will be invoked over and over again regardless of whether the CPC gets purged or not. I have a theory that until the CPC puts the word "Progressive" back into the party's name, no one will believe that there has been a change ... and even then ...

If you're referring to the facility that will be operational for 3-4 months of the year and not manned for the other 8-9 months, then yes, it looks to be finally operational summer of 2022.
Better than zero but man do we suck.
Making open 12 months a year doesn't win votes
Baby Reaction GIF
Making open 12 months a year doesn't win votes
True, but thinking out 12-15yrs, what are the chances that we’ll need to have people there anyways if shipping via the NW Passage becomes more the norm?
I mean it’s only been since 2007 when Harper announced the intention to expand/modernize the location and here we are 14yrs later and it’s just about ready to be used in a reduced fashion.
Seeing as it just a fueling station, what would it and it's staff do during the winter? If I recall, it was originally touted to be the home port for the AOPS. If places like Cold Lake et al are seen as a detriment to recruiting and retention, I doubt shots of Nanisivik would be on the recruiting brochure.
Seeing as it just a fueling station, what would it and it's staff do during the winter? If I recall, it was originally touted to be the home port for the AOPS. If places like Cold Lake et al are seen as a detriment to recruiting and retention, I doubt shots of Nanisivik would be on the recruiting brochure.
It was never going to be a home port.
If you're referring to the facility that will be operational for 3-4 months of the year and not manned for the other 8-9 months, then yes, it looks to be finally operational summer of 2022.
Because the rest of the time its frozen in.
Nothing we've done so far matters enough to make a difference. Eventually a challenge we can't ignore will be made to Canada's Arctic claims. Our response will be limited to lodging a complaint at the UN about respect for territorial integrity. Prediction: we will suddenly learn almost all other nations - but most particularly the US, EU, Russia, China, and their associated clients - have a much greater affinity for the idea that the resources potentially lying in that large expanse of the earth's crust should be "international".