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Gucci Kit and SQ/DP1


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I am going on my SQ/BIQ (reserve) in 2 weeks. I was wondering if i get a camel pack and knee pads will I be able to wear them?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I sure hope so becuase I just got a camel pack. You going to Meaford?? What is your course #???
As a generality, wait until you are fully trained until you become a kit slut.  Then you will have a better idea of what you need or don't.  Knee pads seem like a good idea, however you don't want to get ragged on as trying to be an individual.  I wore volleyball knee pads all through my basic (TQ1&2, back in the day) but I wore them under my combats, and therefore they were not noticed.  If you have a medical condition that requires them, let it be known.  If you are talking about urban assaulter style shin and knee protectors, don't even think about it.  You will get boarded. 
Good luck and enjoy your summer.
Camelbak's are always welcome on a course like SQ/DP1. Any instructor that would deprive you of extra water in the field is not looking out for your better interest. But as earlier stated stay away from other gucci kit as per the "everyone must be the same [everyone must suffer equally]" policy. They might give you a hard time about the knee pads however Camelbaks were encouraged when I did my course. All the instructors had them and the smart candidates had them [I wasn't smart at the time  ;D] As a piece of advise a Camelbak would not take up much space so bring it, ask an instructor if you're allowed to have/use it in the field and if for some very poor reason and lack of common sense by the instructor they say no then stash it in a duffel and drop it off at home if you get a weekend off. Or leave it in the duffel because you'll want it at VG06.
If I were running it, I'd say no. Not unless everyone else had them. They're "nice to have", not "need to have". Thousands have done it before without them. I didn't see one until I'd been in for years. They're convenient, but hardly vital.

You should be issued everything you will NEED to pass. (Being a Reserve Course, I can't say you WILL be. I don't know.)
The_Pipes said:
As a piece of advise a Camelbak would not take up much space so bring it, ask an instructor if you're allowed to have/use it in the field and if for some very poor reason and lack of common sense by the instructor they say no then stash it in a duffel and drop it off at home if you get a weekend off. Or leave it in the duffel because you'll want it at VG06.
this sounds like good advice.
If I were running the course, I would allow it (I am currently running a course, but certainly not NCM DP 1/SQ).  Iin my professional opinion, any field training soldiers should have AS A MINIMUM camelbacks and knee protection.  Just dark colours and if you have a tan camelback (as I have), cover it with cam screen (as I have), lest it make a nice aiming mark on your cadpat back.
I was told by my BMQ Sgt. that we would be allowed to bring Camelbak on the course.
I think it is better to have one rather than being yelled at for having your canteen empty.
As for the knee pads, I would wear it underneath the CADPAT in the beginning, and then wear it over the pants once you are approved of wearing it.
I own the blue issued knee pads and am concerned about the colour.
Anyone know if blue knee pads are ok to wear? (colour is more of navy)
I have been informed that on the SQ course being run in Chilliwack ATM that knee pads are not only accepted, but are being temp issued to all the pers. It would seem that the army has finally come to the realization that while making the recruits do section attacks on gravel W/O knee protection might make them hardcore and tough soldiers, passing the entire course W/O having to medical RTU anyone due to knee injury makes even more sense. Perhapse if everyone has it ingrained in their heads that they are not simply personal comfort items, but actually prevent injury there would be less infinteers forced to release or remuster a few years into their careers with bummed knees.
The knee pads would be great if i could use them, the more I can protect my knees the better I will do on the courses. I have this complex about my knees, so if I dont have to worry about them, well then I dont have to worry.
I dunno about Reserve courses in Meaford, but for my SQ(Reg Force) there we were issued kneepads and elbowpads, plus a ton of other kit. I was allowed to wear my camelbak and nomax flight gloves. Camelbaks shoulden't be a problem, since I saw people on almost all the courses there(SQ an DP1) wearing camelbaks an other hydration packs.
