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Has anyone heard of Red Friday's?

LMAO...I'd starch your gitches till they would stand up themselves and none of you would want me doing your laundry again, LMAO

Would anyone on this thread mind if I copied the first post regarding this and pasted it on Lahrbrat.com? We are all "mil-brats" and even have a few members in the Military.
They could also try getting the Army cadets to have a "magnet day" like Sea or Air cadet tag days or the remembrance poppy drive. Get the Army cadets in the cities across Canada to sell those Canadian cadpat "Support Our Troops" ribbons for Canadian citizens to show their support.  I tell you, those things would sell in the cities. I've brought over 30 of them to my hometown for family, friends and even 4 different complete strangers that wanted them.

If for political reasons, the cadets couldn't sell them, let the Legions sell them and let people know via their local radio stations that they can purchase them there......... Just a thought.
reccecrewman said:
They could also try getting the Army cadets to have a "magnet day" like Sea or Air cadet tag days or the remembrance poppy drive. Get the Army cadets in the cities across Canada to sell those Canadian cadpat "Support Our Troops" ribbons for Canadian citizens to show their support.  I tell you, those things would sell in the cities. I've brought over 30 of them to my hometown for family, friends and even 4 different complete strangers that wanted them.

If for political reasons, the cadets couldn't sell them, let the Legions sell them and let people know via their local radio stations that they can purchase them there......... Just a thought.

Ummm army cadets do have tag days as well as Remembrance Day poppy drives....
It is being suggested on a Local Talk Show that on Red Fridays, we also wear a Black Armband with it on occasions when there has been a fatality.
Brat56 said:
Would anyone on this thread mind if I copied the first post regarding this and pasted it on Lahrbrat.com? We are all "mil-brats" and even have a few members in the Military.

If you are referring to my original post, help yourself.  It was sent to me as an email, so I have no proprietary rights to it. 

Black arm bands would definitely grab attention, but IMO you would loose a number of people who might otherwise have participated.  How about keeping it to wearing enough red to stand out ie) not just a red pinstripe on a black track suit?  Of course, contingent upon receiving royal assent from HRH Dorosh.  :king:  :P
I am going to post this info at work as well...it is casual day on Fridays to boot and have many nurses who have spouses who are military...

I just got a call from one of the girls on the MFRC board here in Edmonton.  They are on board for making red shirts and selling them for the MFRC.  Let's face it, every MFRC can use the extra cash, so why not.
Also, Breakfast TV has asked me to come on and promote the "wear red Friday" idea.  No Paul, because then it would turn into the Paul and Audra show, but some of the girls that I know and the MFRC are joining me.
I hope this takes off like the Yellow Ribbons did.
Let's support our troops, and keep us all in the front of Canada's collective mind.
Happy Wednesday all ;D
In Shilo, someone is organizing an "event" were people are having their picture taken wearing red to be used in the media, specifically CTV. So it looks like this Red Friday thing has taken off, at least in the media.
My name is Angeie and I am the Public Affairs Representative for www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com.  Thanks to simysmom, our site became aware of this email and a few of us ran with the idea.  We thought that it really was an easy way to show support to our troops.

In the last few days, we have been featured on Global National and local news (tentev out of CFB Winnipeg), CTV News (tentev), Canada A.M. Live with Beverly Thompson (queenrsa who drove to Toronto to be in studio and BDE who drove to Winnipeg with her children to be in studio).

CTV also conducted Red Friday's as the Poll of the Day and 78% of Canadians who responded said they would take part.  The viewer responses are available on www.ctv.ca then go to canada am and viewer mail (mid right side).

CTV also requested a picture of people wearing red for their Friday show.  I have arranged (and got permission from the base PAFFO) to have a professional photographer and her company shoot pictures in Artillery Park, Shilo on Thursday, April 27 (tomorrow) at 4:30 (no military uniforms altered with red please) wearing red.  The picture will be used on air and possibly released to media afterwards.  i will be sending the photo to Afghanistan as part of the national Letter Writing Campaign that I also started (with almost 400 school boards across Canada).

If you have any questions about Red Fridays or the letter writing campaign, please contact me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com

This may have been 'just one of those emails' but the families behind our soldiers have made it a reality.  Please stand up and show your pride too!

Can a Mike Bobbit fan club be far behind?  :salute:  Certainly, a cute stuffed item called a "Bobbit" lends itself to marketability  :D
Well, maybe not so much the one below.
EWWWWWWWW  Zipper...

Well will look for the article Re:  Red Attire Pics tomorrow...nice to see and glad to hear that 78% say they would wear Red...hmmm...if that is the case then why do the stats say that less than that percentage support the mission in Afghanistan... ::)

because the troops aren't the mission, they're someone's child, I would think. ;)