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Bare with me as I'm going to try to explain this clearly. I had my testing, medical, and interview all in the same day at my local recruiting centre. I had woke up at 3 am , drove for 3.5 hours to get there in time for the morning testing. Then a few hours later I moved on to the medical section of the day and if I remember correctly one of the questions was, "do you get frequent headaches" so i answered yes. I do get headaches once or twice a month which is frequent to me. I then had a break which included lunch and a 2 hour wait to begin the second section of the medical. I was then handed a form that was a headache questionnaire. This is where I really messed up. I misunderstood one of the questions and said that I require bed rest and a quiet room. So not what I meant but that was the fatal shot to my application. I was super tired and was not paying attention to what I was reading. They sent me home with paperwork for extra testing and follow up. I then was sent for eye testing which reveled nothing, and then a meeting with my family doctor which also reveled nothing, and I explained what had happened and he agreed that i must have misunderstood. So he sent the paper work back and within a few weeks I received a letter stating that I'm unfit to join because of my headache issues. WHAT!!!! So I sent a letter back explaining what I had done and that it was a mistake what I had answered. Two weeks later the same letter showed up saying they weren't going to medically release me.

Any advice of how to fix this now? Its such a stupid mistake that should be easily changed, but for some reason they don't seem to believe me, my doctor, or the opthamologist.
paulmaster1 said:
......................... Two weeks later the same letter showed up saying they weren't going to medically release me.

So?  What is your problem?
This gives me a headache...oh yeah I forgot, mine are cuz i done got blowed up!
What is my problem? Seriously. My problem is that my career choice, lifestyle choice, a career that many of my family members have chosen, has been denied because of a stupid lack in judgement and a lack of understanding. I didn't come on here for b.s. answers but some real incite into how I can rectify this issue.

paulmaster1 said:
......................... Two weeks later the same letter showed up saying they weren't going to medically release me.

So?  What is your problem?

paulmaster1 said:
What is my problem? Seriously. My problem is that my career choice, lifestyle choice, a career that many of my family members have chosen, has been denied because of a stupid lack in judgement and a lack of understanding. I didn't come on here for b.s. answers but some real incite into how I can rectify this issue.

Again, I ask what is your problem?  You stated that you received a second letter stating that they weren't going to medically release you.  (I quoted you.) 
He means he got a second letter saying they wont let him join the CF
Ok mate.
Real it in a bit and listen...there is nothing anyone here can do to resolve your issue.
You might want to consult an MD, and get them to write something on your behalf to clarify what you initially stated.
The choice is yours.

Jammer said:
Ok mate.
Reel it in a bit and listen...there is nothing anyone here can do to resolve your issue.
You might want to consult an MD, and get them to write something on your behalf to clarify what you initially stated.
The choice is yours.
Jammer said:
You might want to consult an MD, and get them to write something on your behalf to clarify what you initially stated.
The choice is yours.

He already has done so......thats what prompted the second letter he got.
CDN Aviator said:
He already has done so......thats what prompted the second letter he got.

.......which said they "weren't" going to medically release him. 

Either we have him being let go because of a medical problem or not.  "Weren't going to medically release", to me means that he is going to be retained.

He can't be retained if he was never enrolled.        :nana:
George Wallace said:
"Weren't going to medically release", to me means that he is going to be retained.

FFS cant you read freakin english............

He's an applicant and they will not medicaly clear him for service in the CF.

f**k you can be pig headed sometimes........
Yeah, that's what I got out of it too....they keyed in on the headaches during the medical interview, then blew him off after he filled out the questionaire....
CDN Aviator said:
FFS cant you read freakin english............

He's an applicant and they will not medicaly clear him for service in the CF.

f**k you can be pig headed sometimes........
Whoa dude!
Someone missed their Milk of Magnesia tonight.
Jammer said:
Whoa dude!
Someone missed their Milk of Magnesia tonight.

No, it was an awesome day. Great flying weather with an awesome view the entire time. I even had a great supper.
Envious I am.
I spent mine in 35 degree heat outside teaching young'uns the magical intricacies of the 5kw generator.
Trade ya?
CDN Aviator said:
FFS cant you read freakin english............

He's an applicant and they will not medicaly clear him for service in the CF.

f**k you can be pig headed sometimes........

I think George and the rest, are playing on the fact that his explanation is a wee bit off.....

Breath, Pat, breath.

Can we not all get along?? I am getting a headache!


the 48th regulator said:
explanation is a wee bit off.....

Yeah it was funny the first time....hahahaha...i got it.

After that it was just being a dick for the sake of being a dick...........

My knuckles drag when i walk and i managed to understand what the kid was saying...........