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Help with a document?


New Member
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Hi there all,

I was just wondering if any clerks out there had any info on a "Freedom of Information Form." I've looked on the DFC and I've come up empty. Even just a form # or a NSN would be great. Thanks.

God Bless

Tim Chi
Try here.


Good luck.
Thanks, but I don't think that's what I need. I'm trying to access someone's pers files from the archives because he's from the Supp. Res. I need to fill out a Freedom of Information form which I then forward to NDHQ who will then release the pers info that I need.

Does that help out? Or still no dice? Kind of a weird thing, I know.

Thanks for all your help.

God Bless

Tim Chi
Is this person trying to re-enrol?  If so, the procedure is called a "Verification of Former Service" or VFS.  There should be SOPs for the message format to draw out that information.

A search on "verification of former service"  (use the quotes) should show a number of related threads on army.ca milnet.ca.
tim_chi said:
I need to fill out a Freedom of Information form
Whoever told you to fill it out should be able to tell you where to get it or send you one.

Look for the DAIP site maybe they have something. (Dir of Access to Information & Privacy)

Above and beyond the access to information, there is something called "protection of personal/private information.

Thus, you don't have the authority to obtain the information for someone else.  You might help the individual fill out the form & submit it BUT, it's his documents not yours and you can't go on your own and "do him a favour"
tim_chi said:
Hi there all,

I was just wondering if any clerks out there had any info on a "Freedom of Information Form." I've looked on the DFC and I've come up empty. Even just a form # or a NSN would be great. Thanks.

God Bless

Tim Chi

I've dealt with DND and the National Archives of Canada quite extensively when it comes to looking for service records and documents.  I can guarantee you that without this persons written permission you stand no chance of getting information on their service record (serving/ex military/deceased) unless you have their written permission, or in the case of a deceased person, the written request from a living relative.  The govt takes it all very seriously.  Even if you request the course records of a course you think they attended the names and service numbers/Regt numbers of all attendees will be blacked out.
Thanks for all the great replies. We've already got a VFS in, but we need the persons pers files in our OR. I just need the form so that the person transferring can fill it out.

I know that we can't get to that information without his signature and authorization. I was just looking to see if anyone knew where to get that form. Thanks everyone for your great replies. I shall keep on digging, including e-mailing the clerk that told me I needed to find the Freedom of Info form for the soldier to fill out.

Just wanted to see if I could find it here on army.ca since I know there are some reg force clerks who would might have dealt with something like this before. Those message formats are a real pain in the butt though.

Thanks again guys!

God Bless

Tim Chi
DAOD 1002-1  Requests under the Privacy Act for Personal Information

I think the form you're actually looking for is a Privacy Act request - form can be found here:


I'm not a RMS clerk, nor do I play one on TV - but isn't there another process by which the CF can request their own records from the archives?  It seems a little silly to me that a re-enrolled member's unit would have to go through a Privacy Act request in order to obtain the members previous service records.  Surely there must be something else in place...
Thanks 284_226! I'm think that's what I'm looking for. To get the member to release their information to themselves.

From my understanding, the reason why it's so convoluted, is because the Supp. Res. isn't an actual unit. Therefore they don't have clerks or an OR. From what I've read/seen, Supp. Res. pers files are kept in an archive at NDHQ. Seems kind of weird to me, but I suppose it makes sense in a strange sort of way. Who else would want to have to take care of a whole whack of files that don't really do all that much. Clerks are swamped as it is.

After working as a clerk doing some class A... all I can say is. I shall never again rush my OR staff or get pissed about pay. Gentle reminders and friendly requests. Lord help you if you piss off a clerk. They have insane amounts of power.

Anyhow. My small insight into the world of clerks.

Thanks everyone for all your help.

God Bless

Tim Chi
tim_chi said:
After working as a clerk doing some class A... all I can say is. I shall never again rush my OR staff or get pissed about pay. Gentle reminders and friendly requests. Lord help you if you piss off a clerk. They have insane amounts of power.

Anyhow. My small insight into the world of clerks.


You know, clerks are not some sort of power hungry jerks that run amok through the forces with little regard for the chain-of-command and rules and regulations, you know...  Oh...  Wait a minute...  Yeah... We kinda are.

But seriously, clerks can't really give anyone the dirty end of the stick without someone finding out.  It may not always be "provable" WRT courts-martial or anything, but, if you're in the OR, you can't fool the Chief Clerk, and even if you're the Chief Clerk, you can't fool the OR staff.  SOMEONE will figure it out, and then...

Career progressing, career progressing... Career STOPS!
Haha. Absolutely. But in anycase, clerks are always swamped with work... and i'd imagine it'd be quite easy for someone to get bumped to the bottom of the never ending queue.

My main point is, I have a LOT of respect for clerks. Especially under staffed OR's.... oh wait, that's almost every OR.

Be nice to clerks.  ;D
In my experience, there's no "almost" about it!
