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Highland traditions, ceremonial clothing and everything kilted.

I am looking for highland kit resources, does anyone know of some.

I am also looking for some more traditional highland activities. Just trying to get a few more of my soldiers involved in the unit traditions and looking for some new ideas.

Ruiter D
Here are a few Highland things:

Get drunk;

Eat sheeps entrails stuffed with breakfast cereal;

have nasty teeth;

don't wear underwear (and prove it....often....whether anybody reallly wants you to or not....);

Get drunk;

throw telephone poles about;

eat deep-fried Mars bars;

threaten people with huge swords that take two men and a boy to lift;

Get drunk;

call Englishmen "Fuggin Sassenags" often, even if you do not know why, or what that means;

worship somebody who writes poems that most people cannot even translate let alone appreciate; and

make the world's best whiskey.


don,t forget traden knuckles with somebody,when your drinken.where rubber boots under your kilt,so ya can hook the sheeps hind legs in,so she cant run away from ya.if ya like boy sheep this method should work to.ick!!! : ;)
SHARP WO said:
Highland traditions, ceremonial clothing and everything kilted.

I am looking for highland kit resources, does anyone know of some.

I am also looking for some more traditional highland activities. Just trying to get a few more of my soldiers involved in the unit traditions and looking for some new ideas.

Ruiter D

Find the words to Glenwhorple and learn how to sing it.

Get a caber and learn to toss it.

Learn to address the Haggis and do so every Robbie Burns day (preferably at a unit sponsored Burns Dinner)

Get your regiment involved in the local Highland Games

Yell "Hoy" during the Black Bear at the appropriate time.

Host a Highland Ball every spring, invite the best and brightest from High Society; start the evening with the Grand March, have the Pipes and Drums entertain, and have Scottish Country Dancing for all in attendance - Strip the Willow, et al.

I am sure your regiment must do some or all of this already.  We certainly do in Calgary.  Above all, if it isn't fun, don't do it just for the sake of being Scottish.  Form your own traditions.  You probably have more non-Scots than Scots in the Regiment.

As for Highland outfitters, get on the mailing list of one company in Pakistan and suddenly you are on about 50 seperate emailing lists.  I thought Penny-Wright was located in your neck of the woods in any event.
Poor Michael, to be surrounded by uncultured scunners like pbi and bubba and Jacobites like BD Tyre. ;D

Michael's got the best sense of the situation (but I would be biased there wouldn't I?) I would add to not forget the Quaich Cup.  Pipe Major gets thirsty.

Oh and try not to talk about the Campbell's and the MacDonalds.....not good for regimental solidarity.

Mostly, don't talk about the Campbells...seems like they are the least liked.  Wonder why?  ;D
Don't forget these:
In a drunken stupor, offer your buddie a Highland Kiss (ask me if you don't know).
Take pride in wearing shoes, not boots, with your DEUs.
Learn to march at a Highland pace, and chuckle at how the pace blasted out by the Ps & Ds screws up the pace of other regiments.
Learn to really love Pipes and Drums.
Revel in the extra attention civie chicks give you, but shy away from showing them your tackle, let them search it out if they are that curious.
and last, but definately not least, learn to appreciate a good single malt.

My favs: Glenmorangie (sherry or port finish), Lagauvulin, Dalwhinnie, Glenlivet (limousine finish)....ah hell, there's too many!

Drambuie!?  Yon's a sissy drink.  You're wanting a half'n'half,  a big half (a pint of what's your fancy) and wee half (a shot for the sassenachs) of whisky.  Slainte Mhath.
It's no a sissy drink if ye light it on fire and accidentally spill a few drops and set fire to yur sporran mon. There's  no worse smell laddie than singed horsehair.

So Mike when are we getting the all Gaelic thread?
There's  no worse smell laddie than singed horsehair.

Yes there is, singed horsehair that's drenched in beer, scotch, the contents of one's stomach and other bodily fluids.....now that's nasty!

note:not from personal experience, but I was unfortunately witness/victim to it.
Caesar said:
note:not from personal experience, but I was unfortunately witness/victim to it.

Yeah that's my excuse too, and I'm sticking to it.
Kirkhill said:
Drambuie!? Yon's a sissy drink. You're wanting a half'n'half, a big half (a pint of what's your fancy) and wee half (a shot for the sassenachs) of whisky. Slainte Mhath.

in the famous words of a of Philospher king

"On yer Bike, Pal"

The drambuie drinkin' chuckter
Iron Bru (the bottle used to say "made from girders", but then some bureaucrat made them change).

Roll your "R's" (listen to Tim Horton's Roll Up The Rim To Win commercial, old Billy Connelly recordings, or Robin Williams on golf ...).

Buy a Velcro wallet (because it screams every time you open it).

Learn every kilt joke in the world (don't worry - everybody you meet will insist on telling you one ...).
Smile politely at the punch lines of the jokes you've heard a million times, and try not to let on when you actually do hear one you don't already know (don't worry - rarely happens, if ever ... hmmm ... I sense a related thread opening soon ...).

The proper name is "Glasgow Kiss", and it's a lifesaver
(to avoid blood on your balmoral, glengarry, Kilmarnoch bonnet, Tam O'shanter, etc. it's prudent to remove headdress ... which reminds me - sew a straight razor into your glen)

When admiring a well-polished sporran, it's traditional to lift it higher so you can appreciate the workmanship (and so that when you let go, gravity "squares" things away ... ouch!)

Heather Cream (it's like Bailey's Irish Cream, except that the active ingredient is Scotch).
Which reminds me - Buy only marmalade made with Drambuie.

Know the difference between scones, baps, Eccles cake, tatties an' neeps, and bridies
(oh, that's just great - all this talk, and now I'm craving a Scotch egg ... sigh ...).

Learn how to bake shortbread using only butter and sugar (okay - a TINY bit of flour, if you must).
No - you can't have my Fraserburgh shortbread recipe - try these:  
(and, the trick is to shape the dough into cylinders, and then refridgerate it overnight - the next day you'll be able to cut the cylinders into precise disk-shaped cookies - eliminates wasted dough ...)
Also let me know how your Aberdeen Butteries turn out.

Whilst practicing Highland dancing in the mess, laddies keep their jackets on, lassies remove their jackets, and the aim of "Strip The Willow" is to be able to propel unwary partners out the window ...
(ditto for the Eightsome Reel, Dashing White Sergeant, etc.)

The "Gay Gordons" is a civilised dance - learn how to do it, and you'll be a star at Scottish weddings.

Don't forget the skean dhu, tucked into your Lovatt or diced hose, worn with brogues
(not mere shoes.  And, hockey shinpad straps are best for holding up your hose (see above), whilst permitting circulation to your calves and feet ...)

Know why you're saying "Ta awful muckle" instead of "thank you", and "tetched" instead of "crazy", and you're in ...
Hey bossi,  the role of wife is taken but with my mother dead there's a vacancy for a "Granny" just now.  Let me know if you're available.

I haven't had a good feed of bridies, scotch eggs and Paris buns in years.....

Cheers ;) ;D :salute:
Seeing how all my decendents are Scandanavian and German, I think you guys are a bunch of wierdos.... :dontpanic:
Oh and Sharp WO

Don't forget to teach them the lyrics to "Flower of Scotland"

Oh Flower of Scotland, when will we see your likes again
That fought and died for your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against them, proud Edward's army
And sent them homeward tae think again

Those days are gone now, and in the past they must remain
But we can rise now and be the nation again
That stood against them, proud Edward's army
And sent them homeward tae think again.

(he chokes and wipes away a tear from his eye......)

Great stuff when your on course and one of the characters from your regiment comes barreling into the room at 03:00 and decides he needs a choir to accompany him......