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How would I go about finding someone who served with my Grandfather in WW2?


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Hi guys,

My grandfather was an infantry soldier in the Royal Regiment of Canada during WW2. Unfortunately he passed many years before I was able to understand what happened, and I'm wonding if somone might point me in the right direction here. I am interested in speaking to the man who saved my grandfather at Twente Canal, if he is still alive (which may be unlikely, at this point). My grandfather had been shot in the upper leg and was pulled to safety by a man by the name of "Curly" Rodgers or Rogers. Unfortunately, I don't know his real first name. He was then evacuated back to Nijmegen, and then back to hospital in England and finally home to Canada. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Rodgers was Royal Regiment of Canada as well

My Grandfather didn't tell my mom much about what happened overseas, as it was pretty trautmatic for him. My mom always said he had difficulty with Remembrance Day and the like. In any case, when he died in 1986, "Curly" introduced himself to my mom at the funeral and said he had been the guy who pulled your dad out. My mom never knew; my Grandfather had never mentioned it.

I really don't know where to begin on this one. But on the off chance that Mr. Rodgers is still alive, I would certainly like to speak to him before this information is lost forever. Even if he had kids, I would like to speak with them on the off chance this info had been passed down.

Have you tried ordering his service record from Library and Archives Canada, it may offer some new directions for your research?


How to Send an Inquiry Concerning Your Own or Another Individual's Records

    * Your request must be signed.
    * To identify a file, we require surname, full given name(s), date of birth, and service number or social insurance number.
    * If you do not know the date of birth, service number or S.I.N. (social insurance number), secondary information (e.g., the names of next of kin, postings, dates of service, place of enlistment) can assist in identifying the correct individual.
    * Consult the section below on Access Restrictions.
    * Please specify what document(s) you require. If you are doing family history research, we recommend that you request a "genealogy package," which will include copies of selected documents from the file that highlight/summarize the individual's service.
    * We do not accept email inquiries for these records. Inquiries must be sent by mail or fax.
    * Your request can be written as a letter or you can print off a blank copy of the Application for Military Service Information form available in [PDF 663 KB] or [RTF 44,516 KB] format, which should be filled in, signed and sent by mail or fax.
      (Download Freeware)
    * Inquiries should be sent by mail or fax to:

ATIP and Personnel Records Division
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Fax: 613-947-8456