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I want to run a campaign at my university to support deployed soldiers


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Well, the new semester has started now and my campus club wants to run a support campaign for the guys deployed overseas. I was thinking in terms of those "adopt-a-unit" campaigns you see so often in countries like the States and Israel. I'm planning on asking students to donate gifts and money to provide notes of support and thanks, and stuff that CF members need and/or want in Afghanistan and other deployment locations. I'd also love to see some correspondence happening, with students getting to know our soldiers better.

The thing is, this is Vancouver and neither I nor any of the people in my club know any CF members, and I need to know who I can contact to get something like this going, what to send, who to send to, etc. We're all highly motivated to make this a big success. I would really appreciate it if you guys can help me get in touch with some members that can help me make this happen.

-Alex  :cdn:
You may want to read some of the topics in the Home Front on what kind of support there is already, and how some have organized.  Also pay attention to the parts on what and how to use the Postal system and what rules are in place for mailing letters and parcels.

You can also contact the local Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) using the search engine here: http://www.cfpsa.com/en/psp/dmfs/mfrccontact/index.asp#.  MFRCs do a lot of good work to support and assist CF families, both during deployment and in normal military life.  In Vancouver, the Mainland BC MFRC (http://www.mainlandbcmfrc.com/) is located at:

39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters
4050 West 4th Ave
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6R 1P6

Tel : (604) 225-2535
CSN : 532-2576
Toll Free : 1 888 828-6372
Fax : (604) 666 4290

The Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency (CFPSA) - http://www.cfpsa.com/en/newscentre/support/ will also have information and ways to help.

Finally, you can also call the Mission Information Line at 1-800-866-4546 for information or to speak with one of the mission support counsellors, they may be able to steer you in the right direction.

You may want to consider supporting deployed troops by helping the MFRCs and therefore soldier families out with time, goods or services.  This not only supports the all-important home front but helps ease the airlift requirements that sending items to theatre generates.  Although we focus on Afghanistan a lot, we also have sailors deployed out on their ships and personnel deployed to various other locations in Africa and the Middle East who would also be more than happy to receive mail and support from Canadian students.

Best of luck in your search, and thank you in advance for supporting us!
Expect opposition from groups protesting our presence in those same countries!
Another thing to consider would be the ability to get things to theatre.  We are moving into the warmer months which is typically when the "bad guys" like to get moving again, therefore the space on cargo lifts is set for things to back our soldiers militarily versus care packages, etc.
I agree with the comment that support on the home front may be a better idea.  Especially in Vancouver and the greater area as most units are reserve units which don't have nearly the level of support that regular force units have.  A lot of times, these units may only have 1 or 2 soldiers deployed, therefore the money and possibly the manpower is not available to the unit.  I have a friend whose husband has been posted to a reserve unit in North Vancouver, and she has said that the knowledge that the military exists and is deploying out of the GVA is not there.  Without the knowledge from the community, it is hard to support the families at home.
I would like to say thank you for thinking of our "family" and wanting to support us.