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I was wondering what the daily schedule for an officer cadet at IAP in St. Jean this summer would typically look like - anyone with experience willing to recount?
I'm wondering how different it'll look from the SQL schedule... 5:00am wakeup, 11:00 lights out... when is PT?
Are we only allowed to bring items listed in the joining instructions?
Thanks in advance
www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca should tell you what you need to know.

drmann said:
Are we allowed to bring a personal computer, or only items listd in the joining instructions?

Come on, its boot camp! (yes I know that's not the correct term) what do you think?  ::)

drmann said:
I was wondering what the daily schedule for an officer cadet at IAP in St. Jean this summer would typically look like - anyone with experience willing to recount?
I'm wondering how different it'll look from the SQL schedule... 5:00am wakeup, 11:00 lights out... when is PT?
Are we allowed to bring a personal computer, or only items listd in the joining instructions?
Thanks in advance

Wait until you show up and you'll find out.
Dr -

I know this post is old - but if you're still curious I'll tell you.

The CFLRS website is crap - so is the kit list.

PM me if you still havent gotten your answers.

well I'm at CFLRS...
5 people in my platoon brought laptops, and though the staff wasn't thrilled they didn't really do anything about it
it's going well - different from what i expected, i didn't realize how much a french only course staff would hate our platoon ... so much negativity with zero positive reinforcement... oh well, play their game right
Oh come on people it is IAP for f**k's sake! It is exactly what the title suggests...Initial Assessment Period, nothing more nothing less. They are simply determining your ability to "fight or flight" in the CF and grading you accordingly. As for the schedule, Wake up (better earlier than early), PT (from hardly breaking a sweat to hawking big ones out the ol' pie hole), SSS (sh*t, shave and shower), Classroom (replaced by Small Party Taskings all Day when in the Field), Eat, Classroom (or Field training), PT (usually every other day), Classroom, Eat, Barracks (mmmm MESS food), Clean Pods plus weapons/Extra Duties/Study, Cry Over Girlfriend/Boyfriend, Sleep and REPEAT for 10 weeks or so. Keep off the radar and things may become better after 4 weeks, stay on the radar and end up as CPC (Candidate Platoon Commander) every weekend 4 weeks in a row (as I've seen some people do), while your friends depart of fun filled escapades and misadventures in Montreal. In either case it's no biggie provided that you can keep a good attitude and a half-decent leadership ability under your belt. Cheers! :cdn:
Infanteer - no need to be rude.

This is an open forum for people to talk about whatever they want.  Sure, you're an infanteer and basic training was the mickey mouse club compared to what you're doing now - but so what?

I know when I went I was nervous, not knowing what to expect, and so he's allowed to feel the same way.

Judy said:
This is an open forum for people to talk about whatever they want.  

Exactly! this is an open forum for people to talk about whatever they want...that is exactly what I did. You were nervous, sure...so are most other people. If you honestly think I was rude in making people aware of the facts of the situation, then best of luck to you. The CF is NOT a cookie cutter/basket weaving institution and IAP is infact pre-basic training for officers. Oh, and BTW there is no offence intended to anyone just to clarify. :cdn: