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Just got off a field ex. The only imp packs they had left was the god awful hamsteak and pineapple. I hate hamsteak. Now I hear there is a hamsteak in raisinsauce of somesort. What the **** kind of sick twisted idea is that. I guess I can‘t complain though, are food is better than anybody else‘s out there. Just get rd of the damn hamsteak ! :mad:
You know, I had ham steak and pineapple 4 meals in a row once while on ex (yeah I know...they‘re supposed to distribute Supper meals, right...) and now I‘ve never liked it since. Ham steak and raisin is a worse combination! It‘s awful, but some of the new IMPs are really great. But my fav it still Hungarian Goulash. Always remember, Canada‘s field rations are the best anywhere. Just ask any British or French soldier about theirs.
totally agree. When I first joined I was deathly afraid of what they night feed us. Saw british rats that looked like dogfood and dont even want to think how the yanks manage to liquifiy beef and turn it white (a la SOS - sh## on a shingle) I really enjoy most IMP WHEN HEATED especially the pastas. I was really excited when my unit started handing out chemical heater bags. You simply fill with water and through in the meal. No more stoves needed !!! The gum, chocolate, cookies, crackers, coffee etc that come with the packs are quite nice but generate way too much garbage, espeically when you have ruck out your own garbage. I almost always have to take a few minutes to pilfer through every pack I get to get the stuff I will actually have to eat, so I can cut down on room taken up in my ruck. Still there is nothing better than sitting nice to a steaming foil bag of lasagna or chilie during winter indoc. We have to be the best fed army in NATO !! :D
Count yourself lucky that you didn‘t have to eat the ham omelette - looked, and probably tasted, like a lung. I saw garbage bags torn apart by bears - everything was rooted through, but even the bears left the omelettes to rot.

Strangely, I know of one soldier who would trade anything to get one of these! He liked them on toast with ketchup. Maybe you need to recruit somebody like this into your section.
I heard in Vietnam the soldiers used C4 to heat there meals, now theres an Idea...

I also think that the worst desert is the cherries. There absolutely disguting! Nothing beats the peaches though.
The Hamsteak & pineapple is not so bad, it only seems that way because there were so large a ratio of them to other breakfasts . . . you were luck when you got something else. That problem seems to have been corrected in to 2000 meals.

SoF, the pitted cherries are an improvment (but only slightly) over the old un-pitted variety.

. . . and the most chilling news of all, there is a new omelette. This one is served with salsa. If anybody has tried this one, I‘d be intrested to hear how stomachable it is.
I have heard mixed opinions on the cheese omelette w/ salsa, but it‘s now my new favourite IMP. It‘s really fantastic. It may sound bad, but somehow they pulled it off. IIRC, it isn‘t made by FreddyChef, but by some company in the US.
And no, I‘m not some IMP sicko who eats the baked cherry dessert =)
Why not create a poll? See what people like and don‘t...
Gimme Salisbury steak slapped between that pathetic piece of expandable bread, good burger! The beef jerky supplement is a nice change.
Any pasta, chilie, beef stew, and chicken w gravy or caccitore :) . The gross ones are anything ham or egg and cabbage rolls :crybaby: My prefernce is heated but will eat cold in desperate circumstances. Those green goodie bags are really cool. Never been a fan of beef jerky but I love those apple chips. All those sweets, crackers, and cookies are a god send :D

One question, does the omlette w salsa come witha tiny bag of bland discount nachos ?
Forgot the fruit. Peaches, apples chunks (Its really sauce right ?) and fruit salad rule. The cherries and pears and baked dessert are pretty ruthless. On course had a friend throw his dessert in the pressure cooker instead of his meal. Our Sgt really gave it to him, sucker :rolleyes:
Can somebody please tell me how to make that small loaf of bread bigger, I heard you could with water or something but I haven‘t figured it out. I‘ve been stuck eating it the way it comes.
To expand the bread just leave it in the pouch, sealed, and throw it in your pot of boiling water for a few minutes. Remember those expandable sponge toys when we were kids.... Anyway, the bread doesnt expand much, but it gives you the appearance that you are getting more than you actually are!
I had no idea you could cook the bread. Does it taste any better and what about that little packet of unedible powder, should that stuff be a worry. I dont mind the bread but I find it very dry. Maybe this is a solution.
No, still tastes bland. I don‘t think that package is edible either! But I know the Racoons in Pet enjoy them!
In that case maybe I wont try cooking it. Just dont trust that powder stuff :skull: The bread is alright if just dunk it in any left over juice from the meal. Doesnt seem as dry and it will actually give it some flavour. The left over juice is good for mixing the potatoes and the rice as well. Just make sure its still hot.
I‘m with the rest of you guys... I find half of them palatable, while the other half make me wonder why the company that manufactures them hates us poor animals that can‘t access a mess hall while on base. ;)
Anyway, the one I absolutley love is the chop suey. That‘s good eatin‘. My other two favs are breakfast ones... the aformentioned omelette and the sausage ‘n taters one. Both sorta take some getting used to, but I now love them. The sausage and potatoes one is the only one I can scarf down cold.
I find that the best way to deal with the craptacular ones is to just throw all the assorted junk they package with the meals in the bag after opening. You get enough condiments, candy, sugar, coffee, and the whitener, then you really can‘t taste the base taste for all the other junk. Plus it gives a very interesting texture and smell. LMAO

Of course, most of the time when you have to resort to downing an IMP, you are dogass tired and sore and couldn‘t really care what you‘re stuffing in your craw. LOL

So ahhh, which of you guys has the chop suey? Oh, you wanna trade some cabbage rolls for that? :)
Of course, most of the time when you have to resort to downing an IMP, you are dogass tired and sore and couldn‘t really care what you‘re stuffing in your craw. LOL
Don‘t tell me you‘ve never taken home unused IMPs after ex and used them camping - or for those days you just don‘t feel like cooking. Except for a few, I generally enjoyed them. Particularly the lasagna.
I gotta tell ya, Beans and Weiners Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! You just pay for it at end ex! My only solution for the IMP is to bring your Habachi and some sausage! Set that up on your Itlis hood and your laughing. ;)