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Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

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From the Cadet Forum FAQ's
you know what really sucks, i left my last year of cadets to join reserves and i would have been doing staff (six week qual) goddamn......

The only thing that you would get would be your 1st pay incentive 6 months ahead of everyone else...... thereafter, you're riding the bus along with everyone else.

No need to get frustrated or upset about it.

Relax.... go have a coffee
Hmmm, you can age out of your Cadet "career" at 19.

You can work in the PRes until, what, 55 now - it may be older...

Methinks you'll make that little bit of cash up, sunshine.
See, thanks, thought it had changed.

Caleix: that's five more years....is that six week qual looking so good now?
It's good that they give pay incentives to former cadets who join the CF as NCMs.
bbbb.... we're talking about the teenaged cadets - not the officer cadets coming out of RMC
To clarify I was talking about air/army/sea cadets, not officer-cadets. I'm told a cadet refers to the air cadets etc, and that RMC 'cadets' are in fact referred to only as Officer-Cadets so when I say cadet I mean the air cadets and so on. When speaking about RMC Cadet Wing students I always refer to them as Officer-Cadets, not cadets as there is a difference.

I hope this clarifies things.

Thanks for the clarification, now why are you of the opinion that it is a good idea to give IPCs to cadets who join the reg force?

That is a good question, one that deserves an answer.

How else do you plan on getting air cadets to join the military as NCMs? Some do join, but how many of those do not have parents or relatives who were NCMs themselves? For those air cadets who age out as senior Cadet NCOs (emphasis on Cadet there to distinguish them from the real NCOs), most will want to use their leadership skills as officers, pilots or some non-military related function. Therefore getting cadets in as NCMs can be hard to do without giving them incentives.
I will remind you that I never said that the CF NEEDED air cadets. On the contrary the CF should not actively seek out air cadets over anyone else. I was simply presenting a possible explanation for WHY the CF would have such a policy at all. Having been an Air Cadet I know for a fact that most of the ones I knew preferred joining up as an officer rather than become an NCM. It's like trying to recruit pilots to be CF pilots, if you don't give any incentives they won't apply. That's why CF pilots get more money than say army officers. That's also WHY they are called INCENTIVES-ie to get them to join!

This is starting to look like a bit of a debate now. I'm willing to end it now so this topic can focus on the original question.
Piper said:
Cadet experience does not = useful military experience that deserves a pay incentive. Ex-police officers, paramedics, doctors, tradesmen etc who join should recieve those 'extra goodies' (if anyone should at all) since they bring a useful skill to the table.

Agreed on that one.

bbb, you are absolutely right! being an NCM is so unbelievably horrible and degrading that we must give incentives to former members of a children's club to join, before they realise what a mistake it is and try to become officers.

Seeing as our NCM recruiting system is now backed up so badly that some candidates wait a year to join and spend a year on PAT platoon after that, I would say that our recruiting efforts have seen fruition, and our training efforts need to be stepped up. We are also swamped with officers, and have, in the past, paid pilots to retire, as there is a shortage of serviceable aircraft for them. I don't think we need to convince anyone!

I've also noticed that you have posted extensively in the last few days on topics of military leadership, CF organisation and what makes a good soldier. Considering that you are not a leader, soldier or senior member of the CF, where are you getting your info from?
Ah....time to sit down, grab a beer, maybe some pretzels, and watch another episode of the GO!!! Show
Piper said:
I was in cadets, and I remember what I saw, both at the cadet corps and at summer camp.

If you ever do a basic after you've been in cadets, they'll ask you at some points if anyone did cadets.

should you choose to volunteer that information, you will be told to forget about the drill you learned as a cadet, and start anew...

and do NOT argue differences in drill with your staff
I posted this to help, provide information to the Cadets (Not start an argument) To cadets whos already decided to join and have there foot in the door with there application, and would of joined had this incentive not exist anyway) but because it does exist...see my point?

If I hadnt of joined cadets, my life would of been totally different, all the recruiting posters in the world doesnt recruit the way cadets does.

(Had I not joined cadets, I probably wouldnt of even looked at a recruiting poster, the way I do now) after working for a summer at VACSTC with Reservists, it sold me on joining, this is what I want to be, a CF Member and thats something a poster doesnt do.
Piper said:
Cadet experience does not = useful military experience
It does!

Maybe not on the level that some would want it to, but cadets DOES provide a stepping stone to what the military is like. Why else would the third aim of the CCM be "Stimulate an interest in the sea, land, and air components of the Canadian Forces"?

Yes there are some bad habits that develop in cadets, but would you rather have a new recruit to the CF who knows the rank system, and knows how to follow orders and show respect to the training cadre? or would you rather have a mouthy little bugger who doesn't respect any form of authority?
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