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[Infantry Reserves] First Time Poster!


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Hey fellas, my name is Abdul, and I've been interested in the concept of military since I was a kid.
The discipline, skills, training, equipment, and military environment are things I've always admired and wish I had.
I guess the only thing holding me back was...I didn't feel prepared. Now I am.

I'd like to join the military reserves.

I pretty much went though literally, 100's of posts, the CF Website and alternative website and I took the first step to getting initiated by going to a recruiter to finalize my decision.

I was somewhat disappointed, because he actually confirmed the fact that even reserve units are full when it comes down to Infantry. He referred me to the Navy Reserves but I really don't feel comfortable with that. I don't have that much information about the Navy...

He kept on saying "Navy and Army Reserves...they are the same thing...you get the life experience anyways...it's just that the ARMY is ...sexier"....Seriously?...I didn't like his attitude or the way he assumed that I just wanted to join the military because I wanted to look good or prove something....He didn't even seem interested in the conversation.  :argue:


My main goal is to take the military experience & training to build up my life skills, and to make my resume for tactical policing as appealing as possible. With that said, I still want to commit to serving Canada and I'd be more than glad to stay in for the long run.
(My degree is 4 years long anyways and I'd like to take pride in what I do on a part time basis)

Basically, before I went to the recruiter, I had the bulls-eye in perfect scope...but after talking with the recruiter...well...I'm a little shaken / disappointed because it seems like getting into the infantry reserves isn't going to happen when I planned.
I don't mind waiting until April...that's when my first year ends and I have 4-5 months off anyways...

I'm still thinking of joining the Infantry Reserves regardless of their application over load.
My next step is to go to a Reserve Camp near my area and see what they do and talk to someone there to get more information.
I heard the best way to contact them is face to face so I'll be doing that soon.

Any advice or input from you guys as what I should do now?

PS: Sorry for the long introduction...  :camo:
Welcome, Abdul.

It might help to tell us what town/city you live in.
Thanks Loachman,

I live in Mississauga, Ontario.

I guess, for the hell of it, I'll be going to the Naval Reserve on Wednesday @ Lakeshore.

What I'm really looking forward to is The Toronto Scottish Regiment on Thursday and perhaps other reserves that are near by while they have their parades. I'll try asking questions then since the website and recruiter pretty much said that if I needed additional information that I should just go to them directly.

Anyways...any input on the Infantry Reserves?
The Army Reserves are indeed full right now. After 01 Apr we will know how many each Regiment will be looking for. My advice to you s go down to or call the Regiment you are interested in and talk to a Recruiter there. They have all the info on Reserves. The Recruiting Centre has SOME info on Reserves but our primary job is to recruit for the Reg Force.

The reason you were told about the Navy Reserves is we have to make sure you know ALL your options and right now the only option you have if you want in the Reserve right now is the Naval Reserve.

You may have misunderstood what the Recruiter meant by "Sexier". If he was a soldier the  of course he's going to put his slat on it. If you were talking to who I think you were talking to then he is hard core PPCLI and very dedicated o them. That being said I'll have a chat whit him and tell him to tone it down some.
Thanks for the feedback FDO.
I really don't mean to get anyone in trouble or to bring attention to anyone's behavior.
I guess I wasn't faced with what I expected, and perhaps my own expectations were a little too high or unrealistic.

With that said, I appreciate the enlightenment.

I will be heading to the Queen's Own Rifles Regiment tomorrow, Wednesday, and the Toronto Scottish Regiment on Thursday.

I'll keep you all update on how that goes.  :army:
I will be heading to the Queen's Own Rifles Regiment tomorrow.

I know you said you didn't care, but you'll find the QOR is actually the sexiest unit in TO. 

The maroon berets just look so.... elite. ;D
Didn't Prince have a song about your Headdress. I think it was called "Raspberry Beret" :-)

Seriously FDO - we (you) have to take down that mannequin with the B-Gear/Chemox combo that I saw when I was up there last.

We can perhaps replace it with a set of high collared whites?  ;)

They worked for me before I left T.O
Already down. Apparently it wasn't in keeping with the theme of Black History Month. The Commodore thought the white hood was a bit over the top. Said offendind mannequin has been released and no suitable replacement has been found.  Besides most people around here will see the highcollar whites and think we are hiring Pilots again.

(TopGun ref for the younger in the crowd) :nod:

Am I ever glad I went to the QOR today! I'm even happier I did some research on some local regiments.

I think I found my calling. Not only does the QOR have an amazing history, but they are the only regiment in Canada that participate in parachuting exercise. They also are closely affiliated with UN and NATO, which for me, is a huge deal, since I'm looking forward to a possible career in International Policing / Peace-Keeping in the far future.

Like most Infantry Regiments, they are full, but I'm going to make sure I keep determined to get into this regiment.
There's so much to the QOR that I feel like I can stay committed and exert all my efforts without wondering if I should of made a better decision.

Man, I'm so excited for April! I better keep my brain and body in tip-top shape from now on!

Anyways...uhm...Any HINTS / TIPS you fellas would like to share?
Abdul said:
They also are closely affiliated with UN and NATO, which for me, is a huge deal, since I'm looking forward to a possible career in International Policing / Peace-Keeping in the far future.

As is every other unit in the Canadian Forces.
Abdul said:
I think I found my calling. Not only does the QOR have an amazing history, but they are the only regiment in Canada that participate in parachuting exercise. They also are closely affiliated with UN and NATO, which for me, is a huge deal, since I'm looking forward to a possible career in International Policing / Peace-Keeping in the far future.

Sure the QOR has a jump...unit.  Not sure how big it is but they certainly are NOT the only unit in Canada that does parachuting.  If someone told you that, they are flat out BSing you.  Each Reg Force Regiment has a jump unit.  QOR is not (or atleast they weren't) the only PRes unit to have jumpers either.  But, in your area, they are probably the only ones, sure.  Well aside from that unit in Trenton.  But its Reg Force.  You know, the guys who run the basic para course and other stuff like that.

Ummm the QORs are only as "affiliated" with NATO and the UN as the rest of our units are. 

Anyways...uhm...Any HINTS / TIPS you fellas would like to share?

Don't believe everything you hear.
Eye In The Sky said:
Sure the QOR has a jump...unit.  Not sure how big it is but they certainly are NOT the only unit in Canada that does parachuting.  If someone told you that, they are flat out BSing you.  Each Reg Force Regiment has a jump unit.  QOR is not (or atleast they weren't) the only PRes unit to have jumpers either.  But, in your area, they are probably the only ones, sure.  Well aside from that unit in Trenton.  But its Reg Force.  You know, the guys who run the basic para course and other stuff like that.

IIRC, QOR are the only milita unit to have hard para positions EITS
Abdul said:

since I'm looking forward to a possible career in International Policing / Peace-Keeping in the far future.

Anyways...uhm...Any HINTS / TIPS you fellas would like to share?

These two paragraphs of your posts seem to puzzle me, lets take the second, you ask for Hints and Tips, however you have omitted to fill in your  Profile as to your immediate Location, Age, Education Status and/or Studies.

All of the above would greatly assist members of this Forum to provide you with more detail and accurate answers.

Now as to your Future Pursuits, would that be in Legal or actual Constabulary work. You suggest that Service in the Infantry would enhance your Resume in those Pursuits, what makes you think that ? I would imagine the Military Police or Intelligence would stand you much better.

Abdul said:
My main goal is to take the military experience & training to build up my life skills, and to make my resume for tactical policing

Tactical Policing? Are you referring to ERT/SWAT?  No matter what you've done in the CF you can not go straight to a ERT team in the Police. You will still need to get experiance as a Police Officer than after x amount of years you can try out for other things.

FastEddy said:
Now as to your Future Pursuits, would that be in Legal or actual Constabulary work. You suggest that Service in the Infantry would enhance your Resume in those Pursuits, what makes you think that ? I would imagine the Military Police or Intelligence would stand you much better.

My brother is ex Infantry and is currently a Police Officer, when he went through the recruiting for the Police they didn't really care to much about what his job in the CF was. As long as he had a good record, no charges, etc and his references were good the Police were happy.
Abdul said:
Not only does the QOR have an amazing history, but...

As does every other unit in the Canadian Forces.

Don't talk yourself into one option until you've reviewed all of the options. The history of the TSR is no slouch either.

The QOR does indeed have a hard Para tasking, and jumps considerably more than other units in the area.

As well as a particularly high concentration of Jumpers and Jumpmasters, we also have a particularly high concentration of Advanced Mountain Operations qualified guys, which allows us to run some particularly cool low level training.  For example: it's not uncommon for us to use the rappelling facilities at the Toronto Fire Academy.
Wonderbread said:

The QOR does indeed have a hard Para tasking, and jumps considerably more than other units in the area.

As well as a particularly high concentration of Jumpers and Jumpmasters, we also have a particularly high concentration of Advanced Mountain Operations qualified guys, which allows us to run some particularly cool low level training.  For example: it's not uncommon for us to use the rappelling facilities at the Toronto Fire Academy.

Too bad they arnt as cool as the foresters....we are chalk full of Advanced Winter Warefare dudes....well somewhat. We sure do love the arctic it seems.  That being said Abdul, about advice, keep your self in shape, because you are doing a degree right now, I shouldnt have to worry about metal shape. Physical shape, get fit, it will make everything in the CF that little bit easier.

Nothing bad about the QOR, but i thought they were downtown, and you are in missisauga. Now being from the northern reaches of 32 Brigade, I dont really know the big smoke all that well(big smoke=toronto and surounding areas), but I think that there are closer units that would equal the QOR in the training you will recieve, it wont be the same, but equal. Like for example, I am in the G&SF in Barrie. We specialize in winter/arctic warfare. So we recieve alot of training in the winter aspects of the army, once a year(except this year), we head way up north for a week long ex. Last Aug we went to Baffin island on a sovereignty patrol. I just want you to be aware, that every unit can get cool training, I suppose its just up to how willing you are to drive.
NFLD Sapper said:
IIRC, QOR are the only milita unit to have hard para positions EITS

IIRC, the Loyal Eddies and Royal Westminster Regiment have jumpers as well.
Eye In The Sky said:
IIRC, the Loyal Eddies and Royal Westminster Regiment have jumpers as well.

Then I stand corrected EITS.......


EITS from the Royal Westminster Regiment home page:

In 1992, The Canadian Airborne Regiment was reduced from Regimental status to Battalion. This new structure took effect on June 24th, 1992; the airborne role for The Royal Westminster Regiment ended in 1993.