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Interview on may 11, will i make it for summer?

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yea this is getting pretty gay fighting over grammar and spelling on a forum
You listen to rap, you‘re a university student and you want to join the armed forces...Sorry pal, it just doesn‘t add up.
hahaha listen to you guys, you keep making up these non-sence arguements, you have nothing to support what your saying with, like honestly, what you just said napalm makes no sence at all, you guys are just talking crap for no other reason then to talk crap. i commend you all for a job well done.
Okay people,

I don‘t give a crap about this guy listens to or what his musical preference is.

What I do care about is people, mostly civilian, coming into these forums and typing on them without the proper respect or common courtesy to write legibly!

Now when someone says, that they‘re too lazy to even press a plastic button properly, that causes me seriously question whether I want them in the Forces with me. I mean after all, if they can‘t press shift...how are they going to do on a ruck march or on sentry duty?

Just a word of advice to certain people, this is a site dedicated and run by people who are in, or have served in the military, if can‘t show the proper respect and decency on a FORUM how can you expect us to have a good opinion of you when you present yourself as a some trash talking "gangsta homeboy?"

You want to get in the Army right? Try talking this way to your Sergeants when you go on your basic training and see what happens! I'm sure they won't be giving you props anytime soon home boi!

The Army and the Forces are about Respect and Discipline, if you can‘t even type properly...then you don‘t belong with us.

Remember, a first impression is a lasting impression...and you fouled up big time.
Rap music like any other form of music has its goods and bads, I personally, listen to alot of rap music, but youd never see the stuff I like on some teenie boppers locker. Urban poetry can be more powerful then you think.
Urban poetry..swearing, and patronizing violence, you must be quite ignorant.
This topic is going nowhere, someone should put it out of its misery.
Oh my god, when have i ever done any trash talking, or acted as a "gangsta home-boy" this is really getting out of hand, I dont think you people even know what your saying anymore. Really now, when have I ever done any trash talking of any kind. I‘ve come on here talking, and because Im not using proper grammar and such, that makes me a "gangsta homeboy." comon now gents, how can you call yourselves Canadian when you can‘t expect a person for such a thing as grammar. Not only that, but in all honesty, I really dont listen to rap, don‘t ask why I used it as a name, I just never thought I‘d be judeged by it.
Good Grammar Would lead Us To Believe You are Somewhat Articulated. (Until you Prove Us Otherwise)

Well Articulated / Intelligent People Are Generally Respected

Bad Grammar leads Us to believe you Cannot Cohesively String Thoughts And Meanings together in a Response. Thus You are Lazy And In all Reality Dont really Care Enough About your Question To have the Common Decency To Ask it Correctly.

And Im Done ..

Tune In next Week And ill Prove That C4 Is Edible And How an Untrained Private Makes a Great Breech For a Wire Obstacle :rolleyes: :eek:
You always seem to be missing the point.

Your negative and disrespectful attitude is what is causing so many people to bash you. When looking at your responses it seems that you got all upset on how the moderator, combat_medic, basically asked you to grow up and show some respect and courtesy towards the people you were talking to.

You seem surprised that so many people are responding harshly to you and accuse you of â Å“trash talking,â ? I for one, believe you attitude is crap and that you don't deserve to serve in our military because you all gave us the impression that you don't care about nothing including your self respect since you presented yourself to military personnel in such a sloppy manner, we're looking for professionals and not people like you.

Seriously, all that was asked upon you was to smarten up and act like the university student that you apparently are, iyou couldn't even do that. How in the **** do you believe you can make it in the Army taking orders if you can't even respect a moderator who had to ask you to type properly?

All you have done is mouth off to everyone on this site in basically every single one of your responses, and apparently, you tell us time and time again that you don't realize it? Come on now, that would be ludicrous! Now wouldn't it?
hahah alright, you guys are the biggest bunch of ******* morons, you guys keep spouting out the largest amounts of bull **** i have ever heard, there is really no point to what your saying, and i dont really care what you people think, i dont care if you dont think i should be in the army, i dont care what kind of person you think i am. i know how the military works, i was in cadets, i fully understand chain of command, and i respect those who deserve respect, but honestly why should i respect ou people when you get mad over grammar and spelling, this is the most ****tarded thing i have ever heard someone fight about. this has nothing to do with being lazy, is has to do with you guys having nothing better to do, then try to bash me over soemthing as retarded as spelling.
Originally posted by ludacris:
[qb]i know how the military works, i was in cadets,[/qb]
:eek: Ouch. Not the brightest thing to say among trained and experienced soldiers who are actually in the military and are living the life as we speak. Me thinks they have a slight advantage over us cadets/former cadets when it comes to talking about things military. Please keep your mouth zipped. It‘s giving the rest of us kids a bad reputation :warstory: .
Man you‘re going to get smoked in basic with that attitude. Another one of those "I was in cadets i know how this works...."
As far as I can see reading this forum. Combat Medic went on the attack. The kid just asked a question about his friggin back. So what he likes rap. So what types how he talks.(which would drive me nuts)I dont care if he‘s not actually in school. I like how everyone on here acts as though there are no idiots in the military. "Dont join if you like rap". "Doesnt like putting in the effort" or" You‘ll never make it through basic". HA! Please. You are all ridiculous. I met my fair share of people in the military who dont want to put any. Not "barely enough" effort. Im talking none. And to hold yourselves out as if otherwise is true is lying. He asked a question- not to have his future with the forces decided.
....and then the poser said to the troll"........"
Please STAT.
Ok gang, I think that this whole thread has become somewhat ridiculous.

ludacris, I realize that you don‘t think you‘ve done anything wrong, but I promise that you will find that attitudes such as yours don‘t get you very far in the military.

And as for the rest of you, while it peeves me to see poor grammar, poor spelling, and poor attitude on this forum as much as it does you, this whole thing has probably gone a bit too far. Many of the regular posters on this forum, and ones that seem to be generally well respected by all (including some who have attacked ludacris in this thread) regularly make use of poor grammar, and often misspell words. This is not spellingbee.ca. I think it‘s time for all to calm down a tad.
To answer the basic question â “ if the sun moon and stars line up right, yes it is possible to make it for summer trg. 38 CBG (Winnipeg) will be running BMQ this summer probably starting in July.

As to grammar and spelling, we have had this discussion on another thread, and it comes to sound like a moron, treated like a moron... For anyone to say its not important obviously isn't old enough to know the difference and might as well skip university and go right to â Å“ would you like fries with that, sirâ ?.

And now to specifically to ludacris: I have vested interest because you are joining my Brigade. You are not smart enough to take advice to those who have been around for a while. You have pissed people off because of your attitude; the grammar thing is just the fuse. Being in the military is about cooperation and teamwork, and you already have proved you can't even spell the words. You will be joy to your instructors, and a credit to your generation. translation - IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU...

I usually just let these go, but it is getting more and more prevalent.... so now a general rant;

It irks me no end when young snots seem to think they know more then the old guard and fails to take gratis advice because their heads are stuck to far up their *** to see sunshine. We suddenly didn't get where we are now, we started out the same as you. We got this far by keeping our mouth shut and listening. We give you the value of our experience, take or leave it, don't throw it in our face.

For the posers...cut the bullshit, you will be found out and suffer worse then if you were honest with yourselves. You are not proving anything and eventually you will end up looking like an *******. So if you can't stop, go back to hole you crawled out from. Don't waste our time with your drivel.

For the wannabe... You have to start at the bottom, and there is no shame that. You have to learn to walk before you can run/fly/jump/snipe/eat snakes.
What surprises me is that you‘re STILL not blocked from this site.

Christ, you are so full of yourself it's not even funny! â Å“I was in Cadets! I know how the chain of command works!â ? Pardon me, what am I saying? Of course you do! Your 12 year old cadet sergeant explained it to you during a juice and snack break in between poorly executed drill sessions! You sure do know a lot about the Army, using cadets as a piece of your argument sure proves that!

Instead of shutting up and learning from people who have far more experience then you and listen to good advice, you just ramble on how everything seems "retarded" and how we make no sense?

Wow! Is this the extent of your vocabulary? Oh, silly me, you apparently have your own language and spelling! Forgive us from misunderstanding!

You're a university student? Then act like one if you have any self respect. My God, standards must be pretty low there or you really are some 16 year old punk Cadet who's trying to think that you can make it in a man's Army.

Shut up, change your attitude and seriously question if the Army is for you, because I believe you won‘t last a week and you will be a waste of tax payer‘s dollars. I've seen many of your type join up and get spat out within the first 3 days of a course. You're pathetic.

If you do even get in, which we all doubt you will, you can expect to have a great time by being chewed up by your instructors, and being â Å“judgedâ ? by the rest of the people on your course. Hopefully, you'll still be able to limp home back to your mom and your little boy Scout cadet corps when they've had enough of you and you garbage.
Okay! I‘ve had enough of this ‘Cadet‘ image I keep reading over and over and over again. I‘m getting inpatient for people who must under-judge people because they we‘re a Cadet and people who must talk this crap about Cadets in general. I never thought I could be so under-impressed.
It ends now.
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