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Hello all. I'm new to the forum. I'm 20 years of age.
I just recently got off vacation and I plan on joining the CF. I'm going to the T.O. recruiting office on monday and I would like to know realistically how soon could I be in training.

There is no doubt in my mind that I will get accepted and I will do a good job. I'm ready for it physically and mentally and I feel that the military is my calling at least for the forseeable future or however long the next World War is going to last us. Both Bush and Cheney have said that we're entering an era where war will last generations. I'm not so sure about that but we are definately heading towards another global war.
Hi Revelations, welcome to the forum!!

There is a lot of good info in the recruiting forum, have a good read through there, i'm sure all your questions can be answered. Also may i suggest a read through the forum guidelines and FAQs as well. (the search function is your friend!)

best of luck!