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Is Canada going to offer any help? Like DART


Army.ca Veteran
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This seemed like it needed its own thread.  Will Canada (The Government in an Official Capacity) offer any help or support to our American friends/ALLIES.  Now I know the US is not Thailand or Sri Lanka and probably does not require assistance, but friends being friends and as a jesture of good will, should our government offer some form of assistance.  Personally I think we should at least make the offer to help, I mean is it only politically correct to help out third world nations?  Watching this on CNN and the damage is massive all along the gulf coast.  As one caller on Larry King asked the Governor of Louisiana, (I'm paraphrasing)  "After all the help and support we have offered other countries in times like these, has any foriegn government offered help? 

Thoughts, opinions?
It couldn't hurt to help strengthen the relationship between our two countries. We surely can't provide all the required resources to get them out of this mess but every little bit will help.

The DART team might not be a bad place to start, anyone with expertise in this area (DART team members) have any insight on this?
Todays Toronto Sun Letter of the Day


In light of our national penchant for patting ourselves on the back and seeing ourselves as "world leaders" in humanitarian aid, it will be interesting to see how our self-righteous intellectuals respond to the cataclysmic events in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina.

We are so quick to demand action from our governments when something tragic happens "over there," but I wonder if there will be the same hue and cry when it happens to our closest friend and neighbour.

People tend to forget that Americans are among the most generous people in the world when it comes to foreign aid. Unlike us, they don't depend on their government to get things done, but open their own wallets in times of need.

Thousands of people are now homeless and without basics such as fresh water and shelter. The American Red Cross is probably inundated with demands for its resources. If there was ever a time for us to put our money where are mouths are, this is it.

How about it, folks?

Should we send the DART team down there and show the world our boasts are more than hot air, or do we just reserve our concern for those who are politically acceptable?

As we have seen, tragedy makes no distinctions regarding geography or ideology. If charity does indeed begin at home, then it should logically extend outwards to our neighbours first.

Michael Hilborn

Fort Frances, Ont.
There were a lot of Americans helping out during the Ice Storm.  How quick we are to forget.
I am sure individual Canadians will open their hearts and wallets and give generously to the Red Cross and/or any other charities organizations that are set up to provide financial assistance as we have in the past , 9/11. However the silence of our political leaders on this matter is both telling and  a source of national embarrassment (yet again). Not even a public message of condolence from Mr Dithers to date.
Danjanou said:
However the silence of our political leaders on this matter is both telling and   a source of national embarrassment (yet again). Not even a public message of condolence from Mr Dithers to date.

Doesn't surprise me.  I guess Americans don't really make up very much of our immigrant vote.
Danjanou said:
However the silence of our political leaders on this matter is both telling and   a source of national embarrassment (yet again). Not even a public message of condolence from Mr Dithers to date.

I completely agree. I have friends in New Orleans who have probably lost everything, and I will do whatever I can to help. I know the US would do every thing possible to help Canada.... we should at least make the offer to assist. Get moving Dithers...    
<a href=http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news.php?id=152850>Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez  offers fuel, food to hurricane-hit US</a>


Are you anywhere near all of this? If so hope everything is alright for you and your family.
I worked with a lot of the folks in the Menhaden fishmeal plants along that coast, drove those highways, stayed in those hotels.....Those people were never anything other than open and welcoming.

As a result of their generosity of spirit I made a living while living in Canada.  The money that I earned from doing business with them I brought back to Canada, spent it here to support my family and was taxed here by the Canadian government.  Some of that money went to support Canadian fishermen and fishplant workers that competed with those southerners and were supplied a better standard of living.  There are a multitude of Canadians in many industries in many parts of Canada like me.

It would seem appropriate that the Government that benefited from the revenues, the Canadians that benefited from the revenues, would immediately go to the aid of those that supplied those benefits.
A friend doesn't wait to be asked to help, doesn't say "call if you really need help", they just jump in and start helping.

I truly regret the meanness and narrowness of our Government and those that support it. 
I heard that the Red Cross is asking for volunteer from Canada, so it would be logical that a team from Dart goes there to help rescue the people in need
lou133 said:
I heard that the Red Cross is asking for volunteer from Canada, so it would be logical that a team from Dart goes there to help rescue the people in need

The two organizations are not connected, so what's the logic? The DART is not equipped to even make a move that close on short notice. Personally, I'll be suprised if our government even offers verbal support.
recceguy said:
The two organizations are not connected, so what's the logic? The DART is not equipped to even make a move that close on short notice. Personally, I'll be suprised if our government even offers verbal support.

So juste to be sure, what's the exact purpose of DART, emergency or reconstruction, or something else
lou133 said:
So juste to be sure, what's the exact purpose of DART, emergency or reconstruction, or something else
DART= Disaster Assistance Response Team, its supposed purpose is to help out in situations exactly like this.  However it is fully a military enitity, therefore it doesn't solicit volunteers outside the military, and is not connected to the Red Cross in anyform.  So the Red Cross asking/sending volunteers has nothing to do with DART.
Go here:


Besides the US Army Reserve and National Guards probably have better equipment and much more of it than we could ever dream of providing. It certainly doesn't stop us from asking what we can do though, but if we haven't announced anything yet, I doubt we will. An absolute shame that our narrow minded leaders can't get past petty bickering and opinion polls. Almost like 9/11, in our responses, all over again.
I thoughtthe defence update had DART being stood down and replaced with something less military in nature? Or is that longer term?
In 1992 or 93 Cold Lake ( and probably other Bases) sent down a bunch of Airfield Engrs to Florida to assist in cleaning up after a Hurricane. I don't think the DART was stood up at that time and 4 AES was pretty new, maybe not even stood up yet. I believe the CF still does a lot of cross training with the Airfield Engrs and the Air National Guard and PRIME RIBS and PRIME BEEF units.

I wonder if any intiatives along this line are in the pipe ?
I had emailed my MP (Conservative Party of Canada) about this and he responded that Canada had officially offered assistance. The Americans (presumably Homeland Security) had declined to accept any outside help as they felt they have sufficient resources to deal with the emergency. However the Canadian Red Cross is providing support to the American Red Cross in response to a request from that agency.
At the least, they should take up Venezuela's offers ... all of them. They'd be crazy not to.
If the US Gov't asks (which is unlikely they will do) for us to send down military assets to assist, then the Gov't may consider sending DART or atleast DART like assets (ie water purification or construct engs).

The Louisiana and Mississippi NG are larger then our entire Army, and as recceguy mentioned, they have everthing we have and then some.

Civilian agencies should be furiously packing and sending people and stuff down now though...

As for the rest, money is the best we can do to help.