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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

Nothing as of yet. I was at a BPSO briefing today and spoke with one of the PSO's afterward. She told me that no messages have been sent out as far as she knows. She also said that the Sgt. in Borden responsible for the messages has been on leave all of last week. In regards to the March 31st posting date,it is subject to change.
Well Patrolman thanks for the info that is only good news and it definitely puts my mind at ease. If I hear anything I will keep you posted as well.
And I'll be keeping an eye on the forum, I'n off this week with no access to msg traffic, once I know they're flowing I can do a night time recce to my desk and see whats shakin
Here is another little tidbit I heard today. The PSO I mentioned earlier had set in on a selection board in Esquimalt last week for those wanting to be MARS officers, from her the board decided Second language training was going to be put on the back burner until Mars training was complete. I know there has been talk about this on other threads but, this comes from a good source so it must be true.
That's great man! I really don't want to do it. I'd rather take the 9-12 months I have to wait for my pilot course, do an OJT with a Squadron and finish my degree as I am about a year away. But if it is PAO that I get, it would be in my best interest to do the SLT, I could try to integrate it with my degree.

So what do you think your chances are of getting accepted? Do you think we will see messages this week?

I think our chances are quite good. Obviously there is a huge need in the trades we applied for or else there would not be a CEOTP plan. My trade choice (infantry) is still short even after the selection. There are cuurently 36 active offers out there, hopefully one has my name on it. As for your trade choices PAO is only short 1 posistion that one is iffy,as for pilot, we still need a lot more and the demand is increasing with the new aircraft slated to come into service. As for individual chances.... Your degree is almost complete as where I only have high school. The infantry however, always has chronic shortages so the chances are good. Good luck!
I think you being an instructor helps your chances bigtime. Thanks for the re-inforcement, as I mentioned earlier I had almost given up after not hearing a thing last week and it has been frustrating because no one in my chain will make a call for me, even just to get info about any message offers being sent out, or anything at all. The info you've passed on to me as well as the other posts in this forum has helped keep m mind at ease so to speak. I do have a plan B but I'd rather this CEOTP program as it would be perfect for me. I just hope I hear something before I head to Cancun on holidays next week so I can go there and not think about this, although by that point I may have written off my chances all together. Lets hope messages magically appear in our orderly rooms this week.  

As per the Mar.19th Strategic Intake Plan Arty has 14 active offers out right now and are short 9.
I am not entirely sure. I believe it is a quarterly thing or after selection boards set. Apparently the one previous to March 19th was March 8th. Unfortunately,the Borden website only has the cuurent SIP and the quarterly numbers for the fiscal year 06/07 posted.
I took a look at the intake plan and the one on the DIN is misleading, what you want to do is take a look at the Borden ftp site under the following link /cfrg/english/intake..................... It's an unclas doc so I am not telling you guys any thing different then you can find out yourselves. Anyway I took at look at it today and they have 23 offers for MARS out. Sorry, I didn't look for everyone, I can do that tomorrow if you guys like. You would figure that I would check ARTY out as well, with that being my second choice. I have to tell everyone though, this forum has been great. Just when I lose hope, there is another tid bit of news that keeps me going, tks everyone. J    I will e-mail you if I see yours
Just reading through this thread to get a feel for what kind of potential officers are out there waiting for an offer, and I'm SCARED.

For those individuals who are calling or complaining that your chain will not call, perhaps you should have another look at the message.


So sit back and keep on waiting Sir  :salute:
Dolphin Hunter,
From what I see the potential officers on this thread are just what the CF needs. People who are eager to serve at a higher capcity then what they currently are. Chains of command can not always be relied upon to look after the welfare of their soldiers, despite it being one of the "principles of leadership." Just because someone is eager to take a step forward in their careers and not be content to remain a Cpl. MS.MCpl. does not mean they are poor candidates to be officers.
I have also read the message a numbers of times and am well aware of the section you quoted. So take a step back and relax. These eager candidates are the same people you may be saluting and calling sir in the near future. Stop trying to spoil the ambitions represented here.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with being eager to become an officer, but to come on here complaining that their chain of command is letting them down because they will not make any calls to Borden, is nothing more than childish.  It has ABSOLUTLY nothing to do with the chain of command letting their troops down. 
I never once mentioned that they would be poor candidates, but as we all know you have to follow direction and the direction from CFRG Borden was that they will not entertain any questions about any files until 15 Apr 07.  Perhaps those who are saying their chain of command is letting them down should step back and relax. 

I am not coming on here to piss on the CEOTP parade.

I really do hope that everyone gets what they want, and I look forward to saluting those who got accepted and are successful in their training.   :salute:

I too have applied for the CEOTP this year. The message that came out in Nov, says that you should not call until April 15, 2007, and that the proper chain of command is follwed! Acceptance (or denial) letters will be shipped out starting March 15, 2007 and go through to April.
The message is very open too, in past it had strict guidlines, and now they have opened up the floodgates and as long as you are a breathing Cpl, you can apply!
I am currently in a spot where I get to do the "Officer" job. It is different than the job I do as a Sgt.
Has any one heard anything yet?

None of us regular force CEOTP applicants have heard anything yet, and that was the confusing part. I have further info send me a personal message
Just thought I would drop this little tidbit.  I am too waiting for CEOTP message for AEC.  A buddy of mine is trying for MARS and we've both been going nuts waiting.  I had called the BPSO to no avail, they couldn't tell me anything WRT how far behind CFRG was.  So without mentioning any names my buddy took it upon himself to call CFRG to find out if we should have heard anything yet.  This was their story; the boards have finished sitting and the selection is done,  the SGT that has to take a look at the messages before they are sent is on leave and is back APR 2.  I wouldn't take this as gospel because who knows if there are other variables at work here, but we are expecting to hear by the middle of next week. 

Hope this helps.  There will definitely be a few drinks  here when we find out. 