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Issue C9 Pouch


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Does anyone know how much the issue C9 pouch for the tac-vest cost?  Cause I lost my extra one on an ex, and I thought I would ask here so I could have the money ready when I go to replace it. 

They will just take the cost off a new pouch off your pay, so no worries about having cash ready.
Send a private message to 'Armyvern' as she's the Army.ca supply/clothing stores guru.  She'll point you in the right direction regarding teh procedure for doing a loss statement and paying for lost kit.  Normally, payment for lost kit is done through a money order made payable to "The Receiver General For Canada" and submitted to your designated supply pers.
If it is an issued piece of kit, you are required to fill out a Lost Kit Report. What you should do is inform your Section Commander and after the obligatory "Get a grip on your kit", he should be able to get the form. There is a section on the form that has to be filled out by supply and it will give you the price. If it was above your entitlement, you are normally not allowed to just buy extra field gear from supply.

I'll check on the price today when I go back to work.  Matt I don't think that's accurate.  When I was storeman on a BIQ past summer if they accept responsibility the money can be taken right off your account.  But Vern def would know better then I.
Matt - CFL -- reservists cannot CDV - so they have to make a cheque to the Rec Gen of Can
  When I got out of the PPCLI - I had to pay via debit card at Clothing Stores - so I am not sure if CDV is done away with or if it was just cause I was clearing out...
KevinB said:
...I am not sure if CDV is done away with or if it was just cause I was clearing out...

... it's just 'cause it was you!!!  :cheers:

RE: All of the advice on the lost Mag Pouch.... You are not expected to provide any sort of payment until the loss report comes back stating you will be held financially responsible. I have already had to deal with local Reserve Units sending me a cheque with incomplete loss reports.
They have to wait to long for the report to come back!

They pay because they need the kit right away. Otherwise they get locked out of the system until.....

I have talked with 3 guys in my Regiment who want to quit because of the trouble they are having getting kit.  They love'd going on winter EX's this year without any winter kit. ::)

You don't have to wait for the report to come back to get your kit replaced, Once you submit the Lost stores report and have it verified by your SQ or RQ or CQ whatever, then take your report make 2 photocopies, submit one up your chain and take the other one to clothing stores, and they will replace what ever is on your lost stores report. The items will get added to your permament Docs, and if it is determined that you will not be held liable for the items then you will not have to play the price for replacments and the additional items will be removed from your docs. ..... There should be no requirement to go pay for items right away ....
Also, for reservists it can come off your pay. I had a soldier lose a gerber a few months ago. He accepted responsibility ('I lost it...my fault') in his claim. Once the form is signed off by the chain of command, the unit OR enters it as a misc. debit into RPSR, and it is deducted from your pay.