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Issueing of sidearms overseas


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Judging by the recent pics from Afghanistan, I noticed that a majority of soldiers were armed with sidearms, Brownings, judging by the leg holsters and ammo pouches.  My question is, what's the SOP for issuing out sidearms/pistols for the guys overseas?
officers, lav drivers, and section commanders pretty much in the infantry units.
Senior NCO's
NCO's in 2i/c postions or other pistion that rate a sidearms (DM, sniper etc)
C6 gunners.

They where tryign to get C9 gunners and mostly everyone else pistols but I think that stalled.
If there is a need for one you will get it,then again there are plenty of folks who sit behind a desk all day that are running around with them and more.
I have heard of instances where pilots get issued a sidearm which is NOT the Browning (i.e. CF-18 pilots in Kosovo getting the Sig Sauer P226 in the year 2000).
MG34 said:
If there is a need for one you will get it,...

When I was in Kabul, CIMIC and LO's had them, because they had to attend meetings where rifles weren't always practical at the table (e.g. NGO's/IO's, maliks/mayors, schools/schoolchildren).
Pilots have been issued several types of handguns from S&W Model 29 revolvers to Sig P225,228 and 226.I have no problem with that as it is hard to pack a C7 or C8 into a survival vest.What gets my goat is the REMF types that sit in camp wearing a 9mm on their hip as a status symbol when the troops on patrol have a real need of them.In Op Athena Roto 0 every member of my Platoon (DFS/AAP) was issued a Browning as well as a C7 or C9,not an ideal solution as the C8 would have been better but that is a different story altogether,but at least the lads could defend themselves while travelling in an TOW Jeep. A pistol is rarely the ideal weapon but it sure beats nothing.
ROTP Civi U said:
I have heard of instances where pilots get issued a sidearm which is NOT the Browning (i.e. CF-18 pilots in Kosovo getting the Sig Sauer P226 in the year 2000).

That's all we use (Sig P226) in the MH community since that's what the navy uses.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Pssssst Inch we use the P225 vice P226. ;)

My bad, I haven't qual'd on it yet so that's my excuse.  :-[

The last pistol qual I did was on the Browning back in 2000. I'll get my shot at the Sig this summer.
  In an after action for ROTO 0, we raised the fact that all drivers should be issued side arms. Yes you could argue that a driver should be hands on the wheel but if anyone has spent anytime in downtown Kabul, you will agree 95% of your time is spent stuck in traffic at a stand still. Also the lav 3 gunner should have a pistol in the turret, because the CC has the c-6 and as a gunner, your options are the coax/25mm or having your rifle hanging in the side basket where its a pain in the butt.

  With the amount of side arms sitting in lock ups around Canada, IMHO they should be sent to where they are needed.
Pilots have been issued several types of handguns from S&W Model 29 revolvers to Sig P225,228 and 226

Thats quite the variety. I wonder if there is any situations where one of the above would be issued in lieu of another.
On Roto 0 all us SDS guys (dispatch riders) got sidearms after pleading for a shorter weapon to carry in our SUVs. The sigs who are  currently ramping up for Roto 4 are all taking Brownings with them.