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JTF-2 Selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter bender
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Hey, your all probably tired of hearing questions about the JTF but i‘m gonna ask some anyway. I‘m interested in trying out for the JTF in a the future. If there‘s anyone with some first hand experience or anyone with comments or opinnions on the JTF please post a reply. If anyone has a good PT program to share with me to help condition myself for selection it would also be much appreciated. Basically anything on the subject is welcomed.
Go through the old posts regarding the unit and you should find all you need.
Hi Bender,

You can go at this site for have a good PT program. This is the PT program of SEALs.


good training !!!

:cdn: HONOUR_12 :tank:
The JTF recruiting team hold info sessions at area units every so often. Send a memo up your chain of comd telling them you‘re interested and they will reply with the where and when about the JTF info session.
I have got a pretty well rounded workout program bender as I bet a lot of ppl out here do. Email me if ya want some advice.
Thanks for the info and links fellas. Disturbance took you up on your offer and emailed you.

Fortune cookie if the info sessions aren‘t held at your unit will the CF send you to another unit to attend or would you just have to wait ti‘ll they visit your own?
The JTF recruiting team doesn‘t visit individual reserve units...not that I‘ve heard anyway. They do give their pitch at area units. I live in Montreal, so I‘d have to go to the one they give at CFLRS St. Jean or CFB Valcartier. Depending on how close you are to where they are going to be, your unit might help get you there. That‘s why it is important to send that memo up the chain. If they think you are serious and have a good chance then they will help you out. If not then just take the bus yourself and DO NOT forget your ID card though you probably don‘t have to be in uniform (they check it...no civvies allowed).
there is an offical JTF2 Pre-Selection Physical Fitness Program, you should be able to get a copy of it from your local PSP staff or your BPSO. I got one easy enough.

I was wondering how you guys feel about (not) joining Canada‘s Special Forces.

I, like a lot of new-comers to the military, are motivated to join the JTF2 unit but I imagine that after a couple of training courses in the Army Reserves, I‘d think twice about putting my body through the training hell for Special Forces!

But I want to know how the current Infanteers feel about wanting to work on that team. Do you know guys that are able to meet the requirments for applying but choose not to (Do you meet those requirements and not want to apply?) If so, why? I don‘t want this to be controversial or JTF2 bashing/preaching, but I‘m curious about how the the currently employed soldiers feel about it.

So why do people want to join? Why do they not want to join?


BTW HONOUR_12: I‘m on week 4 of the Seal Challenge PT. Considering I‘ve got at least 3 years before I can apply, I should make these work outs part of my daily life!
Personnaly i‘d like to be apart of JTF for many reasons, curiosity of what it‘s like, prove to myself i can handle the training, be among the best, serve actively in the forces..and the list goes on..
I can only speak for the Militia here...
Are there guys that would like to be in JTF? Yes, absolutley. Are there guys that are aiming at JTF right now? Yes. BUT, for most guys it‘s in the long term - things like university, a tour, and a transfer to Reg Force come first. There are a few that try out strait from the Reserves, but they‘re rare.

For most reservists the military is just a part of their lives, and they (we) know that JTF2 takes a huge amount of dedication, time, and effort - which many Reservists, as much as we love the Army, aren‘t willing to put in. It basically coms down to: If you love the Army that much, and your that good,then your probbaly in the Regs.

However, I‘ve also seen just as much interest (career wise) voiced in SAR Tech and Clearance Diver.
I haven‘t had any exposure to the training standards that Reg Force are measured against. When I say standards, I‘m talking about the level of physical and mental fitness/endurance they are expected to maintain.


I understand that Reg Force is a much larger commitment and thus the standards tend to be higher, but how much higher than the Reserve Force and how close is it to Special Forces? Does Reg Force have a "Hell Week"? Are they expected to push themselves as hard?

To answer my own question, I want to join for pretty much the same reasons as bender. My most important reason is because when it‘s all over and I‘m (god willing) still alive, I can look back and see the accomplishment of what I went through and did while I was there. Check that off of my life‘s TO DO list!
Keep in mind that I‘m speaking as a reservist here.

There‘s no official "hell week". Some courses are harder than others. It depends on your trade too of course, if you‘re going medic don‘t expect any hard corps training. However, if you‘re in the army you should defintatly expect a certain amount of what we call "cock".

I know with the Engineer reserves, our QL3 course is basicaly a 6 week long hell course. One you get back to the unit the onus is on you to maintain (or improve) your physical fitness.
Res and Reg are quite different in their training, and it starts at the very beginning. Res QL3, right now, in any trade, is easy. It‘s supposed to be improving in teh coming years, but...

Reg Force I cant speak of how hard it used to be, but from what I‘ve seen, their QL3 is pretty tough. I was enemy force for PPCLI Battle School defensive ex this summer, as well as worked on a number of thinsg with them and they were diven into the ground. I was impressed, it was certainly tougher and instructors a lot meaner than on the Res courses I‘ve done.
There‘s a lot of movement of tactics and SOP‘s between "special forces" and conventionla troops. For exmaple, JTF2 has a mandate to try and test new urban combat SOPs for the army, and they often give lectures or training to soldiers. And many of the special forces basics are just extensions of infantry tactics.
From what I‘ve heard JTF2 selection is amongst the hardest in the world. You have to do a 6 days indoc
to the Special force before you can go in the 6 months selection course. Up to 20 persons from all different trades can watch and acess you in any given time, they range from instructors to psychologists to medic. The indoc is an opportunity for them to give you an overview of what the JTF can do. The JTF is combat readygi unit, so theyll do a lot of PTs to weed out candidates, youll be running in combat boots, do astronomical amounts of push-ups, sit-ups..in the 6 days to come.About 50% or more would fail the indoc. After the Indoc you have to wait before the send a letter to your unit to say if they accept you or not to do the selection course. The training is so hard that a person gets injured at leats once a month in average but because they have competent medical personnal dedicated to each of them they heal very quickly
I was wondering, what "scolarity" did JTF-2 operators had? Does the unit look up for "brains" ans people who had good grades in high school or cegept? Or do they only look at the army grades ans exams?

They look at the whole package. They are not concerned with how smart you were in school, or what your past marks on military courses were. They set their own standard. But first, you need to be in for a few years and recommended by your CO. So if your not in, I would wait before you start worrying about what the JTF2 is looking for.

Do they styll have the Commando course in the CF? i‘m not talking about JTF-2 or Pathfinders or Ranger/exchanges
Despite the fact that I promised myself I would never reply to any thread regarding JTF 2, I‘m bored right now so I‘ll make an exception. Alright, I highly doubt anyone on this board has any firsthand knowledge whatsoever regarding JTF anything. So for all you guys who have goals of becoming one of the men in black, join the army, work very hard, attend a JTF recruiting session, and then apply. Having done this you‘ll have gained two things:

1. the knowledge that you‘ve followed through with your goal of applying for one of the most demanding units the CF has to offer and,

2. you‘ll also know just as much about the JTF as 99% of us.

So to spell it out for you, nobody here really knows exactly what they are looking for aside from what info is already available through the CF website. For all we know, maybe they‘re partial to guys with black hair cause it‘s better camouflage than blondes...who the f*** knows!? It‘s like me commenting on what it‘s like to be a zipperhead, I‘ve got no funkin clue so I won‘t bother making an @ss out of myself by even trying.

PS yes, I know I spelt it "funkin", it‘s my tribute to possibly the greatest film to ever come out of Canada