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June 14th BMQ Training

I'm waiting on my call, but thanks for the post. At least now I know there's another BMQ date. Comgradulations.
You mean the 16th of June? The 14th is a saturday.  Assuming you meant the 16th ill be there at that BMQ.
Just curious who else will be attending June 16th BMQ. I will be there for Marine Engineer.
Ya we start the 16th but they want us there on the 14th for tours and to get use to the atmosphere, see you guys there.
Anyone else nervous? I feel like the 16th cant get here fast enough :D
You're not the only one. Wish I could fast forward time, get my career started!
You guys should start watching and try to finish some TV shows such as game of thrones, breaking bad, etc. that will probably make the time go by faster, haha.
Im not so much nervous, as I am anxious. I am as ready, and prepared as I can be.

I have 7 days of work left, and a little time to spend with my wife and kids before I fly out east.

Im trying to plow through as much Community as I can before I go. 75% through season 2.

Cool. Cool, cool, cool.
Community is a great show! I have been watching suits and some white collar. Pretty good shows, plus I watch the odd movie here and there. Gotta love Netflix.