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Leaving Army Reserve, joining Reg Air Force?


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I'm currently in the Army Reserve.  At the moment I don't know how long I want to stay in, and may leave.  If I do this can I still go to the reg Air Force 6 months-1 year from now, or will they reject me for leaving the military already?  I know I will have to go through the whole recruiting process again, but should I still be able to do it without a problem?

It's a smart move to ct to one of those high paying Air force MOC's.  I have worked with Army, Air, and Navy and the quality of life in the Air force is by far the best.  Speaking from my own experience it took over a year and a half for my ct to go through.  I ct from the reserves to reg force Med A.  After 3 years in the reserves I was exempt from basic training.  But looking back it may have quicker to get out and re-due basic training.
Thanks for the reply.  Could I still join the reg force then if I leave the reserve?

Does this thread absolutely have to be in this forum?  No one looks here...
Yes, you can quit the Reserve an still get into the Regular Force. But once you quit an want to join back up, the CFRC will do a Verification of Former Service, an that can take awhile.

We look everywhere!! I'm a Supply Tech. Have served 4 years with the Navy at Halifax, 6 years with the Air Force in Trenton and 8 years with the Army (Gagetown & Pet). I do not believe that I experienced a better QOL at one or another. I went on three 6 month tours while serving with the Air Force but the daily workload when I was home was less than I experienced with the Navy or the Army. You know what? I loved them all but I prefer the Army. Each enviornment is different and important. Your career is what you make of it. Keep a good attitude and you'll have a blast not matter where you serve!! :salute:

And yes....you can still join the Reg F even if you leave the Res F.
Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Do you know if I will have to redo BMQ?  I want to go to the Air Force for firefighting, and maybe SAR after a few years.  Then after the military I'll still have a job to fall back on (firefighting).  The Army isn't my thing, as I have found out.  I'll take BMQ again if I have to, but obviously I'd rather get right into the firefighter training, considering I've done BMQ.
I started in the army reserve as an infanteer and like you, at first, I did not like it.  I gave it a while though( 4 yrs) and grew to love it.  I went Reg F as an armoured crewman and did that for 9 yrs and am now in the Airforce as an Aesop (about 2 yrs).  Just curious, how long have you been in and what is it about the army that you don't think is a fit for you?  I will tell you I have never regretted my time in the army.  Although I love the airforce and it does have a better quality of life, it doesn't have the same sense of esprit de corps or camaraderie as the army.  Have you considered a component transfer to the RegF in your current trade ( which would probably be faster and you may get to keep some quals)  and after a few years re muster to one of those airforce trades you might like.  The army will develop you and give you a sense of perspective you will not get if you go airforce from the start.  Just a thought.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

Whether or not you have to redo the BMQ depends upon many factors. If you CT (Component transfer) right over to the Reg Force the odds are you're not going to have to do it. Fire Fighters are cool. I'm Army but hey I won't knock you for that. I'm married to an RCR, and my brother is an ex Infanteer of the PPCLI who now wears that nice Blue uniform and is.....a Fire Fighter serving at 8 Wg Trenton. My dad was Navy so I guess I'm partial to them all. Just do your best and keep smiling and you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.  :)
x-zipperhead said:
I started in the army reserve as an infanteer and like you, at first, I did not like it.   I gave it a while though( 4 yrs) and grew to love it.   I went Reg F as an armoured crewman and did that for 9 yrs and am now in the Airforce as an Aesop (about 2 yrs).   Just curious, how long have you been in and what is it about the army that you don't think is a fit for you?   I will tell you I have never regretted my time in the army.   Although I love the airforce and it does have a better quality of life, it doesn't have the same sense of esprit de corps or camaraderie as the army.   Have you considered a component transfer to the RegF in your current trade ( which would probably be faster and you may get to keep some quals)   and after a few years re muster to one of those airforce trades you might like.   The army will develop you and give you a sense of perspective you will not get if you go airforce from the start.   Just a thought.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

PM sent.  Thanks for the reply.

Thanks again armyvern.
I realize that the topic is really really old but still.  Is it faster to release from reserves and apply with reg force or is it faster to CT because I have already started the process but not sure how long it will take because all I have heard is horror storries about CTs.  Thanks for the feed back.
You are going to hear horror stories about either of these routes taken.  Both will likely lead back to how your documents were handled by the Clerks at one or more of these three places:  1.  Your Unit OR; 2.  the clerks at CMDI (or whatever org handles CTs); 3.  the clerks at the Recruiting Center (should you Release);  and/or  4.  the clerks at the Archives (where your documents would be sent eventually after making their way through Bde and Area HQs should you decide to Release).

There are numerous places, as you can see and well imagine, where a "horror story" can originate.

I know it doesn't answer your question, but it does point out that the "horror stories" are not all placed on one org.