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Looking for current Marksmanship Badges regs

You don't sew anything on, unless you have been presented them.  This brings to mind a member who was wearing 'White' Jump wings on his chest, until someone checked his docs and found that he had not even qualified Basic Para.  What surprised us the most though was that he was only told to take them down; no punishment.

You do not wear anything, until you have been presented it; be it crossed rifles, Jump Wings, rank, medals, or whatever.

In general yes, but when I was a NCM maaaany years ago, the results of annual classification published in routine orders with a note that the following personnel were authorized to wear whatever badge forthwith was sufficient to set us scurrying to the tailors.
George Wallace said:
You don't sew anything on, unless you have been presented them.  This brings to mind a member who was wearing 'White' Jump wings on his chest, until someone checked his docs and found that he had not even qualified Basic Para.  What surprised us the most though was that he was only told to take them down; no punishment.

You do not wear anything, until you have been presented it; be it crossed rifles, Jump Wings, rank, medals, or whatever.

I think it more depends on your unit.  I can't recall anyone ever getting presented with their cross rifles on pde, usually a 2ic/sect comd would tell bloggins to make sure that it was on his uniform for the next time we wore deus.  Same thing for trade badges.  Really to me knowing what you should have on your DEUs and getting it shows the initiative of a professional soldier (medals, rank and the like not till presented).
MJP said:
I think it more depends on your unit.  I can't recall anyone ever getting presented with their cross rifles on pde, usually a 2ic/sect comd would tell bloggins to make sure that it was on his uniform for the next time we wore deus.  Same thing for trade badges.  Really to me knowing what you should have on your DEUs and getting it shows the initiative of a professional soldier (medals, rank and the like not till presented).

Really to me, in a case like this, someone showing "initiative" to sew any "Award" of any sort on their uniform without the proper authority is unacceptable and a sign of a "problem child".  One does not make their own decisions in these matters; they are told to do it.  If you are not presented or told to do it - DON'T!
Umm like I said usually we told our soldiers to sew it on but I have known soldiers to ...gasp......take their own initiative and ask what badge they should be wearing and then sew it on....all on their lonesome.  Wierd I know and probably a foreign concept to some waiting in the rafters to be told what to do all the time but lo and behold some "problem children" as others see them are really the type of people I like to see leading rather than the wait and get told to crowd.  Especially when it involves such a trivial matter as a marksmanship badge.  But what do I know.... ;D
My take, if in doubt, ask your direct CoC. I myself went ahead and got my 3'squal badge sewn on, but then again, I had already graduated, with certificate in tow before I did that. As for wings or the marksmanship badges, if you are in doubt, ask your CoC. That way you seem keen, and smart enough not to do it on your own. Best of both worlds, no?

I have no problem with a person asking their C of C.  What I am saying is that unless a person has been presented their award (of any kind) by their C of C in any manner, be it a parade, routine orders, or verbally, they do not put up that award.  If a person uses the initiative to ask his/her C of C, then that is "good" initiative and a proper method to use.  If a person uses their own initiative, without doing any of the above, and just puts up an award, then they are a "problem child". 
George brings up a valid point, and if you are in the reserves or in the combat arms trades I would follow his advice.

However (and there always seems to be one of these)...

You cant disagree with MJP's point.  While I was in the Infantry you never put up anything unless you got approval from someone higher, but this is not true for all trades across the CF.  In some other trades you are expected to put up badges on your own inititative once you gained a qualification, and you are looked at as being tardy or lazy if you have to be told to put up your latest qualification.

Once again, there is no single rule for whole CF...
Greymatters said:
........, but this is not true for all trades across the CF.  In some other trades you are expected to put up badges on your own inititative once you gained a qualification, and you are looked at as being tardy or lazy if you have to be told to put up your latest qualification.

Once again, a person who has been Trade Qualified, and has a signed Crse Report (if this is what you are alluding to) is expected to go to the Tailor Shop and have their proper Trade Badge affixed.  Not quite the same as walking off the Range and saying I'll put up my Marksmanship Badge.

Now, one must not forget, that the Marksmanship Badge also comes off after one year, unless the Qualification is maintained.
Hard to get something on your uniform that has not been given to you...  The marksmanship badge is tricky though because it has an expiration date.  On the other hand it takes some effort to check everyones credentials... I have only seen one person asked as to their credentials regarding marksmanship.
Re the marksmanship badge, it was based on the results of the annual classification, which took place, wait for it, once a year. Now there could be some overlap and no one made a big deal if there was a period of lapsing that went unenforced.

George Wallace said:

I have no problem with a person asking their C of C.  What I am saying is that unless a person has been presented their award (of any kind) by their C of C in any manner, be it a parade, routine orders, or verbally, they do not put up that award.  If a person uses the initiative to ask his/her C of C, then that is "good" initiative and a proper method to use.  If a person uses their own initiative, without doing any of the above, and just puts up an award, then they are a "problem child". 

Then I have misunderstood you in that respect my bad and apologies.

However I still feel that markmanship badges and the like (not that there are many other ones) are at best trivial items that one should put on their uniform when they qualified.  In my experience ( drawing from working with the 3 Bns out west) I have never seen anyone presented with their marksmanship badges.  I remember when I joined my unit and we were doing our annual PWT and informally the snr Cpls tooks it on themselves to tell the new guys what they had qualified and from that the implication to go get your own cross rifles on.


I think you and I are thinking along the same lines, but wording it differently.  In your last case, the Snr Cpls are passing on the word to their subordinants and peers.  Someone has passed on the regs or rules.
George Wallace said:

I think you and I are thinking along the same lines, but wording it differently.  In your last case, the Snr Cpls are passing on the word to their subordinants and peers.  Someone has passed on the regs or rules.

Now I see where you are coming from, and thats part of what I was thinking...